'Hey, J**, can you put this cigarette box in your knickers babes?' R****** asked.
'Yeah, sure, what's in it?' I replied curiously. Knowing it would be illicit substances my heart began to pound with anticipation.
'Just some weed, some coke, and a few pills' R****** replied.

My head began to spin, and it wasn't from the alcohol. Although I was pretty scared of pills after all the Leah Betts incident , I was also drunk, pissed off with my boyfriend's refusal to join me and curious about these pills.
'Can I buy one off you?' I asked with excitement. Before I had even considered any negative consequences.
'Sure, £10'
I got my money out and promptly received my treasure. £10 was expensive back then, but I didn't know any better.

The pill was strangely different from future pills I was to take, but back then I wasn't aware it wasn't the norm. It was a pale yellow pill, tiny and sugar coated (very unusual for pills to be sugar coated). No stamp, which is how you can recognise different pills. It reminded me of my contraceptive pill, and in my drunken stupor I dry throated it (taking pills without water) there and then.
We quickly changed tubes to the Victoria line, whilst I took the Silk Cut box from R****** and slipped it into my knickers, pushing it in between my legs, so the rectangular addition didn't show under my tight, Lycra red halter neck dress which shimmered under the harsh fluorescent tube train lights.
I hadn't progressed to wearing thongs so I had no qualms over the safety of these new wonderful treasures now a part of my life.
We sat down, me readjusting the cigarette box and engaged in a busy excited chatter that only colleagues aged 16-25 could be responsible for. The tube ride flew by and I had noticed any effects. It was only upon standing up when a rush from my tummy, rose into my chest, continuing to mu head. A wave of dizziness followed that. It felt like pure pleasure. Like ripples of indescribable happiness.
'I think it's starting' I said as I turned to R******.
'Is it?' A massive Cheshire Cat smile erupted on his face, followed by his trade mark, Frank Bruno-esq chuckle.
My eyes widened as the ecstasy began to continue its ripples throughout my body.
I kept in close contact with my friends as we joined into a mass crow, similar to little streams joining a massive, flooding river, as more and more groups of friends too jumbled into the huge mass of New Years Eve revellers. The air was static with excitement for what the night would hold.
The icey cold December's wind startled me like a slap in the face upon leaving Oxford Circus Station, immediately turning me into Puff the Magic Dragon. Each breath exhaled created a cloud of condensation.
Soon we reached the club and due to our 10pm arrival time we bypassed the bustling queues that would be common place within 1 hour. We quickly found a table for our coats and my close friend sauntered over to the bar to fetch us both a drink. This is when I began to notice I was feeling more than just drunk.
Whilst I knew I was sobering up from the alcohol due to the long tube ride, my head didn't appear to be sobering up. My vision was swaying to and fro, just like when you are very very drunk.
However, the nauseating sickness that comes with being that drunk wasn't present. As I moved my head from side to side, it was as if a strobe light was flashing, that slow motion movement everyone appears to be doing, but there was no strobe light in the club.
In the pit of my stomach the most euphoric ball of love was beginning to radiate throughout my body, my veins and right to my head.
'C*******, I'm feeling this pill I took,' I shouted over the loud music and eagerly swigged the bottle of alcopop purchased for me.
'I feel all drunk but there's no washing machine in my head'
'Is it good?'
'Yeah try one!'
C******* refused, I suspect petrified of her mother's discovery of such a heinous act.
I had only had a couple of mouthfuls of my bottle of alcopop when I realised I probably wouldn't be drinking much more. The alcohol swashed synchronised to my dance moves. I felt like I was on a hover craft to the Isle of White.
'C*******, do you want this?' I shouted over the bass heavy garage music playing.
C******* staggered in my direction and snatched the bottle, almost losing her balance.
Not long after the euphoria came the heat and feeling of sickness. My body began heating up and although I wasn't sweating apart from the single bead that dripped from my forehead, I was very hot.
Suddenly mouth felt like it was full of sand 'C*******, ANN YOU EASE GET ME A ARSE OF OUGHTER? (can you please get me a glass of water) my throat so dry a sandy desert looked moist in comparison.
I knew I was in no state to be mingling with the bar staff, I felt fucked, and most probably looked it too. C******* was my best friend, and although she was almost paralytic drunk, she was my saviour. Perfectly able to understand my messed up message and pretty soon after returned with a bottle of water.
I opened the bottle and knocked it back, however no sooner did I swallow the water, quenching my impending thirst, did I find it coming back up again. I knew I had minutes to get to the toilet. I raced the the though the club, pushing through the growing crowd of revellers, just managing to get my head over the bowl before I threw my guts up.
And boy did I throw my guts up. I puked like I had never puked before, reching over and over again. I was surprised not to see my insides in the bowl when I had finished. I was now sweating from every pore and resting my head on the cool toilet wall brought great relief.
All the alcohol I had previously drunk, the water, even my God damn lunch ended up in that toilet bowl. 'What a waste of alcohol' I murmured to myself.
But unlike alcohol sickness this was good. Before throwing up my stomach had felt like a water balloon, swaying through me with every movement.
Now, my head was still swaying, my body still warm, and the big euphoric ball of love still running from my stomach, through my veins reaching parts of my body I didn't even know could feel like this. yet the washing machine in my stomach had vanished.
As I left the cubical, I did the obligatory rinse hands under water and caught my reflection in the mirror. My pupils had exploded into deep black holes. You couldn't even see the green of my eyes, just black. It made me look quite pretty if you could ignore the weird thing I was doing with my jaw.
I rushed back to my friends, 'C*******, I love you so much', I said upon reaching them. I wrapped my arms around C******* and kissed her on the cheek. 'I love you too' C******* slurred. She was still drinking, and barley able to stand.
R******, who was now buzzing as well, came over to me and wrapped his long lanky arms around me. R****** was an attractive black guy, not too dark, but about 6'5 and really skinny. He was smartly dressed in trousers and a shirt which he wore with the top few buttons open exposing the coffee coloured smooth skin adoring his toned torso.
'Have you come up then J**?' R****** asked.
'Yeah baby, fucking loving it' I replied, returning the hug, hanging from his shoulders. His aftershave now mixed with a faint man smell. Beads of sweat dripped from his forehead and as I embraced him, the damp patches of sweat which soaked his shirt began to soak my dress in turn.
I had never felt so much love in my life, the warm feeling in my tummy was alien to me, but I liked it. I spent the rest of the night systematically drinking water to quench my thirst, dancing and throwing up until my stomach was empty again.
Around 3.30am we headed home. One of the side effects of ecstasy is you really need to piss. A lot. For some reason ecstasy heats you up, drying out your mouth, so you drink a lot, hence filling your bladder. And then you need to pee. It's not rocket science is it!
It was only 10 minutes after leaving the club and my bladder was already busting. 'Hey, you guys, I need to take a pee', I said, leaving G*****, R******, C******* and the others, while I ducked down an alley. I wasn't the only one taking a pee, a black guy in his 20's was having one too.
After some small talk (while I was squatting, very lady like), he turned around to me, still very much holding his dick in his hand and said 'Have you ever had some big black dick darling?'
Thankfully I was pulling up my knickers and I managed to reply 'Ha, much bigger and much blacker than that!'
We jumped on the night bus and headed back to G*****'s house. I had to be at work at midday new years day, and it was already gone 4am. I gladly took the offer of some spliff, knowing I needed to come down off this buzz, but some how I knew my attempts where in vein. I wasn't coming down for some time yet.
Around 6am I went with L**** back to her house where I was staying, and we climbed into her single bed, top and tale-ing to save space. I laid there dozing but not sleeping until the alarm went off at 10.30am.
'L****, I've had about 30 minutes sleep' I exclaimed.
'You still looked fucked love' L**** replied. My pupils were still abnormally large. Oh well, work had to be done.
I did manage to do my 8 hour shift. God knows how I did, but I did. I was still dancing around in the kitchen, frying burgers and eating food was out of the question!
When I finally got home to my parents house I managed to sleep properly, and boy did I sleep. And when I woke I knew that this little magic pill, this pill that made my night amazing, was going to become a big part of my life.
And a big part of my life it certainly was.
Thanks for reading,
JayElle Famosjunkey
#iwillbefamous #thetruth #Itsnotaboutthedrugs