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Showing posts with label 1995. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1995. Show all posts

Monday, 8 January 2018

❤️ Once Upon A Time - 1994 - 1995 - School Friends



01/2008 - Adapted from Diary of a Crack Princess  


Hello all my non existent readers I know you will come eventually. I will email some other bloggers shortly and ask them to give me a cheeky add! 


I've been pretty busy recently. But, I have been sooo lazy at work. I'm finding it hard to muster the motivation to do minuscule amounts of work! This is not good J**, and I do keep telling myself this! Like a mantra, over and over. As you may already know, the UK is experiencing a 'Credit Crunch', which basically means 'Recession' in a flowery, Ben & Jerry's ice cream topping kinda way. I'm sure there's at least 200 people willing to do my job, who'll work a damn sight harder with a £15,000 pay cut. 


So I better pull my socks up. 


Anyhow, to my story. We will return to 2001 in the next post, but before we do, I feel it's important to give you some background information first. And that starts with one of my bestest girls,  the one, the only, the amazing, F**** 


I had agreed to meet my one of my best friends from school, F**** the night after I had scored the LSD. F**** and I first became acquainted at the tender age of 13. We had just started our convent high school and bonded over a neutral love of winding our maths teacher up. Not only did we share birthdays one month and one day apart, but we also had comparable philosophies that lesson time wasn't meant for learning, but pissing around. Our fate was finally sealed a year later when both our best friends deserted us. They had committed the heinous crime of becoming best friends themselves!  


Being in J*'s form class, our friendship formed soon after starting high school. F**** and E*** had been close since they started their private primary school aged 5. We all hung in a group of four, often with a 5th or 6th member, but we were the social glue entwining us together. F**** must have hurt when E***'s alliances changed from her to J*. They began going out, and even had pet names for each other. Each one of their secret giggles or private jokes provided us both with a stab to the heart, tinged with jealousy and sadness for the close friendships we had loss.  


Naturally, we clung to each other for companionship. If E*** slept over at J*'s, I would go to F****'s  Soon it was us walking arm in arm down the corridors, singing, laughing and giggling to jokes only we would understand. Our bond had grown so strong, and our love for each other was already immeasurable. Soon, the occasional catty comments, half jokey, half insulting ceased. Our negativity, the general teenage negativity we all get, was now directed at the traitors, J* and E***.  Or Chocolate Moose and Honey Bunny... Their chosen pet names. 


F**** decided to she wanted to stick a metaphorical two fingers up to Chocolate Moose and Honey Bunny. They had been spending more and more time together alone during school break times. F**** and I just reciprocated their actions doing the same. It was a cold, wet December afternoon and F**** was already waiting outside my science class when the bell rung for afternoon break. I was in the top set and F**** the bottom. I think their teacher was just as eager for them to leave as F**** and her classmates were, so early dismissal was common. We linked arms and headed for the hall. The skies were filled with a dark inky purple directly above the school and in the distance it appeared to crash the line of soft gray that ran along the horizon. The wind howled blowing up the skirts of the girls outside, their shrieks only drawing unwanted attention... A storm be brewing! Through the windows we could see the first large fat plops of water exploding on their impact and the quiet rumble of thunder was quickly getting louder. 


F**** was eager to hand me the letter she had written me, and of course, I handed her the same. It was back in the days before mobile phones and texting on silent. Writing letters to our friends who weren't in our class was the norm. I unwrapped hers quickly and it was folded four. Each fold contained another message.



1 - F 4 A & J 4 T (in love hearts

2 - Miss Casey is a boring stupid
twat... Is she even qualified?

3 - 
E*** is a stiggy twat who looks like a drug addict cos she doesn't eat

She's a fucking skinny rat (she was skinny!)

She has stupid 80's perm hair, greasy wet look gel, white ghost skin and acne (which was a true description)

Then next to a stick man a speak bubble saying - I'm a stig

The last fold revealed the letter....

Dear Bum Chum,

I hope your writing to me to, otherwise U R A BITCH!!! Hehehe. Ok, Im stuck in boooring biology and Ive come to the conclusion that Miss Casey is the actual reincarnation of the Devil. She's 1 thick mother fucker. She's asking questions and keeps looking at me, but that goodie 2 shoes L*** keeps putting her hand up. We're not supposed to be writing shit, but I am, hahaha bitch.

Im glad you got with T**. A**** told me he's fancied you for AGES. I am going to get A**** into bed. He liked me before that psyco bitch L****. We almost had sex, but there was no condom and I dont wanna bun yet. He still calls me. Ha! Ha L**** Ha!

OH MY GOD.. I forgot to tell you. Remember Friday at club, when 
E*** and J* didnt bother coming, even though they kept asking everyone to come all day. Well thats bull shit what E*** said bout her brother being in a fight. I went to the Arndale after school yesterday and guess who was there.... S******!!! No black eye, no cut, NOTHING. Lying bitches.

They're not telling the truth about the nightclub. Who would let them in. J* maybe, but only cos she's fat! HAHAHA!! She came to mine and we went to the park to get pissed and she wanted to borrow a nice top. Y*****'s a size 14 and NOTHING fitted her! She was too fat. The only top was this one baggy and you tie it in a knot at the back. On J* it was tight and I had to use a hair band to tie it up cos not enough material.

And E***'s an anorexic twig. Her knees basically stick out of two broom handles.

I hate their stupid names. J*'s called Chocolate Moose cos they had it for pudding, and E*** called Honey Bunny cos J* gave her some rank chocolate rabbit she had left from Easter. Skank.

I think we should have nick names to. That will piss them off. Youre now my


Cos I got you one from the tuckshop last week.

Ok, gotta go, Miss Casey asked us to answer questions 1-9 and I have no clue what questions!

Love You


The break was short and during our mid-make-up top-up the bell rung. It commanded us like soldiers to our final two hour lesson. Again separated, this time for maths. As soon as I took my seat I began composing my reply.
Hey F****,

Ok, Miss Turner has made me sit on my own today. No matter who she puts me with, we both end up pissing around. Weird though, cos they all like messing around, but when I dont sit there, there always good.

T** rang me last night and my fucking dad answered. So I told my parents its just a friend who I get on with from club. Nosey parkers. T** wants just me and him to go to the park for a walk next Friday. So lets see hey.... Snog fest?

L**** is a bitch, she knew you and A*** had a thing. But she is a slag so cant help it. Didnt know you wanted A*** though. What about C****?

I NEW E*** and J* were lying. Oh Oh, S****** was in a fight and came home just as we were leaving. Oh Oh, he took us to a club to thank us for staying.

E*** cant even buy fags.

Ok my nick name for you is Cadbury's Creme Egg, cos you ate one when you were pissed at my house.
Lots of Love

Dime Bar

Upon reading that letter, our friendship was sealed. Although we didn't see each other much from 17-21, and stopped speaking 21-25, we're good friends still to this day (Jan 2008)
F**** had fallen pregnant at 15 and had her little girl at 16. She hid her pregnancy well, but at 7 months gone, two months before our GCSEs in June, F****'s secret was discovered at our Convent Private school and expulsion was the result. F****'s world was turned upside down.

Right in the middle of it all, little C******* was born in June 1997. C******* was beautiful with wispy blond hair and deep blue eyes. Like F**** she had the palest of white skin. Typical Irish complexion as not only was F**** from Irish decent, but the 14 year old father was too. T***** (that's the father by the way!) had been a bit of a fling. One of many F**** had already experienced at 16. 

My bestest girl, I love you

UPDATE 2018 - Around 2016 I realised F**** was now appearing with the ominous ‘add friend’ button when I saw friend’s, friends lists.

I had no falling out. We never stopped speaking on bad terms. 

This was us last in 2012. We bumped into each other. However, along with many others, people began to dislike me in 2015.

I have emailed her. I’ve said, I don’t care if she doesn’t want to talk to me, at least tell me why?

I miss her. But she has children, and I don’t really mix do I?

Miss you. I wish I could show your face, as you’re sooooo pretty. But this blog is all about figments of my imagination, so your existence is questionable.....

Bless imaginary matey!!


JayElle Famosjunkey

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