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Showing posts with label Amber Zone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amber Zone. Show all posts

Sunday, 24 September 2017

❤️ My Medical Notes

Whilst in Springfield I asked for my complete medical history. This was advised. I thought I would go through the amount of times I was a 'Red Zone' patient and the reasons why

20/12/11 - Red Zone 
I had been breaking my 2mg buprenorphine into 1mgs so I could cut down 

29/12/11 - Green Zone
No problems 

13/02/12 - Green Zone
No problems 

24/02/12 - Green Zone
No problem

23/03/12 - Green Zone
No problems

04/05/12 - Green Zone
No problems 

06/06/12 - Green Zone
No problems 

12/12/12 - Green Zone
No problems 

09/01/13 - Green Zone
No problems 

01/02/13 - Green Zone
No problems 

17/05/13 - Green Zone
No problems 

11/06/13 - Green Zone
No problems 

09/07/13 - Green Zone
No problems 

09/08/13 - Green Zone
No problems 

21/11/14 - Black Zone
In hospital. Detox 

05/12/14 - Red Zone 
Concern as I was released from detox and I left early 

12/12/14 - Red Zone
Arrived stoned and had been smoking crack after detox 

16/12/14 - Red Zone
Missed appointment 

29/12/14 - Red Zone
Missed appointment

30/12/14 - Red Zone
Missed appointment

 02/01/15 - Red Zone
Restart on buprenorphine. Admitted to hospital because of finger infection

09/01/15 - Red Zone
Suicidal intention, talking about bugs (I did have scabies. I had wounds that wouldn't heal, tracks from where they dug into me and felt bites. I think this went after hospital when I had antibiotics. However the high use of amphetamines and lack of sleep magnified this problem. I'd see swirls of what appeared to be insects everywhere.... the only scary thing about this is.... I have seen the swirls once.. when I had been completely sober for months!! I opened my window and they seemed to leave the room and go outside... you know when you stare at the carpet and let you eyes not focus... those little specks you see darting around... anyway seeing them sober was fucking freaky. When I was injecting speed I can tell you one thing, they didn't fucking like it!! I would see swarms coming towards me and get covered in bites every time I banged up. I almost crashed my car several times due to these swarms.... but I don't know. I hope they are purely drug induced).

12/01/15 - Red Zone
Self harm and 'psychosis'

19/01/15 - Black Zone
In hospital with finger infection 

20/01/15 - Black Zone
In hospital with finger infection 

23/01/15 - Green Zone
I'm confused about this one. Tested only for buprenorphine and cannabis and was less psychotic

30/01/15 - Amber Zone
My cat needed to be put to sleep 

03/02/15 - Red Zone
Sent them an email after I overdosed and had a seizure in a pub toilet and was taken by ambulance to A&E

06/02/15 - Red Zone
Sent MDART videos of the 'bugs'. Didn't attend appointment. When I did attend I asked for detox again. Had suicidal intentions.

09/02/15 - Red Zone
Couldn't get hold of me, my cat was being put to sleep today. They wanted me to go A&E for a psyche asseasment for my 'bugs'. Home treatment team tried to visit me at my parents but I wasn't their. Apparently no female beds which is why I wasn't sectioned this day. Still taking about bugs. 

10/09/15 - Red Zone
I sent emails about not wanting to be detained stating I was not mad.

13/02/15 - Red Zone 
Now avoiding MDART, would only collect my script in the car park 

27/02/15 - Black Zone
Back in detox 

13/03/15 - Red Zone
Discharged from detox after they stopped my ritalin.

20/03/15 - Red Zone
After my overdose in hopsital, police are now instructed to section me. I left the hospital because I couldn't get my buprenorphine 

24/03/15 - Red Zone
Now on Sutton Police's Missing Persons Register for walking out of hospital. Told them I was ok and they told MDART I wasn't detainable, when my doctor notes, all in caps lock I HAVE ALREADY BEEN DETAINED. They confirmed I collected my script 

27/03/15 - Red Zone
Missed three days of my script, therefore it was stopped. Police have now been informed. Key Worker emails me as they cannot contact me 

31/03/15 - Red Zone
Missed script. Worried I would be using b and likely to overdose 

02/04/17 - Red Zone
Admitted to Springfield 

03/04/15 - Red Zone
In Springfield 

04/04/15 - Amber Zone
No evidence of mental issues. Mentioned I was with my boyfriend. In fact he brought speed and fresh works in for me 

05/04/15 - Amber Zone
Again although I'm still abusing speed there's no comments which would suggest this

06/04/15 - Amber Zone
No evidence of psychosis. Boyfriend visited (bringing me more speed). Refused to see parents 

07/04/15 - Amber Zone
Noted I go to sleep late and wake up late. That's due to the speed and benzos I was taking in there. I also had weed and would smoke a nightly spliff when the others had gone to bed (bar the one sane guy who would sometimes share the spliff with me). Noted I would commit suicide upon discharge (I wish I did!!)

07/04/15 - Black Zone
In hospital 

08/04/15 - Amber Zone
Sleepy and anxious 

Green Zone - 14
Red Zone - 21
Black Zone - 4
Amber Zone - 6