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Showing posts with label Post. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Post. Show all posts

Saturday, 26 August 2017

❤️ 25th August 2017 - Journal

Well it's like it's 1987 where I live... I have two postal deliveries.

Unfortunately mine aren't both from the Royal Mail.

One is legit and the second is my family replacing the post they have previously stolen.

So my veneers from China, which arrived in a brown padded envelope, just like my drug deliveries, arrived later.

Haha! Cunts!! They're watching me so they know I am not getting my drugs delivered elsewhere.

Had an offer of £320,000 on the house. I'm after £325,000. The estate agent told the person £330,000, but I messaged them to say I'd accept £325,000 so they hopefully make the offer.

My mate in Plymouth is up for house hunting with me. She needs a room to rent, so I have a housemate already. The £300 from the DSS will come in handy. And she's a nice girl.

Yesterday I spent the day distracting myself. I'm only writing this now coz I'm on coke. 

I spent hours playing a game.

I can't deal with thinking.

I hurt too much. 

On a plus note, I have around 90 zopiclone, are 15 diazepam, 60 propranolol and about 24mg of buprenorphine. Enough to OD.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

❤️ 22nd August 2017 - Journal

Today I woke up to a letter posted through my letter box. As if the postman had been. Only for the postman to arrive about half an hour later and put two items through my door. The first letter was a letter about stopping my mortgage for two months. Clearly someone had taken it and read through it. 

I am really sad about leaving London, but little things like this remind me I have no choice.

I was also at the library trying to apply for a job, but my stupid security camera kept on moving and I couldn't get it to face the door again. This caused so much anxiety because they keep coming into my house without permission, I had to leave.

I am going to buy alcohol now.... anything to releave these horrible feelings I am subjected to daily, because of them.