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Showing posts with label Tolerance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tolerance. Show all posts

Sunday 10 September 2017

❤️ 14th June 2016 - iPad Hacked - Letter To My Abusers

Seriously fuck off you cunt.

I don't take my medication over the weekends so I don't grow tolerant and look to take speed (legal / illegal) so when I take it on Mondays I struggle to fucking sleep.

You pathetic, privacy soul destroying twat.

Do you think I've been on the crack pipe all night or something. I've been sat here going fucking spaz that I can't sleep.

I'm on a high fucking dose of Ritalin. Get over it.

You doing this shit drives me to drugs.

Last week you did it over three fucking nytol. 

If I even suspect you're snooping, or doing your bullshit psychosis act, I tell you what, if it happens again, I will go straight out and buy some legal speed and start banging up again.

Why not??? It's what you fucking expect. 

Don't expect a card on Sunday, you'll be fucking lucky to get a bottle of brandy. Which I'm only buying coz I HAVE to.  Not cos I love you

Why don't I love you? THIS US WHY! Sick of you doubting me.

Go have a heart attack. Please