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Showing posts with label Behaviours. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Behaviours. Show all posts

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

❤️ Who Is Normal? Not My Sick Fuck Family!

As I sit here, struggling to breathe, with the worst viral infection I’ve ever experienced, I am also contemplating.

Who is normal?

Yes I use drugs.

So do thousands of others.

But, to those supporting my family, do you honestly think their behaviour is normal, acceptable and a suitable response to a adult child who has made the incredibly brave step in asking for her family’s support?

Whether that person asked you directly, or like myself, undertook actions fully aware she would be discovered, this was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I’ve never asked before. I have fought alone. I know if I didn’t ask I’d be dead.

I wish I didn’t ask.

They’d still be good people.

Around 12% of adults use drugs.

Undiagnosed adult with ADHD are 80% more likely to abuse substances to self medicated their ADHD.

So, 80% of people with ADHD self medicate.

12% of adults in the UK use drugs.

How many families, authorise mass stalking when their child has problems? 

How many families systematically abuse their child, after their child turned to them for help?

I work.

I own my own house... alone.

Once my bills are paid, I’ll use my money, how I see fit.