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Friday, 23 March 2018

❤️ Relationships

I wouldn’t say I loved him anymore. I’m never happy in his presence.

If I’m lucky, I’m timid, nervous and scared, but there’s no pain.

If I’m unlucky, the above feelings are followed with crushing blows, the pain tearing through me.

Whether physical or mental.

At least this confirms my existence.

Because sometimes I feel like an empty soul, wondering in a world where she shouldn’t be... unable to see the light and reach happiness.

The pain confirms I am alive.

Otherwise, in his presence, I no longer feel joy, motivation, confidence and hope. I no longer plan the future. It’s easier not to think about the future. A couple of weeks max, is all I can manage.

Even that’s a struggle. Will my mood slip... will he remind me of the years of abuse I have endured.. will I resist the temptation I swallow every single pill I own... a plethora of controlled medications I have obtained illegally, plus my own deadly beta blockers.

He used to be the reason to wake up. My first and last thought. We’d meet. Spend the night basking in the warm glow of love. The following day the love hangover would keep me feeling like life was worth living, for another few days. Until we met again.

Nothing was too challenging with him.

Nothing impossible.

It was perfect.

Until he moved in.

I knew he was a bad boy. I knew others would disapprove. So this meant lies... I couldn’t cope with another lecture... more concerned faces... hearing the same old sound track. 

‘No, no, no, he’s not like that anymore’

‘No, it’s not serious, we just have fun’

‘I only see him twice a week, he’s not taking over’

‘He’s not controlling me’

Soon the late nights took their toll. I lost weigh. I also lost a bit of me I know I will never get back. 

No longer pleasurable, he was using me. 

I’m certainly not stupid. I knew this. But, he had poisoned my mind. He was twisted and manipulative. He told me I would not survive without him. Like a mantra. Again and again. Until I believed him.

He drained my finances. Well aware my good credit rating, meant easy access to credit and loans. Every time he demanded more, I simply stuck my card in the cash machine, and never answered yes to the question about checking my balance.

Then one day, the whirl of the machine did not commence. My card was spat back out, with disgust. Yes I know a machine cannot have human feelings, but when it dispensed cash and I would be eager to quickly retrieve my card, and return to him, it felt as if my card was returned in slow motion.

When it was decline, not only was it spat out at speed, but it bleeped several times in succession, alerting the queue of people, I had no funds.

Hanging my head in shame, I returned to my car and then him. I knew this meant I would be punished. 

And I was.

Never completely battered. Just constantly... little things. Causing aches that seeped through to my bones. Then, there was the sleep deprivation. Sleep and food.  Forcing me to swallow laxatives, my tummy, already too small, quickly emptied of all susbstance.

Unable to work, I tossed and turned in bed. I’m vain I endeavoured to ignore my suffering.

By day 3, I crumbled. He would make me suffer forever unless he was content. Desperate phone calls, frantically made, when finally I managed to borrow some money. 

I quickly drove to collect this. And the minute it touched my hand, a sense of relief went through my fingers, up my arms and radiated through my whole body.

I drove home, calm, cool and collected.

We’d be friends again.

But not for long.

Eventually, the negativity of having no money, caused his departure. 

But not completely. And I doubt if I’ll ever be free.

You see, he’s the ying to my yang. My life gets so chaotic and hyper alone. He provides a well needed break from the negative.

Without him, I speed up so much, it’s relentless, exhausting. 36 years would not been achieved without this oxymoronic prerequisite. Equal to air, sleep and food. Life would be impossible without him.

And I know that is a fact.

The anxiety and depression would have terminated my existence many years ago without him.

I know he no longer evokes any positive feelings, in fact, he evokes negative. Sadness, anger and depression.

But... he still gives my head a needed break.

I hate him.

I’m scared to live without him.

Reliance has been deeply embedded within my psyche.

Flash backs to September 2016 are far too frequent. Recalling my behaviour becoming more and more psychotic, during a 3 week trip away from him. 

Yet... yet... I know I can live without him.

When I am safe, and I trust my environment. I know I can be happy. Slowly we’d see each other less and less.

But the fear keeps me trapped. He knows that. I am stuck. 

My body is littered with the permanent marks he bestowed upon me. It’s too late to fully recover.

And I’ve been left with too little... to fully recover.

But I will escape. Be safe. And eventually escape.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

❤️ 21st January 2010 - Journal

Had the worst day at work today.

The vile bitches in health and social care didn’t want the placements I had worked so hard to secure, they wanted nurseries. Yes, they chose health and social care, not childcare.

MR went mental, screaming at me about it. I asked her how was I supposed to know if I wasn’t told. I am only as good as the information I receive.

Very close to walking out of that job.  

Came home, got some crack and b off Yellow, which sorted my mood immensely.

Knocked myself out to sleep.

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

❤️ 07th January 2010 - Journal



Checked the website at 7.30am and it said the college was closed due to the adverse weather conditions.

Went back to bed till 1pm.

Got up at 2.30pm.

Went shops. Got bday present for mum. £5 slippers from Lloyd’s.

Walked Tsega. Orion was having none of it.

Monday, 12 March 2018

❤️ Favourite Lyrics 2016

Still Don’t Give A Fuck
I’ve calmed down now
I was once heavy into drugs
I could walk around straight for two months with a buzz

To all the weed that I’ve smoked
This blunt’s for you
To all the people I’ve offended
Yeah fuck you too
To all the Friends I used to have
Yo I miss my past
But the rest if you arseholes can kiss my arse
To all the drugs that I’ve done
Yo i’m still going to do
To all the people I’ve offended
Yeah fuck you too yeah fuck you too
For every time I reminisce for every time I reminisce
Yo I miss my past
But I still don’t give a fuck
Ya’ll can kiss my arse

Sing For The Moment
He’s a problem child and what bothers him all comes out
When he talks about his fucking dad walking out
Cause he hates him so bad he blocks him out because he hates him so bad he blocked him out
If he ever saw him again he’d probably knock him out
His thoughts are whack he’s mad

They want you to lose your mind 
Every time you’re mad
So they can try to make you out
To look like a loose cannon

For anybody who’s ever been through shit in their life
So they sit and they cry at night wishing they had died

❤️ 12th March 2018 - Journal

Just a quickie.

After smacking the targets at work last month with 141% new starters, 110% job starts, 100% people retained, coming higest in staff feedback surveys (looked kinda fraudulent.. I haven’t done ONE on myself yet! Swear!) and bizarrely enough topping ‘compliance’ chart at 91% (how the fuck!!?! I’m soooo ‘slightly’ inappropriate... fuck me, I am such a fluke at my job!), I am super glad to have a new, FULL TIME, colleague.

Kinda gutted I’m leaving, coz she’s so amazingly nice. I’d love to keep in contact with her! She’s like the same as me!!! 

So, both single (well I assume she is) girls, own our properties, drink the same wine, have a left arm tattoo... god, I love her already and it’s been a week.

She wants to party with me, and is pissed I’m leaving! J** (the one who hated me... initially... till I kept topping his stupid leagues, which I told him I would!) and A**, must have been singing my praises, as from day dot, she was begging me to stay and complimenting me!

She’s gonna pick it up really quickly. No employment experience, but this is good. I’m teaching her my ways. I really wish someone did this to me when I started. 

I’m glad they’ve realised part time clearly wasn’t working. When my old colleague was off sick, we’d have candidates who had turned up x 2-3 times, only to be turned away. 

New girl, fucking BLAM. Already might have some Job Outcomes from her caseload. Very receptive of any advice. I’ll over hear something, and she doesn’t mind if I turn around and interject. 

Which I WISH I had. N***** (girl I took over from) was nice to me, but her smiles were through gritted teeth. That’s not to say she wouldn’t have grown to love me, like the rest, or maybe we just weren’t compatible... but that’s life. N***** just threw me in the deep end. I was glad it was quiet when I started.

A next EA from another office is now doing a day in Stockwell... and again, I think he’ll be talking about my ‘magic’. I am funny... either unintentionally or I’m sarcastic and dry. Especially towards J**... but first impressions count, and scathing reports about me ‘moving too much’ have left their mark. I just don’t think he’s gotta clue how much work the little people do. 

So, I had a good laugh with him. Told him I was like white noise, he would be able to ignore my constant chatter soon.. to which others agreed. Told him we were the best office! Which we are. I spent £65 on pizza for everyone Friday to celebrate my house completing. Stuck a picture on our work ‘Facebook’ type thing, with a comment saying ‘this is what happens when you leave your PC unlocked at Stockwell’... which is running threat. Data protection, leave it unlocked and someone will email the whole office, offering them all lunch, pretending to be you. 

Then.. he saw my magic. Which is engaging with customers and helping them. So P******* had an interview... BLAM, she’s got a work trial Thursday!! 

Sooo much hard work, on both accounts! He saw us hi-five each other, hug and scream like girls at a pop band concert! 

P******* was there on Friday, so joined us for pizza. She’s my candidate. So, her offer of going to the pub if she got it was genuine. I know she a bit rusty on knowledge, but when they see her work, she’ll get a job offer.

And the candidate working with me on a CV whilst this happened, saw the results of my hard work. He disengaged for ages. When he was new, I was new. It didn’t work at the time. So, I made his CV proper BLAM, and he was all revved up to come in, work hard and get a job.

When E****** (CV guy) left, I did an over exaggerated ‘phew’ gesture. M* (EA from other office), was clearly impressed and congratulated me!

I’ve told the other providers on project I’ll be leaving at some point. The one I’m friendly with presumed it was due to stress. I replied I actually love my job, with the candidates. I hate the number of excel spreadsheets I’m asked to fill in and the management. 

But, once I’ve gone, I would still pop back... and volunteer.. only my current caseload. Like the top 10

I have to admit, my success, is mainly a fluke. Partly due to my OCD and the organisation need. Partly my ADHD and the ability to do two things at once... but mostly a fluke.

Oh... biggie.. one dual language colleague... and one very telling comment. Talking about starting smoking at college and that it was weed I started smoking regularly.. and he said ‘no crack’ to which the other dual language, new EA started laughing and gave a glance...

Opppppsssss slip up.

Guys, I’m psychic! I can feel the cringy, I’ve-fucked-up vibe radiating from you!!!! 

And, besides, I react completely different from what you would expect a ‘crack head’ to react. I’m quiet, chilled and my head slows down. Unless you’ve experienced the chaos of my head, you can’t really comment. I ain’t a crazy crack head, I don’t rob and steal, I don’t live in shit. 

I’ve had to work fucking hard to prove this though... due to the deformation of character my own ‘family’ bestowed upon me even though I was endeavouring to secure employment.

Sunday was a bitch.

‘You picked me up when I fell. You wiped my tears and held me when I cried’

My head was flooded with

‘You kicked me when I fell and needed you. You walked away and carried on abusing me when I cried’

BUT... it’s not me who is a bad person. So ashamed. So let down. So broken when I allow myself to feel.... so I don’t.

N** is still out! And it’s been lovely!! I’ve struggled a bit with housework, but coming home to an empty house! Bliss!

Drinking with my R***. Bliss.

No crack arriving at 1am on a work night. No suddenly smelling brown and realising he’s rolled a heroin spliff (I have asked he doesn’t bring it to my house... I cannot smoke it.. I hate my preferred choice of admin, so just ask he doesn’t bring at all... he still did!)

No concerns my handbag is being nosed through.

No conversations which go 
Me ‘where’s my Xxxxxx’
N ‘oh, I told you I had loaned it’
Me ‘no you fucking didn’t’

Such piss poor disrespect. He owes me a ladder and an iPhone 7. 

To be honest I was just waiting for him to fuck up. 

Yes, I am eternally grateful for his help when I was broken. I will most likely give him some ££ when I get my house money. Well not give him to spend on crack. I’ll pay off some of his debt. 

But, he’s proven he is what he is... a crack head. 

I’m using WAY less. I only use what I want to use... no heroin for example. I’m only paying for one (as N gets a LOT of money in benefits and now wages, but it never lasts more than a few days... what he spends it on.. I don’t know. Probably loans £150 and only gets £75 back). 

None of my stuff vanishing, only to hear.. I told you I was borrowing XYZ. I’m glad he’s not doing painting and decorating or else I’d be low on a lot more tools. 

And he had the cheek to call me a junkie when he gave me some sleeping tablets the other day???

Gosh, my quickie is fucking essay.

Night with R*** was hot! 

Well a boring blog post, mainly for me! 

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

❤️ In Lurve!!!!!

Shit, I love my gal R*** so much.

Mainly coz I can text her my craziness and when we speak, she won’t mention anything that cause me embarrassment.

And she’s so fucking hot. 

Like, I must be hot, coz I’ve pulled models, TV presenters, pop stars, premiership footballers... but I
Don’t see it.

R*** is totally hot. Like wow!!

And I’m astonished she used to do my tan and get horney. If I knew in Longreach, well shit, I wouldn’t have been strumming the guitar!’

We have fun, wake up half fucked, have fun again, and then act like it never happened.

OMG you are amazing R***.

Not only amazingly beautiful, but a fucking beautiful person.

It sounds shit, but I’m glad she’s had the negative experiences she’s had. As it’s made her the wonderful person she is now.


I must be ok looking, coz I pull fucking hot people

And do you know what I love even more. She’s so
Fucking nice. She’s had so much shit, it’s made her the nicest person I’ve met. And I’m glad; not coz she’s had shit, but coz it’s made her the loveliest person I’ve met,

In rehab when I first met her I felt proper jealousy coz she was a better version of me. Prettier, more slim, blonder, more fake tan.

So.... I’ve just rocked off, to my dirty mind of me and her.

I love being girl. My bisexual taste is accepted!

R*** you are my biggest turn on ever!

❤️ 06th March 2018 - Journal

Sheesh, I post some crap when I’m fucked.

Well N did me a favour yesterday. I had been home all day, sorting out house move and cleaning. I really achieved a lot. N didn’t respond to my messages all day. Phoned at 8pm to ask if I wanted sleeping tablets.
I said no. I knew he was with his brother, and he was getting money at midnight so smoking.

Anyway, changed my bed, ate dinner, put stuff on blog and at 11.30pm I texted and said not to come back.

I blocked the door and by 12.30pm was falling asleep.

In comes dick head. With crack cocaine. Of course I smoked some, I’m only human.

Anyway he kept me up till 4am. Then spent 30 minutes trying to reload, shouting on the phone.

So... that’s it. He’s gone.

Was fucking late for work, but seeing as I topped the league for EA’s hitting their targets, my senior manager couldn’t really do shit.

I got 141% new starts, 110% job starts, 100% sustained jobs and even top score for compliance of 91%. I don’t fcuking comply.

And, customer feed back...
Out of 20 EA’s, 8’listed. Everyone else got an average of 2. Me 10.

It’s nice having the upper hand. 

They’ve hired a new EA. Not welfare to work, or Employability background, but housing. Which is good. I’m blam at CVs, interview prep, M* is self employed expert and the new girl had housing.

Anyway, my project (coz my other colleague who left has been off sick most the time), ranked 1#!!

Anyway, peace at home. And seeing as the only times I’ve used in the past week is due to N,  this is a good thing. 

Hopefully they fuck off, leave me alone and accept my occasional usage.

Monday, 5 March 2018

❤️ THE VIDEO - 05th March 2017 - The Rasist

Video as promised 


10 anonymous comments with C to IV Cocaine (0.05-0.01mg)
10 anonymous comments with CR tho smoke white (1/3 ten rock) 
10 anonymous comments with BIV to IV Heroin half a ten bag
10 anonymous comments with B to booty bump b half / whole ten bag)
5 anonymous comments with BZ to booty bump a benzos (5 - 1)
5 anonymous comments with ZZ booty bump a z-drugs (5 - 1)
2 anonymous comments with.DRINK for shot

Wanna play???? 

Will video this. Friday night no foss

❤️ 02nd July 2017 - Journal

They want me dead. Woke up to my big window opened I was quite sober when I finally came home. 

Orion could have escaped. 

Even if I was mashed on drugs, I wouldn’t risk losing him. He’s the only thing keeping me alive.

I’ve ordered Sky TV and broadband. I will set up CCTV. 

Going to order benzos, barbiturates and opiates for when I OD.

I’m taking Orion with me.