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Tuesday, 24 October 2017

❤️ What They Did

This is another list of the sick things my parents did. This is what they believe it suitable behaviour to bestow upon their child who came begging for their help. They are well aware of my ADHD disability and the subsequent mental health issues I am faced with due to this. All of their actions actually do fuck all to help me remain abstinent. They just increase my ADHD symptoms, my OCD symptoms, the internal battle I face daily with self hate, anxiety and depression. And to cope with these feelings, naturally I rely on self medicating.

They have done NOTHING positive which will help me achieve sobriety and everything negative which pushes me to use.

* CCTV in both my own house and theirs. In every room. At first it was old school, where they would watch the recordings after I had gone to bed. Then they progress to live streaming.

* Then they added little speakers. I actually saw them feeding one under my floor boards once, from my neighbour’s house. It was white. They did this, so I could hear them react to my actions. They would also read out loud any text I wrote on my phone. In an attempt to make their daughter, who already has severe mental health problems believe she was crazy. Seeing as I already self medicated my mental health problems with drugs, by doing this, naturally, they increased my drug use.

* ‘psychosis’ naturally was only present, when they weren’t. For example, when they were ‘out’ or ‘in bed’. I never had ‘psychosis’ in their presence 

* which leads to my next point, although I was still banging up speed in copious amounts whilst Sectioned as I smuggled both my works and plenty of drugs in there, again I had no episodes of psychosis. I naturally used the payphone opposed to my hacked phone to place orders for drugs and stayed away from my bedroom as I stupidly let them know which room I was using, so when I was in there, they’d spend their time camped outside so they could throw stones at my window. Quite pathetic, but I get great pleasure knowing that old witch who gave birth to me suffered a heart attack and was alone due to this

* stole my post, opened the packages containing my legal highs, contaminated them and then re-sealed the items. They allowed me to inject substances which rotted my flesh. There’s photos of this on my blog. Pure evil.

* the constant surveillance I’m both the home I had purchased and their home, resulted in me using dangerous amounts of drugs outside of these properties. I would attempt to use as much as possible before I returned to either property. This resulted in numerous near overdoses and one almost fatal overdose, resulting in two ambulance call outs, costing the NHS

* changed all my lightbulbs to types which had cameras inside. Again there’s photographic evidence of this on my blog.

* told lie to the Sun to evoke as much public hatred for me as possible. And recently they use social media to do this. 

* had me Sectioned, well aware the reasons where far from imaginary. During my section, when the witch had the heart attack, I clearly saw Sir Cunt A Lot and Nice But Dim sheepishly return to their vehicles and leave.

* fuck up the reflection on window... yeah sounds mad. But I’ve seen the reflection of people with ‘scary faces’ only to see said people lying in someone’s back garden two doors away. Twice in my house I’ve had the same on my bedroom window. The second time I laughed as the people ran one by one, to whatever was causing this reflection and said allowed ‘oh! They’re doing this again’ and the chubby faced, Middle aged woman, who seriously needed to do her roots, stopped running and said ‘oh! She knows what we’re doing’ smiled, and walked sheepishly away... really killing the ‘Scream-esq’ effect they were trying to portray. More recently, whilst my cat was sat next to me on the arm of the sofa... around about over dose time September 2017, I saw my dad and Fat Cunt reflected, pulling nasty faces at me and laughing, as the reflection of the cat who was sat next to me walked by. Yeah... nasty pieces of shit right? 

* caused me to suffer from a great deal of paranoia. Something which still effects me today and will do for the rest of my life.

* Hacked my expensive iPhones and iPads. This enabled people to stalk me and naturally terrified the crap out of me at first. This resulted in me dumping a brand new iPad through sheer fear. I had strangers with big dogs circling me. I nearly weighed 8 stone, so clearly unable to defend myself. 

* this one is incredibly strange, but they altered my clothes, therefore ruining most of them. I actually am wearing a pair of jeans today which the witch altered. She removed the normal studs from down the side of the jeans and replace them with glass type studs. Of course I was super paranoid, so thought these may have been hidden cameras. Fuck, they could have been hidden cameras. Other favourites where taking all my shoes and making one of them too small for me. Making walking incredibly painful. Or adding god knows what to my jumper sleeves so they constantly scratched me.

* Heard the witch’s next door neighbour, who must assume drug abuse equates to loss of hearing, tell her builders, loud and clear, while I was 20 feet away from her ‘that’s the girl from the Sun’. Oh, and I’ve had a homeless person and crack head in Brixton confirm this. And then there was the Asian guy on the bus who spilt the beans upon my disclosure of the truth. Oh and some other girl tell her Boyfriend I was the girl from the Sun doing cocaine. I was quick to correct her it was crack... and there’s countless more examples providing
Evidence of this. Recently I take pleasure in pulling out my brand new £1,500 phone, to hear people exclaim I have a new phone. This is especially great after they insult me on their crappy iPhone 5’s.

* had new keys cut, after I was fed up and frankly super insecure over the security of THE HOUSE I HAVE BOUGHT, got new keys cut. When I returned to my house, after spending exactly the last of the cash I had in my bank account, another set of keys had appeared and my house was unlocked.
Recently, after my security camera caught Fat Cunt entering my property illegally, I paid yet again to have the locks changed. Unfortunately this was when N was here... and I have no doubt he’s playing their stupid game. Most likely being blackmailed due to his choice of shall we say... self employment. So even now, I am finding evidence my property is being entered without my permission.

* the also took full advantage of my OCD, which has gone crazy since moving into this house and the explosion of mould, mould mites and dust mites. They took pleasure in driving me crazy. So I’d clean the witch’s kitchen floor, and some fucked up contraption, clearly hidden under the kitchen kick boards, would blow dirt back out again, meaning I was never able to keep it clean. I actually cared for the witch then, and thought this was especially cruel, not only to me, but to the witch too, as she had cancer. So I gave up in the end. Let the witch clean it. I tried to help the cancer riddled Bitch, they continued to fuck it up. So Fuck it.

* stalked me, and enrolled the public (by the lies told on social media and in the Sun). I actually have named and shamed the recent fuckers doing this. Yeah, this will reduce my anxiety won’t it.. 

So here’s just a few of the nasty actions they have undertook.

And remember the lies they have told you? They want me to stop drugs right? Yet every single evil action listed above does nothing but increase my ADHD and mental health problems, which in turn, increases my drug use.

This has nothing to do about helping me get clean and everything to push me to suicide.

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