In this post I'll detail some tips of how to help someone overcome a drug problem
1) Make them aware you know and you're there to help them.
2) Get to the route of the problem. If the drug addict is reluctant to say arrange family counselling where they can disclose to a cousellor and the counsellor to you
My problem was being bullied at work when prior to new management I was a respected project manager self managing a large project, my house falling to pieces and at the time concern for my mothers illness. My ADHD has an OCD of perfectionism. Prior to buying a house I had a new build flat. My life was perfect.
3) Check for mental health or disabilities. Depression, anxiety, OCD, eating disorders, ADHD
I have ADHD the OCD also covers my weight meaning I have an eating disorder not other specified. Like anorexia but with the target weight a healthy 8.3lbs / 52.1kg.
4) Help them if they help themselves.
So ensuring I had my methylphenidate and telling me if I go rehab for 6 months they'll fix my house . Strict ultimatums such as leaving rehab resulting in me having to sell my house to pay them back
5) Expect relapses. I think it's about an average of 8 times for a intravenous heroin addiction.
6) Understand you can never make someone give up. They have to do it themselves. But help won't come until they change
So knowing my house could be fixed if I did rehab, would have encouraged me. Or being given a new iPad knowing I would lose this should I quit or relapse.
7) Don't count a little fuck up as a relapse.
For example if I've been clean for 3 months and then use one time. For me using once a month is nothing compared to daily. Being perfect is hard to aim for.
8) Allow replacements as long as it doesn't get to the stage where their behaviour is damaging
For me, smoking weed and crack. I've also used intravenously, occasionally. However remember previously I could not get out of bed without injecting myself so once a week isn't awful behaviour as far as I'm concerned.
9) Mark miles stones. 1 week no injecting/using Drug Of Choice (DOC)
10) If they do releaspe ensure they have decent equipment for safety
11) Ensure if they releaspe they visit their counsellors and key workers
12) Encourage they undertake hobbies
13) Encourge them to better themselves such as training, education and volunteering. The structure encourages them not to use or use as much
I'd love to do Counselling CPCAB Level 3 (got 2 already). The best Drugs Counsellors are ex addicts and I'd love to do this.
14) My final point, endeavour to not get angry. The user will already have a lot of negative self images. Negativity fuels drug addiction
So here's my pointers. This is what would have helped me. I wish my parents supported me rather than made me famous for taking drugs. I feel sad for the anonymity and quiet life I'll never have 😥
#itsnotaboutthedrugs @Gemma_Stalked