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Showing posts with label Overdose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Overdose. Show all posts

Sunday, 10 September 2017

❤️ 24th September 2016 - iPhone Hacked - Letter To My Abusers

It's  ok, I'm going to overdose on my meds soon. I'll let you pay for rehab first though. Having time away from you will be worth it

You're all so pathetic. You know (and told the whole of the U.K.) I'm a junkie. You know I was in opiate medication. One would has really anticipated you may had explored what these meds do and what happens when you stop taking them.

I have been opiate sick! Yes I know I took too many Nytol last night (not the night just gone), but i was desperate to sleep. You've (old cunt of a father) have told me you need two zopiclone, so your behaviour is rather hypocritical.  And how quickly do you get through a bottle of brandy.

So thanks for making an incredible hard, DRUG FREE, time of my life much harder than what should have been.

If your expect me to stay off drugs however, well that's not possible until I het the truth. Your call

I'm looking forward to your decision.

❤️ 05th July 2017 - iPhone Hacked - Letter To My Abusers

You have to go work

Some time!!

And I'm Gonna order barbiturates, benzo and probably some

Fentanyl (just for the fun of it) and I'm fucking overdosing baybeeeeee! Yeah! 

Fuck the appeal. Fuck getting a next job.

You WIN!!

Fucked though really as even Reed (the main contractor) have told me to appeal

Maybe I'll get a water soluble benzodiazepines and not diazepam. Can stick it in my arm if it's water soluble

If I was you I'd be contacting my drugs counsellor, drug psyche, my social worker and possibly the nut house too!

Ok, thanks for that. I'll get the water soluble onesy

❤️ 2015 - Once Upon A Time - Overdose

My memory of this period is sketchy. My parents, furious and clueless as how to make their daughter stop injecting the addictive poison into her frail body, decided that luring her to believe she was mad, was the solution. They were wrong, it was clear to see, but stopping would also mean admittance they were the ones undertaking these cruel, cold, heartless tasks. It was not purely a figment of my over stimulated, distorted, psychotic, fragile mind.

I was addicted to the legal high ethylphenidate, and I chose to inject this poisonous substance. Ethylphenidate is the only drug which has had imprisoned me. Once I started using it, stopping seemed an impossible task. I suffered from ADHD, so whilst I still exhibited stimulant type effects, larger pupils, raised heart rate, hyper, trembling and speed up actions, the complete opposite happened in my head. It became a calm, tranquil, peaceful field of relaxation. It was like my and my body was oxymoronic. One slow and calm. One fast and hyper.

The more I used the more my parents created chaos, I already had chaos in my head thanks to my ADHD. So upon discovering ethylphenidate, also known as legal Ritalin an addiction was easily cemented. I can ensure calmness in some of my life. I can patch up some of the cracks in my life. At least I believed I could.

My drug use grew and naturally their erratic version of psychosis did. Therefore, so neglecting a night’s sleep was common place. This in turn made me manic. The constant pushing had shoved me to the cliffs edge. 

My parents had also sold a story to The Sun, unbeknown to me naturally. They encouraged people to stalk me. I was constantly followed, cars shinning their full beams, as they crawled past me at a breathtakingly slow pace of 15 miles per hour.

This encroachment of my personal privacy finally hit a stage where it bothered me. If I trekked through wooded areas, I even would hear the sound of helicopters tracking me when people couldn’t. They frequently sat positioned outside my bedroom window, constantly monitoring me. 

I truly like my own company. I love nothing more than walking through a wooded nature area, just me and the squirrels, birds, mice and ducks. Watching bees dip in and out of flowers, the butterfly's cautiously landing on a plant's leaf.

So upon becoming more aware I was being mass stalked was initially distressing. I had reached a level of notoriety, this is staggeringly clear. It had no positive repercussions, my stature for fame by taking drugs. It only encouraged me to find a hidden corner and inject myself in public.

Ethylphenidate’s, has a short half life. This is the time it takes to remove itself from your blood. So taking 0.5mg at 1pm, would reduce to 0.25mg at 2pm, 0.125 at 3pm and so on.

This, combined with my high tolerance meant a hit lasted only one maybe two hours. I decided if I was to endure the negative effects of psychosis, regardless to if they were fake, I was also indulging in the pleasure of using drugs.

Finally, I reached my tipping point. It was a fresh, spring day. The dark pastel blue hue of the sky was contrasted by the cotton candy white fluffy clouds, scattered in the sky. Due to the area in which I live having a lot of grassed area, the dewy smell of fresh cut grass wafted through the breeze, and the cold sharpness of winter had finally gone from it, as it swiped past my face.

This day I had decided enough was enough. I had a simple solution to the misery enforced upon me. Suicide. Not that I thought such a dramatic outcome would be necessary. If so, they were all murderers. If I died my blood was on all their hands. Angry, at the removal of my basic human rights I had calmed myself with the simple solution. I would simply pop a pill each time I saw a stalker.

I had Etizolam, similar to 10mgs of diazepam. This was a sedative and would cause unconsciousness. I also had risperidone. This was an antipsychotic causing tachycardia, or a heart attack.

Upon leaving my house, my street sprung into action. Like the film and TV sets I had frequented in the past. The people with little or no acting skills gingerly walked past me, eyeing me cautiously. 

I noticed a couple follow me, who I instantly recognised. It was a ginger male who looked quiet handsome, and a very plain Jane accompany him. He was too good looking for the plain Jane, which is why I remembered the couple. Their oddness was imprinted upon my ADHD brain. Frequently seen faces are instantly recognised by its hyper requirement to keep ludicrously busy.

This couple had been spotted too frequently for strangers. At least fpur times in two days.

When final assurance has reached, I waited for them to turn again.

'That’s two’ I said to myself while simultaneously popping two Risperidone, which  my mouth. Aware of the taccacardia and possible heart attack I also popped half an Etizolam, a legal benzo similar to 10mgs Diazepam. I smiled at them upon swallowing them with the Evian I had packed in my bag to bang up with.

I was sure they'd contact my dad and inform him of my behaviour and my recognition by strangers would stop. I was wrong, the more strangers I recognised the more miserable and depressed I sunk.

Now, I’m aware I over react with regards to people paying attention towards me due to my fame. I am the UK's most famous crack head after Amy Winehouse (RIP), so in 20 minutes, not even reaching Tooting Broadway, I had consumed 9 Risperidone and 3 Etizolam.

I felt a wave of dizziness and decided to jump off the bus at Amen Corner and a wave of head rush faintness soared through my head. I stumbled towards a door way which lead towards some private flats wanting a quiet area to pass out. I stumbled through the gate, crashing onto the floor.

My stumble only alerted a tenant who promptly kicked me out. The site of a skinny junkie, clearly intoxicated, wasn't one to check whether they needed assistance. The joys of looking like a junkie no doubt influenced his decision. There was no attempt to help me, although it was clear I was very intoxicated upon my departure.

Only 3-4 minutes had passed from departing the bus, but I was now staggering, zig-zagging from left to right on the pavement. This is when I had my ‘oh shit’ moment. An 'oh shit' moment is the moment you realise you've taken too much and are in danger of dying.

A black mist encroached upon my peripheral vision. Surely this cruel behaviour would stop now I’ve overdosed? My mind wandered as I slowly lost more and more of my coordination. Surely I can get back to normal with only some damage limitation to rectify? 

I was very intoxicated and fell into Dominos Pizza where I gave the young guy left to manage the shop a heart attack asking for an ambulance.  Clearly he had not called the emergency services before. I managed to manoeuvre to a red metal bench and promptly slumped on to it.

The emergency crew appeared in what appeared to be a few seconds, but realistically around 10 minutes.

I was practically unconscious and only remember the sharp pinches to my chest in order to get information from me. This caused so much pain I was dragged from my cosy slumber enabling them a few seconds to force information out of me.

Being psychic I do remember feelings and I felt anger. I had wasted their time. They could be helping someone who didn’t chose to be in their need. Panic was the feeling that radiated from the shop assistant.

‘What have you taken?!’

‘Rissssppp, rissp, ree’

‘What have you taken?!!!!’



‘How many?!’


‘How many?!!’



‘Right were going to need the blues for this one’

Yay, 'the Blues' meant the blue sirens, I disappointedly didn’t get them with my accidental overdose.

This is when I completely passed out, giving into the black mist and sleepy hug luring me to St. Peter's Gate.

I came around in resus. Having previously been in A&E, Critical Care and Urgent Care. This meant the Heart Attack ward is the only one I haven’t been on.

I have little memory of resus bar seeing one of the nurses who treated me previously on both times I had cellulitis. She also came to see me during my first accidental OD. 

‘I saw your name come up, I thought I’d come to see you’

‘Hi’ I managed.

Pity radiated from her eyes. Seeing me physically well but having to tell the nurses which vein would be ok for a cannula, when I had cellulitis; and then fading when I had OD by accident, she had a unique view of my downfall.

‘Take care, seriously’ she stroked my hand. I was still very much out of it and passed out.

Apart from the kindness that radiated from her, I only felt anger, frustration and disapproval from the other nurses I have a hazy memory of visiting my cubical. I was a time wasting druggie, I did this to myself. Sympathy was in short supply.

By 10pm at night I was coming around and noticed I had been given a guardian who was gently trying to wake me. I was told I needed to move bed, and duly put my trainers on and collected my belongings. She was West Indian and spoke with a soft voice. She seemed genuinely kind and the feeling radiated from her as she spoke.

She accompanied me to a bed in the A&E ward, the only one sectioned off with walls and a door not curtain. It was in the middle of the ward and the other beds lined both walls in front of me. In the middle was the nurse's station and was a constant bustle of busy activity, blinking computers and important looking doctors.

I crashed back to sleep and didn’t arise until 10am next day. When I did wake I was still groggy, but this was now due to me withdrawing from my buprenorphine. I had taken my last tablet at Sunday, 7pm; missed Monday as I was unconscious, and now it was Tuesday. I felt the ache start in my legs, my calves specifically. My eyes watered and I constantly yawned. I turned to my guardian.

‘I take buprenorphine, 6mgs. You need to ask a doctor as A&E doesn’t stock it’

‘I’m sure they do, when the nurse does her round I’ll ask her’

‘No they don’t, they’ve refused me it before’

‘Let’s wait for the nurse’

‘I can’t wait, I didn’t take it yesterday, they don’t have it in case people just blag it in A&E for it. It’s a high dose, near 1000mgs morphine. The nurses are scared to deal with such high doses of opiates'

'Ok I’ll ask’ she replied a little hasty and sharp.

10 minutes later she returned with the news the pharmacist would be providing me the meds on his round. When in with my finger and cellulitis they had given me 100mgs of Tramadol which is about 80mgs of morphine, and they were shocked when I demanded the buprenorphine as I was still withdrawing. Their refusal was met with

‘I’m used to taking diamorphine intravenously so 2 Tramadol won’t do shit really will it?’

My guardian explained I was to see a doctor and a social worker and a little stay in hospital would benefit me. I knew this meant Sectioning me. I didn't really process the information, my head still woozy, spinning me into a daze. I smiled, finding this rather funny. Me, I had a social worker. A psychiatric nurse, a psychiatrist and a counsellor.

Soon the feeling of sacredness crept into my thoughts. I was still drowsy as I was still without my meds. I easily fell back to sleep until midday when the doctor and social worker hurried into the room and began the Sectioning process.

Clearly I was still intoxicated from the overdose a wicked smile spread across my face as they entered. I like being the best. I always score super high on ADHD tests, so like having ADHD. I was now scoring super high on the crazy meter. This only encouraged me to wind them up. I had to be the best crazy person.

It’s like a uncontrollable urge I cannot control. Don’t touch wet paint. I touch. Now the prize was a golden ticket to Springfield.

‘Why did you take an overdose J****’

‘Coz, my parents’ are sick fucks’ I slurred. A concerning look ricocheted from the social worker to the doctor and finally to the guardian.

A form began to be completed in a scribbled hurry. I could sense a feeling of worry and it was emitted from both the Doctor, social worker and guardian. The Doctor scowled, deep lines erupting across his forehead.

‘What do you mean your parents, do you still think they’re filming you?’

‘Yes but they’re having me mass stalked’

More worried looks

‘So each time I saw a stalker I popped a pill’

‘What pills?’

‘Risperidone and Etizolam’

‘Are you prescribed the Risperidone?’


‘Where did you get the tablets?’

‘A friend, I’ve got loads

‘What’s Etizolam?’

‘A legal benzo. Initially similar to diazepam but your tolerance builds more quicker’

‘So you think people are following you?’

‘No, I think hundreds of people are stalking me, taking my photo and texting my location

The more concerned they got the more I was enjoying this. A smile spread across my face like I was the Cheshire Cat from hell.

The social worker scratched her worried brow, as if I was causing her to suffer from a headache.

‘So what others are filming you, do you still believe this?'

‘Yes and they’re creating psychosis, they’re sick, I hate them’

‘I think a little stay in hospital will benefit you’. The doctor replied

‘They move my floor boards, flap my letter box, unless there’s a dirty tissue in there, ye..’

‘Right we’ll arrange transport, Queen Mary’s has a bed’

The social worker cut me off and spoke to my guardian. As if I was invisible, a child or someone lacking mental capacity.

‘How long will it take?’ she replied

‘Oh a couple of hours, we’re really stretched’

‘Ok thanks’

‘J**** an ambulance will take you to Queen Mary’s just for a few days, ok?'

I didn’t replied, just carried on with my evil composure.

‘Did you want to die?’

‘I don’t know. Obviously not as I’m here. It was a cry for help'

This sentence alone clearly shows my mental stability but the fuse had already blown. Acting mature meant shit now. Both the doctor and social worker matched away as quickly as they arrived. Only when they left did scared J**** appear. I was officially imprissoned. I turned to the guardian now a little scared.

‘Will I be locked up?’

‘No you’ll be free on a ward’

‘Can I leave the ward?’

‘No deary’

‘How long for?’

‘Not long deary’

‘What like a week?'

‘Maybe two’

Panic was beginning to stir

‘What’s the maximum?’

’28 days’


‘3-5 days’

A flash of inspiration over came me pushing the quickly growing panic. 'What would happen if I walked out of here now?’

‘The security guards would come. They’d stop you. I certainly can’t’. The guardian was elderly, certainly lacked the ability to move with any speed.

The thought of making a run for it began to consume me. My OCD voice was up for it. I’d be crazy and on the run. But I needed my buprenorphine as I was seriously withdrawing. No longer was sleep possible and the sweats were beginning. Wanting to relieve myself I put my trainers on to use the bathroom. 

'Run, run, run' my head repeated but I duly returned to my bay.

2pm came and I still had no medication. Boots was so close and would remove all this anxiety, sweats and cramps. The want to leave was getting greater. Each minute of suffering that passed, was a minute of the desire to walk out growing. My requests for my medication were getting repetitively ignored. Opiate withdrawal will make suffers do anything to rid themselves of the pain.

Do it, go on. Within 30 minutes I’d be feeling ok.

‘I need my meds’

I couldn't wait anymore, I was boiling

With the desire to leave.

‘You have to wait’

‘I’m fed up with waiting. My chemist is down the road’

Fireworks' exploded in my head. Suddenly my legs began to move. I got up and put my trainers. Then my arms which was followed by me quickly putting my jacket on. 

Snatched my bag and quickly darted for the automatic door. Only doctors and staff could open the door, by a swipe card but the Gods were with me. It just so happened to being in the open position for the newest patients to enter on an ambulance bed. This gave me a good 10 second gap to dart through.

I shoved pass them, head down and quickly sailed through the next sliding doors. I was free. My chest pounded as my fight or flight adrenalin surged throughout my body. I was clearly flighting. Walking with what the police described as intent I reached the bus stop and within minutes I was on a bus.

I headed to the chemist and then home. You could only be removed from your home if you were out of control or neglecting yourself.

I was free.

#Itsnotaboutthedrugs @Gemma_Stalked

Friday, 19 June 2015

❤️ October 2015 - Once Upon a Time - Heroin Overdose

Again, this is not an overdose per say. I wouldn't be here to tell the tale otherwise. Again, this is my near miss. Enlightening me as to how a overdose by  diamorphine would entail. 

It's poisonous element finally bear to its over powering force. They succumb to a life of slavery as its addictive qualities take over, blurring the lines of reality. 

Thankfully it was never my poison. I was able to use three times a week, although intravenously, taking kractom on the smack free days

This day the gear must have been particularly strong. However my friend did  not get to the levels of intoxication I did.

We banged up, and it finally killed my speed high. I had probably been awake for 3 or 4 days . I found myself dosing into a warm heroin hug, slowly rocking me into a light slumber which would ultimately turn into a deep, 24 hour sleep.

The rabbits would remained in their two story sleeping cage, not let out at 8am. They and the cats would remain without food. I hate myself for this behaviour. Especially as I now know my beloved Tsega was dying of cancer. 

Drifting into my slumber I began to dream. Suddenly I gasped for air, almost panic stricken at my apparent ability to forget to breathe.

What the fuck? I had gone at least 30 seconds without taking a breath. I began to dose again, only for my forgetfulness to strike again.

Shit! I was clearly close to overdosing. I was aware a heroin overdose resulted in unconsciousness, and now I knew it was from stopping breathing.

Frightened death was looming, but too wacked out to act as a rational person would, I forced myself to remain awake until the buzz eased off.

One breathe in, two out, three in, I forced myself to count until the heavy intoxication eased.

Only then could I fall asleep

Saturday, 23 May 2015

❤️ January 2015 - Once Upon a Time - White Stuff Overdose

I had just found out my beloved cat had terminal cancer and I was faced with no option other than to have him put to sleep.

He fed continuously, yet was skinny as a rake. The cruel cancer ravaging his body refusing to let him gain the desperate pounds his body was crying out for.

I had taken him to the Blue Cross in August, told he had IBS, given special food and sent on my way. Three weeks prior to this announcement the RSPCA had too claimed IBS.

I myself had grown skinny, verging on death's door. So assumption he had lost weight due to me losing weight was natural.

He was only 6 years old. A silver spotted Bengal. Beautiful with a personality of a human.

He'd slowly lost interest in hygiene, so I'd wipe his little face with wet wipes, clean any poo out of his fur, comb any dirt out and powder puffed his fur with scented M&S body powder with added glitter for my special boy.

He had numerous accidents and while he was told off, I duly cleaned them day after day. Although I felt bad telling him off, being litter trained is a must should anything happen to me and he needed to be rehomed. T**** saved my life in 2009, so doing this was the least I could do.

I purchased special food, weight gain oil, raw meat and tuna. He would always be waiting for my arrival and was a dedicated and loyal to me as I was to him.

But everything fell into place upon the cancer diagnosis. I cursed the last memory I had of him bringing me a toy to play and me refusing to play. He never asked again after that. I did his tarot cards during that last week and he got the lovers. I think that represented the love we had for each other.

I knew to get through this green mile type week I knew I'd need to be high. And on the Monday I decided to purchase White Stuff over my regular Blue Stuff.

White Stuff was a mixture of ethylphenidate and lidocaine. The rush was echoey, sending you into a tunnel of euphoria for the couple of minutes the rush hit you.

Me and N**** stopped in Tooting on the way back from the shop and had a drink in Wetherspoons. I enjoyed a couple of bottles of Bulmers. In the toilet I quickly prepared a syringe. Pouring the white Stuff into syringe, I slipped and poured double the normal amount I would normally attempt to use in one go.

I drew up water from the bottle of Evan I had in my bag, found a vein, flagged and pushed the plunger.

I only used about 1/4 to 1/3 of the shot as it was clear this shot was particularly strong. It kept me going through my two Bulmers and it was only as we were about to leave did I feel the need to reload.

Knowing I was under surveillance at my parent's house I decided to do the rest of the shot. Get as high as possible before getting high was under scrutiny.

Again I flagged and started pushing down. There was about 1/6 of the shot left in the syringe when I had my 'oh shit' moment.

The echoey, tunnel high hit me with a force far greater than what I'd ever had before. My heart started running marathon, the beats at such a speed that opposed to separate thuds they appeared to hum. No doubt beating like a hummingbirds wings. The tunnel engulfed my vision and the familiar black mist I had become accustomed to when over indulging in stimulants framed my vision.

'Oh shot' I thought again, this was big. Really fucking big. It was then I began to rock, completely out of control. The rocking motion picked up such force and speed, all the while ensuring my levels of petrified increased to an extent I had never experienced before.

I tried to stop rocking, but I had little control over my limbs. Blood began to fall like rain around the cubical from the shot I had just done.

I was rocking so violently I thought death was almost certain. I called for an ambulance to the other pub goers unfortunately enough to be the the toilets at the same time as me.

The rocking slowed enough for me to open the cubical door. Trousers still around my ankle I pleaded for an ambulance again.

'Ambulance please. What's happened'
'I've overdosed'
I was struggling to talk my words jumbled, erratic and not coming out in the right order. I knew what I wanted to say but almost as if I had a stroke as the words were struggling to come out.
'What's in it?'
'Effell-fen-eye-date and lid-O-caine'
'How old are you'
'Ferty free'

The pub manager soon arrived and someone fetched me a glass of water. My mouth was so dry it made the Sahara seem moist.

Seeing as I had attracted a crowd I decided pulling my trousers up would be good.

By now the rocking had stopped but my vision still made me feel as if I was on one of those little hover crafts that zip back and forth to the Isle of White.

I stagger and swayed as I covered myself regaining a little dignity. Almost falling I raised a hand to the wall to steady myself.

'My friend, mixed race, blonde hair, sitting  at the front of the pub near the door, please get him'

N**** arrived a few minutes before the paramedics. The paramedics were clearly annoyed at having to treat someone who had done this to themselves.

'Heart rate is 188bpm'
'We'll have to take her in'
I was shocked. A heart rate should be 60-80bpm and this was post seizure. I dread to think what it was during the seizure. Easily 220-250bpm.

'Right can you walk?'
'Yea, I fink oh'
I sipped some water which did nothing to rehydrate me.

I kept my gaze on the floor as I did the walk of shame through the pub. We boarded the ambulance

'Right I'm going to need to put these stickers on you, so we can check your heart rate'
I had already been to hospital with taccardia so knew what they needed to do.

'Um terri-gent ott you-pid. Telly-gent' (I'm intelligent not stupid).
'Eye oh-knee row-gressed oz eye-oh-vay-la-Bill-it-tease' (I only progressed because bioavailabilities)

The paramedics looked unimpressed.
'I'm ot a a-zey bum. I ave a ouse and or-gidge' (I'm not a lazy bum. I have a house and mortgage)

The paramedics began to soften due to my continuous friendly, jokey comments and I slowly regained my speech.

'I'm al-if-fied in hurst aid' (I'm qualified in first aid).
'Right I don't think you'll need the Blues'
'No blue lights I'm afraid' 
'I ave to go ospital'
'Yes fraid so. You're still 180bpm'
'St. George's?'
'No I can't'
T**** came to my mind. I only had seven
days left with him and I wanted to spend as much time as possible.
'You have no choice I'm afraid, you have to' came my stern reply.
'Will I ave to stay the night?'
'Most likely. Maybe longer'
'But I'm always taccy, my heart rate is normally 120bpm'

The two paramedics looked at each other and raised their eye brows, clearly impressed at my medical slang. Taccy means taccardia.

When we arrived at the A&E ward for those brought my ambulance we had to wait for a bed. The paramedics waited with me whilst I continuously asked questions about their role. 

Finally I was allocated a bay, and before they left they came and said goodbye. The bay was bed less but one arrived within 20 minutes.

I was quickly given a cannula, hooked up to a glucose drip, and reattached to a heart monitor using the sticky pads which the paramedics stuck to me.

The temptation to abuse the cannula was too much and I did prepare a couple of syringes which I could easily attach to the port which wasn't attached to the glucose. This made the alarm spring into action, but after the visits with my finger I knew how to silence it.

This only increased my heart rate and was pretty stupid as I was well aware I needed it to go down to be discharged.

About 4am I requests to go for a cigarette. The doctor in charge was very against this.
'Please don't go'
'I won't be long'
'You are going to come back?'
'Yes I'll leave my iPad if you want?'
'No take it with you'

I disconnected myself from both the drip and monitor and walked towards the door. The doctor followed me supervising  my cigarette. I'm pretty sure her concern was due to me having a cannula and being an IV drug user.

N**** left me at 8am, I was still 120bpm. Although I knew this was normal they didn't discharge me, hoping I would drop further.

Around 8.30am I saw one of the nurses from 24 Hours in A&E. I had seen her twice with my finger.
'I saw your name pop up so I thought I'd come by. How are you?'
'Fine, but clearly I was an idiot last night'

I explained about my cat's cancer and how distraught I was.

9am I cleaned two rounds of toast and jam. The nurses clearly liked feeding up the skinny patients, something I knew from my previous visits.

At 10am I was discharged. I had already stripped my bed and left the bay as clean as possible for the nurses.

I knew for certain I didn't want to go through that again. Should I ever intentionally overdose on drugs it would definitely be diamorphine.

Friday, 22 May 2015

❤️ March 2015 - Once Upon A Time - Overdose

My memory of this period is sketchy. My parents, furious and clueless as how to make their daughter stop injecting the addictive poison into her frail body, decided that luring her to believe she was mad, was the solution. They were wrong, it was clear to see, but stopping would also mean admittance they were the ones undertaking these cruel, cold, heartless tasks. It was not purely a figment of my over stimulated, distorted, psychotic, fragile mind.

I was addicted to the legal high ethylphenidate, and I chose to inject this poisonous substance. Ethylphenidate is the only drug which has had imprisoned me. Once I started using it, stopping seemed an impossible task. I suffered from ADHD, so whilst I still exhibited stimulant type effects, larger pupils, raised heart rate, hyper, trembling and speed up actions, the complete opposite happened in my head. It became a calm, tranquil, peaceful field of relaxation. It was like my and my body was oxymoronic. One slow and calm. One fast and hyper.

The more I used the more my parents created chaos, I already had chaos in my head thanks to my ADHD. So upon discovering ethylphenidate, also known as legal Ritalin an addiction was easily cemented. I can ensure calmness in some of my life. I can patch up some of the cracks in my life. At least I believed I could.

My drug use grew and naturally their erratic version of psychosis did. Therefore, so neglecting a night’s sleep was common place. This in turn made me manic. The constant pushing had shoved me to the cliffs edge. 

My parents had also sold a story to The Sun, unbeknown to me naturally. They encouraged people to stalk me. I was constantly followed, cars shinning their full beams, as they crawled past me at a breathtakingly slow pace of 15 miles per hour.

This encroachment of my personal privacy finally hit a stage where it bothered me. If I trekked through wooded areas, I even would hear the sound of helicopters tracking me when people couldn’t. They frequently sat positioned outside my bedroom window, constantly monitoring me. 

I truly like my own company. I love nothing more than walking through a wooded nature area, just me and the squirrels, birds, mice and ducks. Watching bees dip in and out of flowers, the butterfly's cautiously landing on a plant's leaf.

So upon becoming more aware I was being mass stalked was initially distressing. I had reached a level of notoriety, this is staggeringly clear. It had no positive repercussions, my stature for fame by taking drugs. It only encouraged me to find a hidden corner and inject myself in public.

Ethylphenidate’s, has a short half life. This is the time it takes to remove itself from your blood. So taking 0.5mg at 1pm, would reduce to 0.25mg at 2pm, 0.125 at 3pm and so on.

This, combined with my high tolerance meant a hit lasted only one maybe two hours. I decided if I was to endure the negative effects of psychosis, regardless to if they were fake, I was also indulging in the pleasure of using drugs.

Finally, I reached my tipping point. It was a fresh, spring day. The dark pastel blue hue of the sky was contrasted by the cotton candy white fluffy clouds, scattered in the sky. Due to the area in which I live having a lot of grassed area, the dewy smell of fresh cut grass wafted through the breeze, and the cold sharpness of winter had finally gone from it, as it swiped past my face.

This day I had decided enough was enough. I had a simple solution to the misery enforced upon me. Suicide. Not that I thought such a dramatic outcome would be necessary. If so, they were all murderers. If I died my blood was on all their hands. Angry, at the removal of my basic human rights I had calmed myself with the simple solution. I would simply pop a pill each time I saw a stalker.

I had Etizolam, similar to 10mgs of diazepam. This was a sedative and would cause unconsciousness. I also had risperidone. This was an antipsychotic causing tachycardia, or a heart attack.

Upon leaving my house, my street sprung into action. Like the film and TV sets I had frequented in the past. The people with little or no acting skills gingerly walked past me, eyeing me cautiously. 

I noticed a couple follow me, who I instantly recognised. It was a ginger male who looked quiet handsome, and a very plain Jane accompany him. He was too good looking for the plain Jane, which is why I remembered the couple. Their oddness was imprinted upon my ADHD brain. Frequently seen faces are instantly recognised by its hyper requirement to keep ludicrously busy.

This couple had been spotted to frequently for strangers. At least fpur times in two days.

When final assurance has reached, I waited for them to turn again.
'That’s two’ I said to myself while simultaneously popping two Risperidone, which  my mouth. Aware of the taccacardia and possible heart attack I also popped half an Etizolam, a legal benzo similar to 10mgs Diazepam. I smiled at them upon swallowing them with the Evian I had packed in my bag to bang up with.

I was sure they'd contact my dad and inform him of my behaviour and my recognition by strangers would stop. I was wrong, the more strangers I recognised the more miserable and depressed I sunk.

Now, I’m aware I over react with regards to people paying attention towards me due to my fame. I am the UK's most famous crack head after Amy Winehouse (RIP), so in 20 minutes, not even reaching Tooting Broadway, I had consumed 9 Risperidone and 3 Etizolam.

I felt a wave of dizziness and decided to jump off the bus at Amen Corner and a wave of head rush faintness soared through my head. I stumbled towards a door way which lead towards some private flats wanting a quiet area to pass out. I stumbled through the gate, crashing onto the floor.

My stumble only alerted a tenant who promptly kicked me out. The site of a skinny junkie, clearly intoxicated, wasn't one to check whether they needed assistance. The joys of looking like a junkie no doubt influenced his decision. There was no attempt to help me, although it was clear I was very intoxicated upon my departure.

Only 3-4 minutes had passed from departing the bus, but I was now staggering, zig-zagging from left to right on the pavement. This is when I had my ‘oh shit’ moment. An 'oh shit' moment is the moment you realise you've taken too much and are in danger of dying.

A black mist encroached upon my peripheral vision. Surely this cruel behaviour would stop now I’ve overdosed? My mind wandered as I slowly lost more and more of my coordination. Surely I can get back to normal with only some damage limitation to rectify? 

I was very intoxicated and fell into Dominos Pizza where I gave the young guy left to manage the shop a heart attack asking for an ambulance.  Clearly he had not called the emergency services before. I managed to manoeuvre to a red metal bench and promptly slumped on to it.

The emergency crew appeared in what appeared to be a few seconds, but realistically around 10.

I was practically unconscious and only remember the sharp pinches to my chest in order to get information from me. This caused so much pain I was dragged from my cosy slumber enabling them a few seconds to force information out of me.

Being psychic I do remember feelings and I felt anger. I had wasted their time. They could be helping someone who didn’t chose to be in their need. Panic was the feeling that radiated from the shop assistant.

‘What have you taken?!’
‘Rissssppp, rissp, ree’
‘What have you taken?!!!!’
‘How many?!’
‘How many?!!’
‘Right were going to need the blues for this one’

Yay, 'the Blues' meant the blue sirens, I disappointedly didn’t get them with my accidental overdose.

This is when I completely passed out, giving into the black mist and sleepy hug luring me to St. Peter's Gate.

I came around in resus. Having previously been in A&E, Critical Care and Urgent Care. This meant the Heart Attack ward is the only one I haven’t been on.

I have little memory of resus bar seeing one of the nurses who treated me previously on both times I had cellulitis. She also came to see me during my first accidental OD. 

‘I saw your name come up, I thought I’d come to see you’
‘Hi’ I managed.

Pity radiated from her eyes. Seeing me physically well but having to tell the nurses which vein would be ok for a cannula, when I had cellulitis; and then fading when I had OD by accident, she had a unique view of my downfall.

‘Take care, seriously’ she stroked my hand. I was still very much out of it and passed out.

Apart from the kindness that radiated from her, I only felt anger, frustration and disapproval from the other nurses I have a hazy memory of visiting my cubical. I was a time wasting druggie, I did this to myself. Sympathy was in short supply.

By 10pm at night I was coming around and noticed I had been given a guardian who was gently trying to wake me. I was told I needed to move bed, and duly put my trainers on and collected my belongings. She was West Indian and spoke with a soft voice. She seemed genuinely kind and the feeling radiated from her as she spoke.

She accompanied me to a bed in the A&E ward, the only one sectioned off with walls and a door not curtain. It was in the middle of the ward and the other beds lined both walls in front of me. In the middle was the nurse's station and was a constant bustle of busy activity, blinking computers and important looking doctors.

I crashed back to sleep and didn’t arise until 10am next day. When I did wake I was still groggy, but this was now due to me withdrawing from my buprenorphine. I had taken my last tablet at Sunday, 7pm; missed Monday as I was unconscious, and now it was Tuesday. I felt the ache start in my legs, my calves specifically. My eyes watered and I constantly yawned. I turned to my guardian.

‘I take buprenorphine, 6mgs. You need to ask a doctor as A&E doesn’t stock it’
‘I’m sure they do, when the nurse does her round I’ll ask her’
‘No they don’t, they’ve refused me it before’
‘Let’s wait for the nurse’
‘I can’t wait, I didn’t take it yesterday, they don’t have it in case people just blag it in A&E for it. It’s a high dose, near 1000mgs morphine. The nurses are scared to deal with such high doses of opiates'
'Ok I’ll ask’ she replied a little hasty and sharp.

10 minutes later she returned with the news the pharmacist would be providing me the meds on his round. When in with my finger and cellulitis they had given me 100mgs of Tramadol which is about 80mgs of morphine, and they were shocked when I demanded the buprenorphine as I was still withdrawing. Their refusal was met with
‘I’m used to taking diamorphine intravenously so 2 Tramadol won’t do shit really will it?’

My guardian explained I was to see a doctor and a social worker and a little stay in hospital would benefit me. I knew this meant Sectioning me. I didn't really process the information, my head still woozy, spinning me into a daze. I smiled, finding this rather funny. Me, I had a social worker. A psychiatric nurse, a psychiatrist and a counsellor.

Soon the feeling of sacredness crept into my thoughts. I was still drowsy as I was still without my meds. I easily fell back to sleep until midday when the doctor and social worker hurried into the room and began the Sectioning process.

Clearly I was still intoxicated from the overdose a wicked smile spread across my face as they entered. I like being the best. I always score super high on ADHD tests, so like having ADHD. I was now scoring super high on the crazy meter. This only encouraged me to wind them up. I had to be the best crazy person.

It’s like a uncontrollable urge I cannot control. Don’t touch wet paint. I touch. Now the prize was a golden ticket to Springfield.
‘Why did you take an overdose J****’
‘Coz, my parents’ are sick fucks’ I slurred. A concerning look ricocheted from the social worker to the doctor and finally to the guardian.

A form began to be completed in a scribbled hurry. I could sense a feeling of worry and it was emitted from both the Doctor, social worker and guardian. The Doctor scowled, deep lines erupting across his forehead.

‘What do you mean your parents, do you still think they’re filming you?’
‘Yes but they’re having me mass stalked’
More worried looks
‘So each time I saw a stalker I popped a pill’
‘What pills?’
‘Risperidone and Etizolam’
‘Are you prescribed the Risperidone?’
‘Where did you get the tablets?’
‘A friend, I’ve got loads
‘What’s Etizolam?’
‘A legal benzo. Initially similar to diazepam but your tolerance builds more quicker’
‘So you think people are following you?’
‘No, I think hundreds of people are stalking me, taking my photo and texting my location

The more concerned they got the more I was enjoying this. A smile spread across my face like I was the Cheshire Cat from hell.

The social worker scratched her worried brow, as if I was causing her to suffer from a headache.

‘So what others are filming you, do you still believe this?'
‘Yes and they’re creating psychosis, they’re sick, I hate them’
‘I think a little stay in hospital will benefit you’. The doctor replied
‘They move my floor boards, flap my letter box, unless there’s a dirty tissue in there, ye..’
‘Right we’ll arrange transport, Queen Mary’s has a bed’

The social worker cut me off and spoke to my guardian. As if I was invisible, a child or someone lacking mental capacity.
‘How long will it take?’ she replied
‘Oh a couple of hours, we’re really stretched’
‘Ok thanks’
‘J**** an ambulance will take you to Queen Mary’s just for a few days, ok?'
I didn’t replied, just carried on with my evil composure.
‘Did you want to die?’
‘I don’t know. Obviously not as I’m here. It was a cry for help'

This sentence alone clearly shows my mental stability but the fuse had already blown. Acting mature meant shit now. Both the doctor and social worker matched away as quickly as they arrived. Only when they left did scared J**** appear. I was officially imprissoned. I turned to the guardian now a little scared.
‘Will I be locked up?’
‘No you’ll be free on a ward’
‘Can I leave the ward?’
‘No deary’
‘How long for?’
‘Not long deary’
‘What like a week?'
‘Maybe two’
Panic was beginning to stir
‘What’s the maximum?’
’28 days’
‘3-5 days’

A flash of inspiration over came me pushing the quickly growing panic. 'What would happen if I walked out of here now?’
‘The security guards would come. They’d stop you. I certainly can’t’. The guardian was elderly, certainly lacked the ability to move with any speed.

The thought of making a run for it began to consume me. My OCD voice was up for it. I’d be crazy and on the run. But I needed my buprenorphine as I was seriously withdrawing. No longer was sleep possible and the sweats were beginning. Wanting to relieve myself I put my trainers on to use the bathroom. 
'Run, run, run' my head repeated but I duly returned to my bay.

2pm came and I still had no medication. Boots was so close and would remove all this anxiety, sweats and cramps. The want to leave was getting greater. Each minute of suffering that passed, was a minute of the desire to walk out growing. My requests for my medication were getting repetitively ignored. Opiate withdrawal will make suffers do anything to rid themselves of the pain.

Do it, go on. Within 30 minutes I’d be feeling ok.
‘I need my meds’
I couldn't wait anymore, I was boiling
With the desire to leave.

‘You have to wait’
‘I’m fed up with waiting. My chemist is down the road’

Fireworks' exploded in my head. Suddenly my legs began to move. I got up and put my trainers. Then my arms which was followed by me quickly putting my jacket on. 

Snatched my bag and quickly darted for the automatic door. Only doctors and staff could open the door, by a swipe card but the Gods were with me. It just so happened to being in the open position for the newest patients to enter on an ambulance bed. This gave me a good 10 second gap to dart through.

I shoved pass them, head down and quickly sailed through the next sliding doors. I was free. My chest pounded as my fight or flight adrenalin surged throughout my body. I was clearly flighting. Walking with what the police described as intent I reached the bus stop and within minutes I was on a bus.

I headed to the chemist and then home. You could only be removed from your home if you were out of control or neglecting yourself.

I was free.

#itsnotaboutthedrugs @Gemma_Stalked