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Showing posts with label 2008. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2008. Show all posts

Thursday, 25 January 2018

❤️ November 2008 - Once Upon a Time - Cry Baby

As my relationship with W***** got more strenuous, my crack and heroin usage crept from every three days, to every other day, to daily.

I distinctly remember buying gear before going to his, enabling me to cope with his erratic angry moods.

I would drive, with the sky an inky navy sprinkled with twinkling diamonds, in a breathtaking cold November. Each breath exhaled transforming you into Puff the Magic Dragon, credited to my child like, active imagination.

W*****'s jealously was causing tiny chips to erupt into ginormous cracks, in our volatile relationship. My loving, perfect knight in shining armour had a tendency to fear I was smiling, giving a look, flirting, with practically anyone.

Knowingly, my taste was African / West Indian, skinny, slim or muscular. At least my height with minimal facial hair. Yet frequently harsh words and ludicrous accusations where aimed at me, innocently doing nothing but exclaim in shock, they were white, aged 18 and clearly a chav.

In order to cope with these frequent conversations of negativity, the calming effect of crack in my brain and relaxing effect of heroin on my body; thus removing the hyper, manic, wide eyed effects of a stimulant.

I'd make excuses to smoke in my car, or take a bath, using the free time to blaze a couple of rocks on my pipe. This only increased the wild accusations, my requirement for alone time.

I'd laugh when he told tales of friends on crack, and how easily he could identify someone taking this drug. He despised drugs. To this day I don't know if he was telling me due to him being aware I was on drugs, or if he genuinely was naive to my addiction.

I smoked heroin in a spliff, rolling one skunk spliff and one brown. The former was held inside the window, filling the kitchen with its thick smoke which hung heavy in the air, making swirls and whisps as it rose to the ceiling. The heroin one was hidden in my other hand outside the window.

I puffed and puffed quickly, whilst only toking on the cannabis spliff just enough to keep it alight.

Of course I now needed to smoke during the day in order to function at work. Frequently I would be vomiting, achy, drowsy to the extent of sleeping, until 11am when my dealer switched on his phone.

However of recent I noticed even when I saved a spliff for the morning. My pee had a funny smell and my period was late. Smoking up to £100 of crack and heroin a day, one was under the belief falling pregnant was not possible. However when my sore boobs came and my period didn't, I knew I had to take a test.

On my lunch break from work I arranged to pick up as usual, but after my initial tokes and two spliffs rolled I drove to a chemist and subsequently a pub. I walked straight to the toilet, my hands shaking as I removed the test from its packaging. I quickly peed, the two minutes wait feeling like hour.

Faintly but with certainty the second blue line proudly came into view. My heart skipped a beat, taking a sharp, sudden breath of air. My head, blank. I was only temping so would not qualify for maternity pay. I had a mortgage. Bills. More importantly I needed drugs.

I couldn't have a baby.

I fumbled through work, numb, in shock and towards home time my mobile rung. It was W*****, we had argued lately. I cautiously answered.

'I can't do it anymore. I'll give you two hundred to go Christmas shopping as a present from me, but I need a break'

'What!' I replied. This was a surprise.

A heated discussion followed.

'Well! Congratulate yourself. Your sperm are good swimmers! Not only did you get an alcoholic pregnant, but you got the junkie too!' I shouted as he argued his case. His ex drunk quite a lot of wine and W***** was under the belief I was doing coke a lot of the time I was really doing crack and heroin.

'What? I'll call you when I finish' 

W***** was clearly shocked. His anger softened. He was totally against abortion. As promised he called me promptly upon finishing work. I told him I was only temping and didn't want a baby. He wanted me to keep it, but was easily swayed. I knew the reason was not wanting to disclose to his ex that we were an item.

She gave him the ultimatum of seeing his children or being with me. He lied to both of us.

Then, almost as of a switch was flicked, I began to feel a warm, maternal, protective feeling towards my slightly swollen tummy. I knew it was a boy. I have quite a few chin hairs, which I pluck, signifying testosterone. My due date would have been W*****'s birthday.

'I'll get a night job in Tesco's. You can work in the day, me at night?'


'Please, we can make it work'


The more I fell in love, the more W*****'s hatred grew. Naturally, my every two, three day drug addiction firmly cemented itself into a daily, £100 addiction. It enabled me to work, function, as without it, I would crumble into a crying, pathetic mess.

Hormones surged, and although my physical and emotional behaviour was oxymoronic; using damaging drugs whilst hugely loving my baby; I managed to get through the days, arguments, working; rational thought; pouring my heart talk.

The termination was booked.

The night before W***** came, promising to look after me.

'Look, maybe we can change our minds'

'WHAT!' I was shocked at his statement. I had been taking so many drugs to numb my pain, the baby would sure be damaged.

'I've been thinking. We can do it'

'How can you do this to me. I've been taking so many drugs just to survive. OUR child is surely brain damaged!'

The conversation broke my heart. It broke me. I repeated the sentence I had told him, like a mantra, from the start.

'You know this will be the end of us'

And it was.

Monday, 8 January 2018

❤️ 1998 - 2015 - Once Upon a Time - My Journey To Legal High Hell

My drug use began with smoking cannabis. I was adamantly against drugs that was stronger. Aged 14 and a karate champion, I was more into sports, where I got my highs from winning championships in fighting competitions.

As I was unaware I had the disability ADHD at the time, but doing 8-10 hours of a strenuous karate, burnt off any excess energy I had. It was aged. 14-15 that I got my last nights' sleep without narcotic or alcohol assistance.

The lure of skunk and weed grew as I soon discovered, the girl who struggled to quiet her mind, had it quietened by this pleasurable green plant and aged 17 I gave up karate for fear I would be selected for a random urine sample at a tournament. 

By then I smoked huge amounts of weed. Choosing to spend my smoking breaks outside in the bitter cold, over the warmth of the allowed smoking rooms of the late 90's.

I was 17 when I first tried cocaine (I feel in love, but earning £3.15-£4.78 working as a Crew Member in McDonald's, meant cocaine was a luxury,at £30-£40 per gram) and ecstasy (£1-£10 per tablet, buying bulk secured the cheaper price) which soon be came my Drug Of Choice.

In order to recoup my costs, I starting shotting (selling). Buying St £1 and selling for £2.50-£5.00 depending on whether we were pub/bar/club whilst adding my own mental note as to whether they were able to sort me out should I take the pee and their experience with the drug.

Aged 21, I swapped pills for cocaine, which I also shot. I also added skunk to my remit for selling. By now I had also tried amphetamine, LSD, poppers and magic mushrooms. I had tested pretty much whatever I could, bar the big three. Crack, heroin and crystal meth.

Fast forward,5 years and cocaine (which became a huge addiction upon splitting from my boyfriend), was swapped for crack and opiates (Burprenorphine initially then heroin) was consumed to remove any crazy crack head fiending.

It took two years, but aged 28 I realised I was now slave to the dreaded opiate Master. I had just turned 29 and been addicted for a year, when I removed the dirty brown, and ensured I had buprenorphine from the street. I would crush a sniff three tablets well aware the bioavailability increased when administering through insufflation.

It wasn't until I reached 30, failed an attempt at withdrawing from bupe, did I finally seek professional help and self referred myself to Merton Community Drug Team (MCDT, soon to be Merton, Drug, Alcohol, Recovery Team or MDART.. 2018, now Engage Merton). The first time I visited I was interview by the psychiatric nurses, a senior team member. The initially crippling ashamed girl, isolated through chains she created herself, Ebenezer style, poured her heart out, no holds, no bars.

It was September and by November the Psychiatric Doctor had referred me for treatment for her ADHD.  This explained the immediate calming in my head upon taking a rock of crack. When I smoked crack, my illogical brain functioned like a normal person. Around 18 months after my key worker had referred her, and I had annoyed everyone, bouncing around the centre like Tigger at 9.30am before mental most people are fully alert. 

Finally two years after first attending MDART, aged 32, I  was treated for her ADHD by the Nutty Professor in December 2013. He soon was elevated to Godly status. Prior to treatment my head was a metaphorical kettle, all my stressed, anger and negativity would begin to invade my head, squabbling for most attention. More and more, and steam began to seep. Finally a blaze of crack, BLAM! Kettle off.  Now I had my saviour, methylphenidate (ritalin), and the same crack calming effect, minus the tacchacardia, damaged lungs and increase of cancer.

I had always worked, bought a flat at 25 and my house at 32. I was signed off due to my workload doubling and my means to cope removed. This caused me that much stress I managers suggesting I took the full six months off with sick pay. Prior to being prescribed methylphenidate I self medicate with ehtylphenidate. The legal high version. I had been spending £200-£500 per month

When attending ADHD clinic I met a other adult with the disability who frequently shot up crystal meth. He was healthy and full of life, any negative thoughts about shooting up were wiped away.

This is what pushed me to try heroin intravenously. The first two times it did nothing. Third time lucky though. It was now March 14 and I was aged 32.

As soon as I pushed that plunger, within 30 seconds it was 'WOOOAAAHHHH' I now know why people do this. I had what I can only describe, a full body orgasum. I was hooked.

It didn't take long for me to try ethylphenidate intravenously. Again I knew I could never take it rectally again.

The first rush hit me like a smack in the face. The rush was amazing and it  enabled me to cut down the amount I was using.

Within a couple of months by June 14, I had neglected to continue with my buprenorphine and methylphenidate scripts, with the latter being something I deeply regret.

I fell into a dark dank place where my life slowly became more and more consumed with getting drugs and using intravenously.

It didn't take long for my house mate to discover my works as I became more consumed with using and less bothered about discarding used works or hiding the ones I was using.

It was heroin that he tried first. Me finding and flagging a vein for him. I only did it once. After the first time I told him if he wanted to indulge in this disgusting habit he would be stabbing himself.

During the summer me and my house mate would finish DIY at midnight and retreat to the hot tub. However in October we took it down for the winter, and its removal paved the way for 24 hour using. Staying awake for 72 hours was common place.

We fell deeper and deeper into drug addiction. This is when my parents first 'created psychosis'. My friend truly believed there was another man in the house.

This caused massive arguments, and after one of these I finally disclosed to my friend I was using intravenously. She in turn told my father.

Inevitably the dreaded visit from him happened promptly. I was now weighing a pitiful 6 stone 10 pounds (94 pounds / 42.6 kg), only my promise of going to rehab seemed to satisfy him enough to leave me alone.

I returned to MDART, after a good 3 month break and was in detox within 10 days. An emergency admission.

However I still was trapped by the lure of using intravenously, something which was only halted with the ban on ethylphenidate in April.

I had a second detox and a stint in Springfield.

There's a replacement for ethylphenidate. Methylmethlyphenidate. I'm hoping I get my Concerta back as this was reduced and then removed in the two detox stays. 

If I'm told I can't have it back I'm likely to order some. But my medication means so means so much to me I'm holding out!




JayElle Famosjunkey

#iwillbefamous #thetruth #Itsnotaboutthedrugs