I’ve been addicted 2 drugs 4 yrs! Self medicating 4 ADHD. Made the mistake of turning 2 my family. 1failed detox later they told lies 2 The Sun. Instead of researching ADHD, addiction/recovery, decided to try make me think I’m made. Despite completing rehab, moving back to my house & securing work. They continue to abuse & torture me. My blog is a mixture of diary entries, emails to my DART, lyrics, with some story type tales. Welcome to my world. There’s no turning back!
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Monday, 1 January 2018
❤️ I wish....
❤️ 23rd November 2017 - What The Terrible Junkie Did Today
Ok... so here’s my day
1) man on the broken northern line, trying to connect to WiFi... most likely to update you all on my location, and couldn’t connect.
I realised by entering my email address in Wi-fi Extra it connected. I shared this knowledge with him
2) Man came in without an appointment. So I had 20 mins for lunch so I could see him. He was angry at first, but once I started talking to him about the programme and the help I could provide he really cheered up. Got him hooked onto CSCS. He’s a single dad. It’s a pleasure helping people like him. He’s also a tattoo artist. Maybe I’ll be treated to a free tattoo when I get him employment!! My candidate last week made me a bracelet for helping him get his driving license.
3) My colleague is off with a bereavement. So I also registered her customer.
4) My candidate J**, lovely boy but he’s a pain in the bum. Couldn’t make it to the office so we could refund his travel. So I met him at the tube station and reimbursed him out of my own money. Of course I’ll get this back tomorrow, but what I did, was above and beyond the remit of my role.
So maybe instead of making MY life a misery, because of the LIES you’ve been told, you read my blog and see that you shouldn’t judge a book, based on some retarded critic’s review, when the critic never read the book in the first place and the review you read was complete fabrication.
Hopefully seeing my R*** tomorrow too!!
#iwillbefamous #thetruth #Itsnotaboutthedrugs @Gemma_Stalked
Sunday, 31 December 2017
❤️ 05th May 2015 - Journal
I used to love them so much. I'll never love them again now. I'll never be grateful of what they've done. I'll never say thanks mum and dad for the complete destruction of my life.
Shame they didn't do psychosis in my session with my drugs worker (they have intruded on my privacy before with my key workers). Coz when I told Jo I gave them my drugs and works, yet I'm still tormented like an animal, her eyes pricked with tears. She knows what a feat that was for me to do. Then to still be tormented. They have no idea. They have no idea about ADHD. Nothing. J* begged for her to make an appointment to see them so she could try to make them see what a huge effort on my behalf and perhaps I could do with a break. I said no. Why bother. They didn't want to see Dr P**. Fuck it.
You don't know the full extent of what they've done to me. I won't even be able to ever tell everything. Because it's so fucking sick. No one would believe me. I don't even believe myself at times. This is my mum and dad. Why won't they help me?
I was LOCKED AWAY for being honest about what they're doing to me. Yes, they're so evil no one believes this could possibly be real. It must be psychosis. But nothing listed below is beyond the realm of human capability. This is what my loving parents have done to me when I needed their help. When I cried and cried. When I pleaded. When I begged. When I gave them the fucking damn drugs and my works. Unlike real psychosis mine doesn't go away when I stop drugs.
- get loads of cars like dad's Ford Focus. Similar number plates, hub caps (dad changes his and drives with a fake EK number plate), in grey, silver and black. Have loads down Oakway on day I'm petrified of being illegally sectioned again. Have loads wherever I go. Pershore Grove. Rosendale.
- install CCTV in my house and their house. Then lie to Doctor and say I am imagining this. Forget that I used to be able to ask CCTV psychosis for things that would appear the next day. Also know information I haven't disclosed to you only psychosis. CCTV circuits where found in all of my light bulbs
- give her a bugged iPhone and prevent her from upgrading. Watch her every phone movement. Access camera and microphone at your leisure
- scream 'YOU'RE ON DRUGS' or just get angry when confronted
- don't what ever you do, act like parents. Still torment her when drug free, sober etc.
- bug her iPad which she realises strange men are following at night. So petrified she leaves in a bush.
- hang around her bedroom window whilst unlawfully detained in Springfield
- have her Key Worker appear in another borough and enter the house you're (I mean the psychosis) staying at
- get the community involved by mass stalking me. Have thousands of strangers photo me and text my location. I don't deserve the basic human right of privacy
- get houses involved to have pretend numbers on their door. THERE IS NO NUMBER 13 OAKWAY IDIOTS. BAD LUCK
- contaminate her gear with any old shit. Don't research what the fuck you're putting into something she will inject herself with. When she has black rotting flesh realise you made a bad choice and swap gear for less poisonous one
(One of two rotting parts of flesh)
- move her floor boards up and down so she's petrified of staying in her own home. Also knock door, move internal door handles. Have people enter her house. When she spends £150 (last money) on changing locks, have her come home to an open house with spare keys on the side
- when caught out (in the park) pretend your Clark Kent, where crap NHS glasses, your son's top, and squint your eyes when she sees your face
- constantly lie and say you're 'staying away'. Go next door and torment her with your son. Nice family bonding where you make the black sheep think she's mad
- be seen in public and in your car then lie and say you were at work
- be heard in neighbours houses' in adjacent rooms to where she's (petrified) staying. Then torment her.
- still lie when neighbour and counsellor have slipped up and told her the truth
- have large vehicles play a sound so it sounds like a helicopter is above her (talk about prisoner of war treatment)
- have loads of bright white lights where ever she goes. Even central London where she's still hounded like a dog (Terrorist, rapist, murderer, treason.... This cannot be because little no one Gemma take a drugs. Coz all of this just makes me take a hell of a lot more)
- large helicopter presence around me
- shop staff ignore me or lie saying machines not working.
- have strangers read my text messages when sitting 4 rows behind me
- get my counsellor to lie (she did tell truth which is why I went SPRINGFIELD)
- get my friend to lie and all of a sudden I have psychosis at his house. This was my last 'safe' place where I could sleep
- take all her shoes and make one too small for her to wear
Wednesday, 27 December 2017
❤️ Complete List Of The Abuse
01/06/15 - destroyed my hand written diaries
#iwillbefamous #thetruth #Itsnotaboutthedrugs @Gemma_Stalked
❤️ 14th June 2008 - Boyfriend Dramas
Wake up and go Greggs. When I get back R** and J*** have gone. Admittedly I was not in the best mood with R** when I woke up. Upset he did a runner whilst I was gone out. When I got back I thought he was in the front room with J***. Took me a while to realise I was alone!
❤️ Unicorn Duck
I started to write a verse two, but was feeling a little morbid at the time