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Showing posts with label Help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Help. Show all posts

Tuesday, 28 July 2015


Whether legal or illegal, drugs and alcohol can have a devastating effect on not only users but those around them.

In the UK all local councils will have a drug and alcohol team who can also help those effected by loved ones using.

I myself go to MDART which is Merton's drug and alcohol recovery team and see a Psychiatric Nurse. Have a social worker  who too is qualified in nursing at SDART (Sutton drug and alcohol). I visit MACs for counselling.

There's also NA and AA. Whilst I don't utilise many do. I find it triggering.

The following numbers can provide help in the UK. For help in your own country please leave message should you require help or assistance.

Finally I am qualified in counselling so can provide any help, advice or just a non judgemental ear to anyone who feels helpless.


Jay x


Wednesday, 27 May 2015

❤️ May 2015 - DO YOU NEED HELP?

If anyone reading is struggling with a drug addiction or knows someone who is, please feel free to post a comment or PM me with any questions or queries.

I may be able to help, providing support and advice.

I'm qualified in Counselling, and would hate to think someone out there is suffering like I have done, alone.

You're not alone.

I speak fluent Irish and American! I'm sure we'll have a right crac, which will be totally awesome.

I know it's hard to disclose to people when you have a drug addiction, I'm sure I'm not the only one who wishes all drugs counsellors were ex-addicts.

Don't suffer in silence and try to commit suicide like me.

Love Junkie J**