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Showing posts with label TFL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TFL. Show all posts

Friday, 20 October 2017


Ok so I decided to do things properly. Wasted a whole day of annual leave to go to MDART and get my script.

For some reason they TTO Saturday and Sunday (normally just Sunday is a TTO)

Coz TFL is a useless piece of shit and can’t operate some fucking lights there was major delays and the tube stopped at Tooting Broadway.

By the time I got off there it was 6.30pm. The time the chemist in Morden it was 6.30pm. As the TTO was two days, that means I’ve missed three days. That means bye bye script.

So I’m getting b so I don’t get sick. I’m also now wasted in Spoons in Tooting.. two large cocktails and 20mg diazepam

I have no annual leave left to visit MDART for a restart. 

To top it off, I was supposed to have a phone session with my counsellor at 4.30pm. Took half an hour for lunch especially. Did she bother to call? Did she fuck.

I’m a fucking red zone patient!!! The worst catagory. When you become an IV drug user, you kinda lose all your friends. She knows I rely on her and I’ve waited 10 Days to speak to her.

After my two failed recent drug ODs, the couple of seizures I’ve had on coked, and the rest, you’d think she’d had kept my appointment as a priority.

So fuck doing it the right way. Fuck detox. Fuck counselling 

Shit I’m wasted and just got a next cocktail. The last one (plus benzos) has just hit me now.

Better down this, take some pills and fuck off.

I am so tempted to overdose and actually make sure I die.

More fentanyl anyone?
Let’s see if MDART actually send someone to my house for not for disengaging

Shit I’m so wasted I can’t keep my eyes open. Better rolls and cigarette And get the next bus home.

