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Showing posts with label Mental Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mental Health. Show all posts

Thursday, 25 January 2018

❤️ Obsession

What is wrong with you K***? I I don’t want to be your friend anymore. Most adults would just accept that. But not you, you are so sad you had to hunt me down from my blog which isn’t easy to find,

After you found me and commented, when I didn’t respond to you at 6:30 AM on a Saturday morning (because most people are asleep at 6:30 AM on a Saturday morning, when they work the whole week K***  then you continue to comment, only to slag me off.... well when you’re on your own you sent comments trying to befriend me again.

Get over it. I don’t want to be your friend, I don’t want nothing to do with you. You’re a hep C riddled, over weight, rottened teeth, no hoper. All your kids are in care, costing ME, the TAX PAYER a fortune. Because YOU chose DRUGS over your children. You’re disgusting.

I don’t want nothing to do with you. Nor does N. In fact, you even made him throw up a little bit in his mouth, when you begged him to get you pregnant, you’re that disgusting.

Slag me off all you like but I OWN my 3 Bed house with £200,000 EQUITY. You probably don’t understand that big word. But equity means how much of the money is mine!!! 

So if I live long enough to sell it, I’ll have £200,000 put in my bank.

I also earn £30,000 a year. Which is more than what you’ve ever earned in your life.

I can get a contract phone... a credit card... don’t need to nick my mates DVDs to go Crack Convertors to buy a ten rock.

Your pathetic... and watch out.. you don’t know what I am capable of and what I’ve already done and got away with!!!

Remember... my dad is a senior member of the Metropolitan Police, so if you do turn up here, that’s what you’ll be dealing with.

I promised K***  if she carried on abusing me, her face was going on my blog. So here she is. If she carries on posting, more people view my blog. I’m 

K*** abusing me and getting her crack Head Mate in on it.

When I first met Kate in detox, she broke the DVD player and poured some next girl (who took a instant dislike to me, coz we both had ADHD, but I was worse.. hyper, bubbly, impulsive in a fun cheeky way). So Kate blamed me, made them all hate me, threw hot tea over me... but stupidly texted another resident not to tell the truth.

Queue everyone hating me and being damn nasty and rude at breakfast. Queue Kate kicked out. Queue a lot of sheepish apologies.

Then she steals and has drugged me. Was trying to get N to fuck her
For a brown baby, and con me out of a mobile phone contract in my name for her. Haha, I’m not dumb bitch.
More abuse.


Saying my house is dirty. I’m still on Right Move, so pics of my house available.

More lies about stealing from me... she forgets my whole house is covered in CCTV

Deflection... she loves pointing out what you’ve done wrong, or someone else, when she’s done wrong 

Now trying to be a concerned friend 

So K***  if you want people to see this, carry on commenting.

Shop keepers take note!

#itsnotaboutthedrugs - In my case, but it K***’s case, it is

Friday, 15 May 2015

❤️ 09th April 2015 - Journal

have returned to Springfield as instructed to take my Victorian Pharmacy opiates, buprenorphine. I must return tomorrow at 10am to be seen and officially discharged, by the consultant. I am currently on a section 2. 

I kindly have a section 17 implemented allowing me two nights of freedom.

From buzzing the door buzzer I'm swamped with misery and depression. I get flash backs to when my counsellor R*** and my social worker C******* brought me.

R***’s previous congruency has vanished Paul Daniel's style. Gone was the honesty which encouraged me to accompany her to the nut house. Instead she kept repeating that I mentioned there had been a larger than normal helicopter presence in my life. Apparently no helicopters are involved. I just seem to suffer an awful paranoia inducing coincident. Maybe I have a gravitational pull.

However R*** is a liar. I'm hurting real bad helicopters or no helicopters.

I have no privacy and my mummy and daddy think this is appropriate behaviour when dealing with a child who, at aged 33, should be able to do what the fuck they chose.

I hate you. I'll never love you. If I want to inject shit leave me alone to do it. Sabotaging my attempts only increase my drug use.

Seriously the treatment I've endured you would think I was a prisoner of war. A terrorist. A mass murderer. A baby raper.

But I'm far from it. I'm just someone who self medicates their ADHD.

My family are the ones who are sick in the head, not me. I'm kind, I live with karma in mind. I rescue animals. Help people. 

They need sectioning, not me.

My parents decided to create psychosis.  They’re the ones who need sectioning not me. 

They are sick. Psychosis is created in your mind through sheer terror.

My parents have made a nightmare, areality
They took a nightmare and made it reality, when helping me would have ended this hell we're all living. 

My parents decided to create psychosis 

#iwillbefamous #thetruth #Itsnotaboutthedrugs @Gemma_Stalked