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Thursday, 25 January 2018

❤️ 11th August 2015 - Journal

Well I'm down to 3.2mgs of buprenorphine and three pick ups a week. That means no more supervised prescription. This makes cutting down much easier as you get all your tablets take away, so take them when needed, not because you're at Boots.

On Sunday as you get a TTO (to take out), I always take less than what I'm prescribed. Last Sunday I look 2.4mgs. 

Also taking less means I can stash some. Then I can cut down lower than 0.4mgs. I can dilute a 0.4mgs in water and either sublingual or rectal, take 0.2mgs and 0.1mgs before I jump.

Having tried to stop before and 6 weeks later, still no sleep and withdrawals, giving in, this makes sense.

Then I'll purchase kractom. Kractom isn't an opiate but binds to the opiate receptors. It's short acting (4 hours or so), unlike subutex which is long acting. If you take 1mg of subbie today, it's 24 hour half life means tomorrow you have 0.5, Thursday 0.25, Friday 0.125 and so on.

Due to its long half life withdrawals are longer than short life opiates. Longer but milder.

Subutex/buprenorphine is a partial acting opiate. Easy explanation is, you have five opiate plugs in your head. For natural opiates. Heroin plugs into all five. And methadone. So you stop making natural opaites. Subbies only plug into three. So two free plugs for natural ones. This means as you're making some natural opiates withdrawal is easier.

So Kractom will be used and tapered to ensure I get some sleep. Also the legal benzos. Lack of sleep is the worst symptom. I don't want to give in like last time.

After 4-6 weeks I will have tapered the kractom to nothing. Or sporadic, no pattern to my use.

Enjoy my science lesson in as simple and plain English possible about full and partial acting opiates. Long and short half life's of drugs.

Bless Jay x


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