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Showing posts with label T. Show all posts

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Things That Make Me Happy

Ok, watching The Happiness Film I SkyArtsHD.

The bloke trying to be happy had made a list of what makes him happy every day. And he’s going to check if he’s done these activities each day. 

I’m going to try to

1) Think one think that I’m grateful for. Bird, song,  rainbow, snow, lucky penny, nice smile, compliment 

2) Spend half an hour with Orion minimum daily.

2) Spend half an hour with the bunnies each day, giving all three of them a 5 minute cuddle when I bring them in.

4) Compliment a stranger

5) Help someone with buggy, walking frame, giving up seats on public transport 

6) Send some naughty messages to someone who turns me on

7) Give a compliment 

8) Work hard to keep my relationships with R***, B**** from Drug Therapy who I haven’t seen for 2 years, A***** who I got Ron and Reg off, B****, K** and K*** from Rehab and hopefully D**, F****, D**** and U***** from work. M** from the JCP we're linked with. 

9) Stroke all the happy dogs and cats I see in the streets 

10) Look for lucky pennies

11) Continue to always be polite, thank bus drivers, offer my seat, help the elderly or those who are blind. The latter treat me like normal decent human. They can’t see it’s the terrible terrible junkie.

Saturday, 5 May 2018

❤️ 20th October 2017 - Email To My Drug’s Psyche

Ok, I waited until after 5pm so you don’t have to deal with any more of me today... but me cutting down to 40mg of diazepam from
120mg isn’t that great...

So I’ve got proper prescription ambien /
Zolpidem off the Internet.

I’ve checked the packs / number or missing tablets ....

I was drinking last night....

Turns out I took 120mg of zolpidem. The suggested dose is 5-10mgs.

I thought it was 20mgs, as each pack has Monday x 2 - through to Sunday x 2.

Thought you were meant to take two. But you’re not. It should be one.

I’m not cc-ing Dr. P into this! You can ruin her Friday by passing this message over.

This is why I couldn’t find my meds this morning. I’ve also eaten a lot of food... well I must have, as it’s no longer in my fridge.

And I’ve found things in places I don’t remember putting them in.

No wonder I struggled to wake up. I’ve taken 12-24 Times the amount I should have taken. And these aren’t dodgy ones from India, they came in the box with the info leaflet and everything.

Zolpidem Tartrate - Bristol Laboratories 

There’s been more discoveries,
Only God knows what went into my arms last night... going by the evidence I’ve now found.

And my weight is 53.9kg. If you put it as 56kg you’re gonna make me paranoid and I’ll start losing more weight. I am undiagnosed, but I do have problems with eating. (Detox allowed me extra food as they agreed I was EDNOS). Ask R***.  She’ll confirm.

Anyway at least I’m honest.


Red Zone Jay 😞

Right now, I don’t wanna do living anymore.

Sent from Jay’s  iPhone