I'm so excited about the possibility I could get my methylphenidate back.
There's another drug I could take but it takes 6 weeks to work. So I'll probably use while taking it and unlikely to stop when it does kick in.
For me methylphenidate renders crack and cocaine useless. This is what I need. It works immediately and soothes my schizo brain.
So guess I'm off to rehab. I need to wean off my buprenorphine and may go back to detox to do the last jump.
Currently I'm 6.8mgs. Next week 6mgs and I may do week after 4mgs and next week 2mgs.
Then possibly detox for
4 Days 1.8mgs
4 Days 1.4mgs
4 Days 1mgs
4 Days .8mgs
4 Days .4mgs
But on the outside I've got the herbal high Kractom to help with the drops. It's a plant that attaches to the opiate receptors but isn't an opiate.
It's addictive but not for someone like me with a huge tolerance. It's short acting so lasts 4-6 hours and I'll need to take 4-6 capsules each 4-6 hours. I'll only need it for 2-3 days each week when the drop kicks in. It takes 2-3 days to notice a drop.
Plus I'll have the legal high benzos
(There's a few new ones too)
This can help me with the anxiety, restlessness and sleeplessness.
I'm really trying on this one as although I can see me using drugs later in life. I'm fed up with opiate addiction.
Fingers crossed