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Wednesday, 1 August 2018

20th July 2018 - Journal

Howdy folks. I haven’t been here for a while. So I’m definitely due an update.

Well.. house sale. Driving me mad. Bloke’s mortgage offer expired. I’m petrified this stupid sale doesn’t go through and petrified on how I’m supposed to cope, if it does go through, until is has gone through.

I did not budget to be unemployed for this long. It’s not good. I’m really scared.

To add to that drama... kinda had another incident which has been all I can think about.

So, on the 1st July I had some fun with D***. D*** isn’t his real name, but it’s matey who was a candidate of mine when I worked at R***** (CHECK AND SEE WHAT YOU HAVE WRITTEN ALREADY).

He’s incredibly anal about wrapping it, which is such a passion killer, but we had a little fun without one. Not that he finished up there or anything. Seeing as I’ve stupidly messed around with N** during the last 5 years and he never bothered to wrap it, I really didn’t think there would be any problems. D*** isn’t a spring chicken and I assumed I wouldn’t be so fertile.

And BLAM... since that Saturday I’ve felt super weird. Thought I was in love or some crazy Shit. Or it was the heat, which was making me so unbelievably shattered.

Then my boobs got sore.. must be due my period right? But the period never came. And then queue the horrible taste in my mouth every morning. Tasted as if I had necked 30 zopiclones the night before.

And then, I’m suddenly bloated.. which is weird.. as I’ve seriously gone off food too.

And peeing.. boy would I go from not needing to go, to busting, in seconds.

Looking back, I also had indigestion and heart burn..

And.. this was the killer.. a mini period cramp, which actually felt like something moving from my ovaries to my lover tummy.

And then Sunday... queue feeling incredibly sick. I had totally gone off cigarettes too...

So yeah Monday I did a pregnancy test. Negative, but if I was it would have only been two weeks pregnant, meaning not enough of whatever hormone is needed to give me the pink line.

Tuesday thankfully I started my ‘period’. Still did another test. This time there was no line per say, but definitely a water mark exactly where the line should have been.

My ‘period’ was definitely in the category of being savage! Way more heavier than normal.

Come Wednesday, the horrible taste and sickness had gone. And today thankfully I have my tight little body back.

So... I have no doubt.. this isn’t a period. It’s an early miscarriage.

Which is really scary actually. I cannot believe I’m still incredibly fertile! And clearly D*** is too. Coz those weren’t even his best swimmers.

D*** is also really in tune with me. So many times now he’s called just as I’m about to call him or we’ve both secretly had the same reaction / thoughts about something. Well this is what he sent me on Tuesday

Which makes me think If this ever progresses, I will not get away with keeping secrets or lying.

I’m actually quite lucky D*** still wants to know me. My emotions have been fucked. In fact, until yesterday I was all loved up and wanting babies! Me!! Wanting babies!! I am certainly glad these feelings have gone away.

This also means if I see N**** the rapest, I am sooo screaming from the roof tops that he’s firing blanks. That’s probably a good thing. His genes will not make any positive contribution to society.

Right now I have a blinding hangover. Stupid Lidl rum, so I guess this post is over and out.

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