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Showing posts with label January. Show all posts
Showing posts with label January. Show all posts

Wednesday, 17 January 2018


Ok, so Mr X’s people have contacted me.

I don’t know what to think.

They’ve communicated via text message, which gives me a piss poor opinion of the company. Who would lay down 3-4 paragraphs of life changing text via text.

Why no email?

Secondly, I appear to have got half a message... dunno if it was even meant for me 

TBC need to check shit 

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

❤️ 28th January 2015 - Dear R*** - Email To My Counsellor

It's at times like these when I actually feel any kind of negativity towards my saviour, methylphenidate.

It's a well known fact, methylphenidate or as you may be more familiar, Ritalin, calms the brain of an ADHD sufferer. It's also used as a sedative. I myself, enjoy my last dose of legal cocaine around 9pm,,and regularly drift into a deep slumber before 11.

Whilst the actions of Doctor B*****, halving my daily dose, have been negative as I now use half the time and take my meds half the time, I am grateful for my prescription.

It offers a break from the chaos not only present in my head due to ADHD, but it means my parent created psychosis, calms down a bit.

Small pleasures 


❤️ 27th January 2015 - Dear R*** - Email To My Counsellor

Dear R***,

Well the temptation to use was clearly far greater and my new, unwanted prerequisite of a sober life. I used tonight. Not my DOC, as rather annoyingly, due to money being quite tight. Actually, money is non existent at the moment, anyway I was rather frustrated upon arriving at the LH shop, at 06.24pm, to find it shut. I'm sure opposed to an incredibly unfortunate coincident, Alanis Morresett would find it 'Ironic', as the sign on the door clearly said 08.00pm closing time. 

I've just read your email and I'm smiling. The one where you said I made you smile. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have the chance to off load on you A*****. I probably wouldn't be here any more. I'm glad I came to MACs, even though the name and location deferring me for years. Your aura and the aura of most the people at MACs is so warm, gentle and inviting. I feel genuinely welcomed and liked.

Right, enough sycophantic voice... Diary: I have not long returned home, from using. Not my DOC, although one is likely to crack that resolve tomorrow. Tonight I shared brown, light and weed.

I wish I had a real friend like you R***. But I doubt befriending junkie addicts outside work is in your list of to-dos. Another reason to stop anything that's consumed in a needle. No friends. 

Even if I quit drugs, I know it won't affect my 'psychosis' Because it's not real psychosis. Again the thoughts of overdose have plagued me. 

will definitely commit suicide if this psychosis doesn't give me a break. I'm still forgoing the seatbelt when I drive. I don't look upon crossing the road. I'm not depressed about it. Life 'can' be good. If only small mercies like this would vanish from my life.

Until I use again. God bless.