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Thursday 9 November 2017

❤️ 11th May 2008 - Boyfriend Dramas

At R**’s damn Facebook again. I had added application my Cutest Friends and my Sexiest Friends.

You go through your friends and vote out of all of your friends. It takes everyone’s vote into consideration. So I get to make one vote for each person for Sexy / Cute or not Secy / Cute.

So if 10 is Z**’s mate’s vote her sexy and 8 of P******’s and 7 of T*****’s, they’ll be rated 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

I only have one vote, so I can’t choose who I want.

R** sees T***** pic on the application on my profile and kicks off. 

Swears I gave him loads of votes and not voting for him (which I wasn’t). I must have rated T***** more, which is why he’s on my profile. I didn’t actually vote for him at all.

The moodiness over nothing continues, I remove all the applications off Facebook bar a couple of games.

Still I can’t change his mood.

I leave. He doesn’t come after me or call. I spend the night crying myself to sleep again. 

Friday 3 November 2017

❤️ 08th January 2010 - Journal

Bumped into Smilie today (old coke dealer who fancied me, so would sell me a Q.. 7 grams for £180, when I was shotting). He’s looking well for. Could do with a fuck friend. It’s been almost a year.

Linked JD (crack and heroin dealer), but it’s been over a week since my last smoke.

Arranged my social life for the next two months. Time to start deleting numbers from my phone book. T*****, M****** and I** spring to mind.

(T***** was an old school friend who was adamantly against drugs, M***** was an old work colleague and I** an ex. It’s clear M****** is aware of my notoriety as I saw her at an event in 2016 and she was acting cold towards me)

Wednesday 1 November 2017

❤️ Kate The Crack Head


any similarities purely coincidental 

There was a mad crack head called Kate
Who robbed the £1 shop and did hate
A junkie who paid,
For her deviant ways,
Absuing and lied to her mate

Causing much destruction she tried
People started avoiding her lies
But she hung with the low
Where most junkies won’t go
And even pretended to die 

Her mate she laughs when she hears
Kate had been causing much geers
Coz she can’t fully pay
For her fix today 
And her mate, she smokes and cheers 

Tuesday 31 October 2017

❤️ Dear Mum - 2015

This was in one of my books which was written in the event of my death. And this is a letter, I wrote to my mum... when I still had love for her, and hope this would be over.....

Dear Mum

Why mum? Why did you let them do this to me? When did your maternal instinct for me die? 

I will never experience that now. Being a mother. But I have a deep love for Orion and I would never do anything to hurt him. I’d kill anyone who did. That’s why I can’t understand this. 

I’m so sorry. Sorry I let you down. Sorry I’m such a disappointment. I’m sorry I’m not worth saving. I’m gone now. You finally have your perfect family.

I did want to try to cope. I was going to try auditing as a danger. But I needed to self medicate to have the strength to do that. We both know that’s not happening. 

I always preferred it when it you was on duty. I wouldn’t be tormented so badly. Fat Cunt, Sir Cunt A Lot and Nice But Dim could be so cruel. 

I would hear you cry. I know you would be hearing me cry too. Why didn’t you come for me mum? I though that was what you were supposed to do.

I can’t take this anymore. I hurt so bad. And when. I do see you and dad, you’re like strangers to me. Why do you lie to me? Why do you hurt me?

Like dad you were perfect until 2015. Couldn’t have asked for a better mum. I’m really proud I can cook, bake, sew all thanks to you.

I’m not meant for this life though. I’m not normal.

I know you’re gonna watch me take the pills. I know you won’t do anything. Please don’t watch me die.

I miss how things used to be. But it’ll never be the same again. 

I miss the theatre, shopping and going out. But you have Nice But Dim so I know any void created by me, can be filled.

So, I’m sorry. I’m with nan P and nan S now. And all my pets.

And finally, I’ll have the truth.

I loved you mum.

I just can’t take this anymore.


Wednesday 25 October 2017

❤️ 10th April 2008 - Boyfriend Dramas

Today my heart has been destroyed. Today W***** dumped me. Life doesn’t feel like it’s worth living anymore. And to make matters worse, it’s over fucking Facebook.

I was playing an game called ‘Owned’. I was buying all my friends I could afford. I bought my ex T*****.

At 11.12am I get a text from R** saying ‘you clearly (want) T***** more than I thought. Even after that chat we had yesterday he is the first you buy (which he wasn’t). You might as well call him if you haven’t already. He will probably take you back. That’s clearly what you want. As for me, I’m fed up of hearing his name. I’m done’

I call him and at first he’s cold and emotionless. I’m crying and he doesn’t care. I can’t believe this is my loving, caring guy. He tells me it’s over, ignores my pleading, my cries, how much I’m hurting.

Eventually he hangs up and refuses to answer my calls.

I’m crying so much at work. L*** recons he’s just angry and will take it back and regret what he’s said and done.

However I’ve never seen him act like this before.

This is the real deal. He eventually switches off his phone to avoid my constant calls.

On Facebook he changes his relationship status to single.

I’m crying so much at work I get sent home.

At 1.59pm I finally get a text in reply to my pleas about how much I want R**, not T*****. How much I love him. The text reads ‘you’re not interested in him, but you write he’s your man’. That was in relation to the nick names you can give people you own. 

T*****’s girlfriend gave him that nickname  and unless I change it, it stays.

I try to explain but it’s pointless. I’m crying in bed. Ask M*** to bring some weed to smoke. W**** texts saying he wants his clothes that I washed for him.

I explain they’re drying and when they’re dry I’ll bring them to his mum’s or I****** (his work).

He calls me up angry saying he needs them now, he’s not got enough clothes at his mum’s.

I know this is complete crap. I tell him I really don’t want to see him. I’m hurting too much. I would arrange something over the weekend though.

Pissed he didn’t get the answer he wanted, he hangs up.

L*** arranges to come and see me after work, ‘we’ll get loaded’. She wants to keep me company. I tell her about the clothes, and say when she gets the bus, to get off the stop earlier by R**’s work.

I’ll give her the clothes, and she can give them to him if he wants them that badly. She’s cool with that.

I pack up the wet clothes into the carrier bag. I use Asda, coz R**’s a bit of a snob like me and they are the cheapest supermarket bags I could find.

Get a text at 3.24pm saying ‘sorry x’.

Anyway I do my make up, which I cried off, put on my blue Adidas tracksuit bottoms, a little jumper and white cropped fur collar jacket. I look hot. Even in a trackie. I get plenty of whistles and attention as I walk through Mitcham to meet L***.

No point driving in rush hour, such a short distance. I wait in the alley by I*******, L*** takes the clothes and comes back. She tells me she said ‘are you W****?’ And  ‘these are from J**. Sorry’ and laughed as she does.

As we’re walking away, L*** looks around and he’s standing outside the door calling me.  Not wanting to walk back I call him and ask what’s his problem.

Anyway ends up walking back. W*****’s suddenly got his emotions back. He’s got tears in his eyes (not that he would ever let one drop). He says what he said was in anger, he’s sorry, he’s been listening to our song all afternoon. Chris Brown’s With You. And looking through all my pictures on Facebook. He wants to talk. I tell him I was sent home from work crying, did that make him feel good?

I feel myself wanting to cry. Say that was why I didn’t want to see him today and we’d talk tomorrow and went.

Me and L*** get lots of wine. L*** was right about him regretting it and not really meaning it.

At 5.40pm he texts me saying ‘I used the clothes as an excuse to see you coz I know I was wrong. I don’t like upsetting you. Sorry x’

Knowing the ball was in my court I tell him how much I was hurt and he couldn’t just dump me when he’s angry.

At 5.51pm he replies saying ‘I know. You say things you don’t mean when you’re angry. I close off. Just another thing I have to fix. Sorry’

Have a wicked night with L***. Get really twisted. Get loads of texts from R**. Ask him to give me a break. We’ll chat tomorrow. Can’t believe, all that hurt for nothing.

Tuesday 24 October 2017

❤️ What They Did

This is another list of the sick things my parents did. This is what they believe it suitable behaviour to bestow upon their child who came begging for their help. They are well aware of my ADHD disability and the subsequent mental health issues I am faced with due to this. All of their actions actually do fuck all to help me remain abstinent. They just increase my ADHD symptoms, my OCD symptoms, the internal battle I face daily with self hate, anxiety and depression. And to cope with these feelings, naturally I rely on self medicating.

They have done NOTHING positive which will help me achieve sobriety and everything negative which pushes me to use.

* CCTV in both my own house and theirs. In every room. At first it was old school, where they would watch the recordings after I had gone to bed. Then they progress to live streaming.

* Then they added little speakers. I actually saw them feeding one under my floor boards once, from my neighbour’s house. It was white. They did this, so I could hear them react to my actions. They would also read out loud any text I wrote on my phone. In an attempt to make their daughter, who already has severe mental health problems believe she was crazy. Seeing as I already self medicated my mental health problems with drugs, by doing this, naturally, they increased my drug use.

* ‘psychosis’ naturally was only present, when they weren’t. For example, when they were ‘out’ or ‘in bed’. I never had ‘psychosis’ in their presence 

* which leads to my next point, although I was still banging up speed in copious amounts whilst Sectioned as I smuggled both my works and plenty of drugs in there, again I had no episodes of psychosis. I naturally used the payphone opposed to my hacked phone to place orders for drugs and stayed away from my bedroom as I stupidly let them know which room I was using, so when I was in there, they’d spend their time camped outside so they could throw stones at my window. Quite pathetic, but I get great pleasure knowing that old witch who gave birth to me suffered a heart attack and was alone due to this

* stole my post, opened the packages containing my legal highs, contaminated them and then re-sealed the items. They allowed me to inject substances which rotted my flesh. There’s photos of this on my blog. Pure evil.

* the constant surveillance I’m both the home I had purchased and their home, resulted in me using dangerous amounts of drugs outside of these properties. I would attempt to use as much as possible before I returned to either property. This resulted in numerous near overdoses and one almost fatal overdose, resulting in two ambulance call outs, costing the NHS

* changed all my lightbulbs to types which had cameras inside. Again there’s photographic evidence of this on my blog.

* told lie to the Sun to evoke as much public hatred for me as possible. And recently they use social media to do this. 

* had me Sectioned, well aware the reasons where far from imaginary. During my section, when the witch had the heart attack, I clearly saw Sir Cunt A Lot and Nice But Dim sheepishly return to their vehicles and leave.

* fuck up the reflection on window... yeah sounds mad. But I’ve seen the reflection of people with ‘scary faces’ only to see said people lying in someone’s back garden two doors away. Twice in my house I’ve had the same on my bedroom window. The second time I laughed as the people ran one by one, to whatever was causing this reflection and said allowed ‘oh! They’re doing this again’ and the chubby faced, Middle aged woman, who seriously needed to do her roots, stopped running and said ‘oh! She knows what we’re doing’ smiled, and walked sheepishly away... really killing the ‘Scream-esq’ effect they were trying to portray. More recently, whilst my cat was sat next to me on the arm of the sofa... around about over dose time September 2017, I saw my dad and Fat Cunt reflected, pulling nasty faces at me and laughing, as the reflection of the cat who was sat next to me walked by. Yeah... nasty pieces of shit right? 

* caused me to suffer from a great deal of paranoia. Something which still effects me today and will do for the rest of my life.

* Hacked my expensive iPhones and iPads. This enabled people to stalk me and naturally terrified the crap out of me at first. This resulted in me dumping a brand new iPad through sheer fear. I had strangers with big dogs circling me. I nearly weighed 8 stone, so clearly unable to defend myself. 

* this one is incredibly strange, but they altered my clothes, therefore ruining most of them. I actually am wearing a pair of jeans today which the witch altered. She removed the normal studs from down the side of the jeans and replace them with glass type studs. Of course I was super paranoid, so thought these may have been hidden cameras. Fuck, they could have been hidden cameras. Other favourites where taking all my shoes and making one of them too small for me. Making walking incredibly painful. Or adding god knows what to my jumper sleeves so they constantly scratched me.

* Heard the witch’s next door neighbour, who must assume drug abuse equates to loss of hearing, tell her builders, loud and clear, while I was 20 feet away from her ‘that’s the girl from the Sun’. Oh, and I’ve had a homeless person and crack head in Brixton confirm this. And then there was the Asian guy on the bus who spilt the beans upon my disclosure of the truth. Oh and some other girl tell her Boyfriend I was the girl from the Sun doing cocaine. I was quick to correct her it was crack... and there’s countless more examples providing
Evidence of this. Recently I take pleasure in pulling out my brand new £1,500 phone, to hear people exclaim I have a new phone. This is especially great after they insult me on their crappy iPhone 5’s.

* had new keys cut, after I was fed up and frankly super insecure over the security of THE HOUSE I HAVE BOUGHT, got new keys cut. When I returned to my house, after spending exactly the last of the cash I had in my bank account, another set of keys had appeared and my house was unlocked.
Recently, after my security camera caught Fat Cunt entering my property illegally, I paid yet again to have the locks changed. Unfortunately this was when N was here... and I have no doubt he’s playing their stupid game. Most likely being blackmailed due to his choice of shall we say... self employment. So even now, I am finding evidence my property is being entered without my permission.

* the also took full advantage of my OCD, which has gone crazy since moving into this house and the explosion of mould, mould mites and dust mites. They took pleasure in driving me crazy. So I’d clean the witch’s kitchen floor, and some fucked up contraption, clearly hidden under the kitchen kick boards, would blow dirt back out again, meaning I was never able to keep it clean. I actually cared for the witch then, and thought this was especially cruel, not only to me, but to the witch too, as she had cancer. So I gave up in the end. Let the witch clean it. I tried to help the cancer riddled Bitch, they continued to fuck it up. So Fuck it.

* stalked me, and enrolled the public (by the lies told on social media and in the Sun). I actually have named and shamed the recent fuckers doing this. Yeah, this will reduce my anxiety won’t it.. 

So here’s just a few of the nasty actions they have undertook.

And remember the lies they have told you? They want me to stop drugs right? Yet every single evil action listed above does nothing but increase my ADHD and mental health problems, which in turn, increases my drug use.

This has nothing to do about helping me get clean and everything to push me to suicide.

Saturday 21 October 2017


Ok, I’ve been naughty. 

My curiosity for legal highs has perked its ugly head, complete with horns and snarling grin 😈

So for some reason, don’t ask why, I chose not to use my favourite site on the dark net, but used google. This meant paying immediately (No Escrow - this means you pay, but the seller doesn’t get it until you relsease it, you release when you receive the product).

So I used a company called

I ordered 4F-MPH an analogue of Ritalin. Waste of money really when your tolerance to Ritalin is already stupidly high. Anyway product review to follow.

Anyway, Ace Chem Store

I order on the 19/09/17, screen shotted bit coin transfer and emailed it to and asked for a change of delivery address.


19/09/17 - Wanted address changed. Emailed and both failed realised need to send proof of order and payment again

20/09/17 - Emailed The said nothing in relation to to adddress being changed. Just ‘we send order when we get money’ *not faulting their poor English. I’d be buggered to say that in another language! 

21/09/17 - asked about address changed. Asked to send order ID! My ID was already in this email trail as I attached a picture earlier no with this. So sent photo again. Ace Chem goes quiet.

04/10/17 - chased them. Asked for frigging ID again. Still using the same trail of emails I had added this to numerous times previously 

05/10/17 - still nothing. I I chased them up. Left a bad review on some Glass Door type company connected to their website. Said throw some freebies and I’d change this. FINALLY HAD CONTACT ... asking me to confirm my payment! They asked for proof of payment again!! So I send again. Just told it would be sent tomorrow. 2 week’s after their payment was taken from my account! 

Their only other response was the payment page! No apology! 

Anyway I had a real moan at them. Told them I ordered fentanyl from Canada on the same day which arrived in 2 weeks.

Promised them they would get a whole page my my blog dedicated to them, and I got over 100 views a day. Any clever company would at least apologise not to look like utter wankers. Maybe send some fancy freebies... I mean those make up bloggers are laughing aren’t they!! I’d love to get the same perks!!

Blog about my cocaine and here’s a free sample!

Any drug dealers using them dark net, feel free to be a groundbreaking company, the first, in the drug field, to utilise a blogger. 😄 but still, I’m serious. 

Or pharmacists, drug researchers, etc I get so jealous of reading about people getting to test LSD, probably with the infamous Professor Nutt... yet, when do I see these trials advertised???

I’d be first choice candidate. Well for drugs I have experienced, but don’t currently use. You know I’m not allergic and won’t die. I know what to expect. I won’t freak out when the IV ketamine reaches my brain, because as horrendous as it is, I’ve done it before. 

God forbid should I be in an accident and get IV ketamine and not morphine. I’m already worried at my reaction. Hate the stuff. AMAZING for opiates withdrawals and worth tripping your tits off for an hour to then be able to sleep and feel normal the next morning and half the afternoon.

I see it as imperative. I’ve not slept for 6 week’s properly (1-3 hours max a night), during opiates Withdrawal. Ended up getting a script from my favourite Psyche Dr. P. Even if it’s just one night’s sleep in a week and the ability to bathe, wash hair, go shopping!

Anyway ketamine and to some extent it’s cousin Robustins Light Blue cough medicine, helps sleep.

Anyway this 4F-MPH clearly wore off ages ago. This post is SO ADHD.. I wouldn’t bother with Ace Chem Store ☹️

You can now sign up for my posts via email, if you click the full website, it’s on the left hand side.



❤️ 01st July 2017 - Journal

Had an ok day. Still better than before, but still have chronic anxiety. It stops me eating, relaxing and makes me feel awful.

Went to see R*** and went to a barbecue.

R*** makes me so fucking horny. It’s annoying feeling like this when there’s so many people around. I struggle to keep my hands off her.

Still it makes it more exciting when I do touch her. I like it when we’re caught.

3 guys almost walked in lamppost when we were kissing and getting touchy in the pub.

Guys at the BBQ noticed us flirting. We were alone in the front room and I was playing with her, and she was touching me also, when some guy came in.

Some black girl was nasty to us. We went to the toilet to some cold and she was ramming the door. Then 15 minutes later she was slagging us off.

Me and R*** thought her distain stemmed from our clearly evident drug taking, but we were wrong.

She later apologised and said she thought D** (the guy whose party it was, who invited R***) had thought he had ordered two prositutes / strippers.

We were in dresses / heels and everyone else was quite hippy and dressed down. 

She turned out to be really nice. She apologised and was very ashamed that she stereotyped is, as she was also fucked on MDMA, so definitely no drug concerns.

I explained I didn’t go out that often, so when I did I wanted to wear nice clothes and shoes. She asked why, and I said I had a mortgage and bills. Her jaw hit the floor when I said mortgage. It’s quite sad that blonde hair, slim, tan, dress and heels creates connotations of being a stripper / hooker.

Me and R*** got an Uber. It’s so cheap. £35 from north London to mine via Barbican. I need to pay R*** £40. I forgot my password for internet banking (it wouldn’t let me use a thumb print for new transfers).

I think it’s a massive turn on not being able to do what I want to do to R***. I was only able to snatch small glimpses of felling her body. I love her bum and thighs. Her dress was really short so it was easy to slip my hands on her ass when I was walking behind had and she loves it too.

It’s like she switches to a nympho if I flirt with her. Just like she said about the 5 or 6 different personalities in her.

We got rather cosy in the garden and D** came over and said he fancies R*** and said something about us being touchy feely.

And the coke dealer wanted a threesome too. He’s hot. I’d be up for that.

Anyway this is a log of my life, so when I die, the truth can be told. But it needn’t be all doom and gloom.

R*** thinks I’m super hot, which is weird as she’s WAY out of my league. But anyway I can’t be that bad looking if I’m pulling girls as hot as R***.

And I recon I’m fucking M*** tomorrow. About time. 10 years’ we’ve flirted, but one of us was in a relationship.

I’m gonna party, fuck, get drunk and take drugs like there’s no tomorrow. Because it’s likely that ‘no tomorrow’ is likely to happen at some point should they carry on.

Came home to find the two empty Concerta bottles I had left on the bed moved to the windowsill.

I decided to bang up a sunburn. Would have done it booty bumped otherwise, but if they fuck with me, I’ll fuck with them.

I’m gonna order more from TOR. I don’t want to live. If I abuse drugs there’s a higher likelihood I could die and have fun too.

When they stop traumatising and abusing me (and it IS trauma and abuse according to counsellors at Longreaxh), I’ll stop self medicating.

I’m gonna try new legal Highs, the ethylphenidate wasn’t all that. My tolerance sky rocketed, but I made a gram last 3 days. I’d easily do that in a day, if not more.

Friday 20 October 2017


Ok so I decided to do things properly. Wasted a whole day of annual leave to go to MDART and get my script.

For some reason they TTO Saturday and Sunday (normally just Sunday is a TTO)

Coz TFL is a useless piece of shit and can’t operate some fucking lights there was major delays and the tube stopped at Tooting Broadway.

By the time I got off there it was 6.30pm. The time the chemist in Morden it was 6.30pm. As the TTO was two days, that means I’ve missed three days. That means bye bye script.

So I’m getting b so I don’t get sick. I’m also now wasted in Spoons in Tooting.. two large cocktails and 20mg diazepam

I have no annual leave left to visit MDART for a restart. 

To top it off, I was supposed to have a phone session with my counsellor at 4.30pm. Took half an hour for lunch especially. Did she bother to call? Did she fuck.

I’m a fucking red zone patient!!! The worst catagory. When you become an IV drug user, you kinda lose all your friends. She knows I rely on her and I’ve waited 10 Days to speak to her.

After my two failed recent drug ODs, the couple of seizures I’ve had on coked, and the rest, you’d think she’d had kept my appointment as a priority.

So fuck doing it the right way. Fuck detox. Fuck counselling 

Shit I’m wasted and just got a next cocktail. The last one (plus benzos) has just hit me now.

Better down this, take some pills and fuck off.

I am so tempted to overdose and actually make sure I die.

More fentanyl anyone?
Let’s see if MDART actually send someone to my house for not for disengaging

Shit I’m so wasted I can’t keep my eyes open. Better rolls and cigarette And get the next bus home.



Thursday 19 October 2017

❤️ Unknown Note

I binged today
Ice cream 
Chicken pie
Ice cream 
Crisps x 3
5 Jaffa cakes
2 yoghurts
Dried fruit snack
Cheese and pineapple

Must starve tomorrow 

In fairness I haven’t eaten properly for four days. I was back to 9.1lbs