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Wednesday, 31 January 2018

❤️ December 2010 - Journal

Just thought I'd log on to say 'Hey', should anyone in Cyber Space actually be reading my blog (I very much doubt it yet. The ones I have read when I've searched in Google have been by people posting for years and having readers!)

Yes, I'm being bad again. Tut, tut, tut. To be totally honest with you guys, I can only be bothered to write when I've had a smoke. When I'm not smoking I'm either with people drinking or on my own smoking weed. Or, I'm a bit depressed on come down.

Now, when I mention come down these days, I am NOT talking about the miserable existence and suffering that goes with heroin. I found even with subbies to prevent the physical withdrawal I would still suffer quite bad depression. 

Very 'I can't be bothered.' I'm ok if I'm not at work, but a mess if I am. Anyway I'm talking about the mild depression I seem to get when I'm not smoking. I can't be bothered to do anything (but unlike B depression I DO still do things) and life seems so much more dull without you little friend (crack, by the way). 

Life is always so much more shiny, exciting, enthusiastic and motivating when you're high.

So apart from smoking what have I been doing? Not much, a Christmas Party last Friday at the school where my mum works. 

Free drinks and food at 4pm, and then we moved onto a pub until around 10.30pm (We'd been drinking since 4pm remember). Went back to my mum's house and crashed out in the spare room. It was good, I like my mum's colleagues.

Anyway, I'm gonna be boring and go. No exciting tales today, me and my smoking buddy finished the white a LONG time ago. In fact, think I did my last bit of recycle about an hour ago!

Take care folk, stay safe,

J** x x x




JayElle Famosjunkey

#iwillbefamous #thetruth #Itsnotaboutthedrugs

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