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Thursday, 25 January 2018

❤️ 17th August 2015 - Journal

Ok I've had a disgusting binge. It's times like this that make me realise I need rehab.

I've binged since Saturday night.

But while I'm disgusted at myself I want to remind myself of my last binge.

The first of June. Ethylphenidate. Banging up ten times a day for over a week.

No shame at the end of my last binge, just exhaustion. And even sadness that my binge had to end.

Now, this binge has been half coke (injected) and half crack (smoked).

2 days not 7 (or was it 10).

Shame and disgust at my behaviour.

So please, if anyone plans on punishing me for being a dirty junkie, I already regret my behaviour. 

When I used ethylphenidate, I never wanted to stop. I just suddenly saw myself having to inject myself for ever.

Now I see someone who needs to go rehab. No matter how much I don't want to go.

I don't plan on using so much, for a long time. I've got my using bug out of me.

Even when I smoked crack, I'd have times where I binged.

So although this is a fail, it's an improvement.

I've recently started getting very strong cravings for speed. But I haven't acted on them. I desperately want to buy benzos and kractom to help me come off subbies, but no I have to buy them online so I avoid the shop.

I am a loser. But I'm also a winner.

❤️ 15th August 2015 - Private Microbiologist

I'm wondering if anyone can enlighten me as to how one would employ the services of a microbiologist?

I have been told my 'bugs' as psychosis. However I still experience them now. I've read of a Doctor in the same boat. Being a GP he wasn't labelled mad. He had samples taken and discovered he had tropical bird mites. He describes

1) Biting black dots

2) Appearing from his skin

3) Creepy, crawling feeling

4) Two weeks of biting, itching, two weeks of peace


I also have the following facts 

1) If I use mouth wash or vodka on my skin, black dots appear

2) I've videoed them jumping when prodded with a small item 

3) I've had two serious bouts of cellulitis, can be caused by insects, bacteria 

4) I had scabies type crust scabs which wouldn't heal

5) I had scabie type track marks (trust me, not on my veins so not me 😀)

6) I had a jar of weed that would make 'popping' noises at night (12am-5am)

7) Vacum packed clothes made the same noises

8) They came out of me in the bath (witnessed x 3)

9) My clothes seams moved if sprayed with lemon and ironed (bird mites eat clothes too)

10) Clothes wore out quickly 

11) When I was bitten, my rabbit was pissed and acting like he was being bitten 

12) He liked the cat's litter box which mites don't like due to lack of moisture.

13) If you sprayed the rabbit's straw with bleach it moved (videoed and my psyche nurse viewed and agreed I could be right)

14) Even now, little dots appear in my nose (when I blow it) and if I bleed.

Personally for peace of mind, I'd love to confirm I am bug free. If so, I have to live with the fact, these black dots are in fact nothing but dirt. But due to their appearance sober and high, I'd like to double check.

Mites have 6 cycles of life, and we can only see them at their biggest in their last stage. That would explain the surges of near invisible waves. This has almost caused me to crash my car. Their appearance and my pets avoidance of my house, caused the mass cleaning (causing destruction).

Plus, before labelling someone mad, an actual insect infestation must be ruled out. My psychiatrist didn't do that. I was sectioned. I'm sure that's clinic malpractice. Being detained in Springfield, must entitle me to some compensation.

Help appreciated

Jay x

❤️ 15th August 2015 - Journal

I have a little hope!!

After my last post the lack of minor psychosis when I got home!! Maybe my family realise the huge amount of unnecessary damage they have caused. Maybe they understand my sadness at the loss of my career. Maybe they realise making their daughter the most famous junkie since Amy Winehouse, when she had only fucked up so minimally wasn't the best idea.

Dad, honesty will mean I can love you again.

Mum, honesty will mean your children won't avoid each other for ever.

Daniel, I know you hate me, but honesty and getting a chance to see P** will encourage me to stay clean.

I'd love to be god mother. I promise, should anything happen to you, C, both grandparents, all your friends, I'd never touch a drug again should I be responsible for P.

The truth means you admitting you made some fucked up mistakes. 

But it means getting your daughter back.

Otherwise, I'll be absent at birthdays, Christmas and celebrations.

Only Precious P will get spoilt from me. If this is the future, please tell her the truth about me. I have a disability in which 80% of unmedicated adults self medicate. I am not unusual. I am not a terrible junkie. Most ADHD sufferers do the same.

In fact, before PP inherits my house she'll be required to read my blog.

P, I'm not the bad evil Aunty I've been painted out to be. Maybe you'll have ADHD. Some times I wish you do, cause I'm sure the others will understand my condition better and take it seriously if you do. But other times I don't. You're too special to have this infliction.

I've never chased a high. 

I've chased normal.

God bless to all who suffer.

Jay x


❤️ 11th August 2015 - Journal

Well I'm down to 3.2mgs of buprenorphine and three pick ups a week. That means no more supervised prescription. This makes cutting down much easier as you get all your tablets take away, so take them when needed, not because you're at Boots.

On Sunday as you get a TTO (to take out), I always take less than what I'm prescribed. Last Sunday I look 2.4mgs. 

Also taking less means I can stash some. Then I can cut down lower than 0.4mgs. I can dilute a 0.4mgs in water and either sublingual or rectal, take 0.2mgs and 0.1mgs before I jump.

Having tried to stop before and 6 weeks later, still no sleep and withdrawals, giving in, this makes sense.

Then I'll purchase kractom. Kractom isn't an opiate but binds to the opiate receptors. It's short acting (4 hours or so), unlike subutex which is long acting. If you take 1mg of subbie today, it's 24 hour half life means tomorrow you have 0.5, Thursday 0.25, Friday 0.125 and so on.

Due to its long half life withdrawals are longer than short life opiates. Longer but milder.

Subutex/buprenorphine is a partial acting opiate. Easy explanation is, you have five opiate plugs in your head. For natural opiates. Heroin plugs into all five. And methadone. So you stop making natural opaites. Subbies only plug into three. So two free plugs for natural ones. This means as you're making some natural opiates withdrawal is easier.

So Kractom will be used and tapered to ensure I get some sleep. Also the legal benzos. Lack of sleep is the worst symptom. I don't want to give in like last time.

After 4-6 weeks I will have tapered the kractom to nothing. Or sporadic, no pattern to my use.

Enjoy my science lesson in as simple and plain English possible about full and partial acting opiates. Long and short half life's of drugs.

Bless Jay x


❤️ 06th February 2016 - GBH

My brother decided to pierce holes in my needles again and totally fucked My leg. Going hospital later

❤️ 06th February 2016 - Journal

I have begged and begged my family to be honest and come on admit the truth with me in the national press just like they told their lies. It is the only thing that will save our family now. 

But their lives are more important so I decided I have one last chance to fight this alone.

I have lost everything now even my family. All because their lives are more important than their daughter. As they are selling my house is punishment I have no choice but to do this because I need the compensation to buy some where new.

I already have a couple of solicitors interested and will keep trying more.

Like the X-Files the truth is out there.this is why all the photos I have of the cameras hidden in the lightbulbs are getting deleted because they're worried that I have evidence now for a solicitor

If I am successful I want to divorce my family and start a new life currently in the Caribbean. If I am not successful I don't even know what I have to live on for.

❤️ 22nd July 2016 - Update

Well still waiting for rehab. They tried to tell me I needed to contribute £250 a week opposed to the general maximum of £50 a week as although I'm on benefits, I own my house.

They also tried to sabotage my benefits. After doing the latter they decided sans benefits I would need to pay £140 a week. Well I'm still getting benefits and my dad's paying for rehab!!

This means I can save between £1,000 - £1,500 while in there. Hopefully I can buy a new car when I'm out.

Until June I was still banging up cocaine at least once a week. Spending £50 - £100 per session. Now I'm only smoking £15 of crack once a week. When I'm off opiates (soon) I'll have to stop crack, so I'm just having a few final sessions before its all over.

My parents still spy on me. Generally never when I was abusing copious amounts of intravenous cocaine, but generally after I had drunk a couple of glasses of vino or had been smoking weed. Even if I had smoked a pissy amount of crack, after the 2 hour journey home I'd be stone cold sober and raiding the fridge. Instead of using common sense and thinking stimulants suppress the appetite and so does opiates, so she's sober, let's not do this shit, they continued.

And that pisses me off big time!!

I took 3 Nytols one night as my Ritalin keeps me awake and they did it.

I was awake late on a couple of Monday's due to my Ritalin and they did it. WTF I know. Did they think I had been tooting on a crack pipe or banging up all night in their house???

One night it was raining and I noticed these erratic drops of water splashing on my hand whilst I hung out the window to smoke. Almost as if they were trying to put my spliff out.... 

The rain was constant, therefore would would naturally assume any drips which came down, would too be constant. Every 5 seconds roughly for example. But these big drops where erratic and only when my hand was in a certain position. So I moved my hand in a repetitive rhythm and suddenly the drops lost their erratic nature and synced with my rhythm. Then I began to move my hand to an erratic rhythm meaning their stupid game of extinguish the splif just progressed to a harder level. 

This only made me state I could return to intravenous diamorphine if they had a problem with me smoking weed. 

Or smoke inside.

Hypocritical as my mum is growing a skunk plant hey?

Yes Metropolitan Police, a senior employee is living in a house used to grow cannabis.

I try not to take my Ritalin over the weekend so I don't grow tolerant. Tolerance is what fuelled my decline into ethylphenidate abuse. 

Therefore on Monday, as it is essentially a high dose of speed which I take daily, I suffer insomnia. 

When my father realised I was awake he commenced spying.

I wrote this on my iPad for him to read

Seriously fuck off you cunt.

I don't take my medication over the weekends so I don't grow tolerant and look to take speed (legal / illegal) so when I take it on Mondays I struggle to fucking sleep.

You pathetic, privacy soul destroying twat.

Do you think I've been on the crack pipe all night or something. I've been sat here going fucking spaz that I can't sleep.

I'm on a high fucking dose of Ritalin. Get over it.

You doing this shit drives me to drugs.

Last week you did it over three fucking nytol. 

If I even suspect you're snooping, or doing your bullshit psychosis act, I tell you what, if it happens again, I will go straight out and buy some legal speed and start banging up again.

Why not??? It's what you fucking expect. 

Don't expect a card on Sunday, you'll be fucking lucky to get a bottle of brandy. Which I'm only buying coz I HAVE to.  Not cos I love you

Why don't I love you? THIS US WHY! Sick of you doubting me.

Go have a heart attack. Please 

This indeed broke my abstinence from using needles and I ended up having a small session.

I asked for a sleeping tablet after one of these nights, and I don't what the fuck they gave me. A 3.75mg zopiclone at least or a placebo. Come 3am I burst into tears stating i just wanted to fucking sleep.

Anyway the last time my brother came over to join in with my dad with their sick game of 'Let's Make J Hate Us Even More And Reinforce How Much We Enjoy Tormenting Her' I thought fuck it. This time, unlike the previous 2-3, I wasn't playing along.

Normally my dad and brother would walk down the stairs from the loft ensuring they stepped in sync, as if I wouldn't notice that it clearly sounded like my dad had suddenly transformed in weight to something similar to a baby elephant. 

They'd both visit the bathroom where I assume my father would pour water down the toilet pretending to pee. Then they go down stairs and my father unlocks the door, pretending he wants to lock the porch door. However he would always open the porch door. This is completely unnecessary.... Unless someone was leaving.

So this time I kept my door open and stayed wide awake. I could hear them getting more frustrated as my brother wanted to leave. They go down stairs and I go too. They both dart into the toilet 

'DON'T COME IN' my father shouted. With clear panic in his voice. My father leaves and I grab food I have no intention of eating. It's 3am. I should have checked the toilet, but at the time I was too full of adrenalin to think straight.

Clearly now my brother is down stairs and my father up. I return to my room leaving my door open.

Around 5.30am my father returns to the toilet slamming my door shut. I reopen it. After he's finished in the bathroom I hear him open my mother's bedroom door.

'SHE'S AWAKE!' He exclaims. Murmuring follows. Suddenly my dad enters the spare room, clearly dressing for work a good hour, hour and a half before he normally would.

Then at 5.55am he goes downstairs and I hear the front room door open. My brother is joining him. And off he goes to work.

No sleep for you evil fuckers! Torment me and I'll torment you. 

If it happens again I have a better plan as to what I'm going to do. Two can play that game!!

When they spy on me for no reason it makes me hugely pissed. I come home and purposively show my arms and legs to their camera in my lightbulb.

My Aunty Michelle joined in when she was here. She exclaimed 'What's under her pillow?!' Upon me moving it. I immediately removed a packet of cat Dreamies I had stashed their to stop my cat from feeding himself. I was back at 10.30pm that night and neither she or my mother had the blue glow around their door frame indicating they were watching TV. Normally their TVs are on to well after midnight.


Which is true. After rehab if I can't get my version of the truth public and if they don't decide to be honest, I will kill myself. I can't live a life with parents whom cause me to harbour such strong negative feelings. I was always so happy before. Even things like my termination or my neighbours from hell, didn't make me feel this much negativity.

My parents have destroyed me. I have mild paranoia thanks to them which I doubt will go. I look at my previous posts and can see the paranoia. Altering my clothes was one of the nasty acts they did.

I doubt I will ever get a job in education again, my career. If I write a book and do TV and magazine promotions I'll earn enough money so I can do my Level 3 & 4 in counselling and become a drugs counsellor. I'd enjoy that and when you're publicly famed for being a junkie it seems like one of few viable options for a career.

Ho hum, we shall see what comes. Maybe they'll have a change of heart and be honest. Maybe we'll have a relationship again. I highly doubt it.


❤️ 21st August 2017 - Update

Well here I am after a long break. I am faced with no other option but to leave London to escape the abuse, trauma, stalking and harassment my family bestow on me. 

I will be updating on the latest events.

I will make sure all of who have been involved get to read this.

The truth will be told.

My family push me to use drugs. There's no respite or incentive to stay clean. They torment me regardless.


❤️ 03rd July 2017 - Journal

I came home to my back door unlocked. I never leave my doors unlocked. 

I wonder if my doors and looking and stuff that goes missing. When I get CCTV and broadband?

I'm going to get two more cameras one for upstairs, one for the front door and one for the back.

If my life does magically sort itself out, new locks will be next.

I am going to research into arbiterment later. They are good for overdosing.

I can't wait to make them softer and watch me die. I'm killing Orion first. So even if anyone does save me, i'll keep on trying until I'm dead.

There are many people with blood on their hands when I die. My neighbours who allowed my family to torment me from the houses. He slyly ask me about my job when they know the truth.

I'd like to fight. Fight for life. But it's tiring having to much. But I also cannot cope with their shit being sober. It's too painful. God - get them to leave me alone.

❤️ October 2017 - Davron Cocktail

Used to commit suicide 

1) Dextropropoxyphene - barbiturate to end life
2) Fentanyl - IV opiates are fun
3) Diazepam - so I pass out 
4) Anti sickness drugs