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Thursday, 7 June 2018

13th May 2018 – Journal


The abuse will be over soon. The police take an oath to serve and protect people. And the way I am living at the moment, I definitely need protecting.

They’ve said due to my father and him abusing his role, there will be nothing recorded with any details that can be traced to me.

Got a new phone and new number. Soon as I put the new number in the hackeked phone the new number was hacked.

PC lady said I’d most likely have to go to a safe house to escape them.

I stupidly said ...’well let’s see how this weekend goes, lets see if I can unhack the phone.

Spent all day fucking up my yahoo and almost lost access coz of them.

One of the texts was a fucking O2 mobile number!!! Will get the number from O2 and give to the police to sort.

I hope people working for the Police, Fire Brigade and Nurseries don’t need DBS checks for their jobs??!

Oh shit..: they do.

Abuse, GBH (damage from destroyed needles) stalking, harassment, theft... and much more)...


Hello prison sentences.

Stalking and harassment are big now.

So even though I will need to find an animal charity to adopt my babies whilst I’m in a safe house, the time they spend in jail away from their children, will far surpass that.

Too late for forgiveness.

Too late for the truth.

Too late even to stop now (after today)

I almost lost my career coz they stopped my alarms going off and I kept missing work.

They were pissed coz I lost my previous job. Then they ruined the new job I got.

Hope they enjoy karma.

They’ll never do their jobs again

And the fact they continue to abuse me, now, just gives me more strength to have them fucking prosecuted.

You’ve had your chances.

I’ve begged and cried for you.

I said I would self fund 6 months of rehab for you to stop.

I watched both my mummy and daddy in piss poor disguises walk away from me as quick as they could, while I sobbed for their help, begged for them to stop and promised if they were honest I’d change my way.

It took less than 2 months for their lie to become more important than being honest and my sobriety.

They’re nasty scum

What goes around, comes around

And surveillance to watch for you will be coming soon. And they won’t even tell me when in case you find out.

Front and back of my house.

Hope you’re not entering illegally. Like before.

What goes around comes around!!


Well today I did some painting of my rabbit’s hutch and then went to have my rings valued ... for ‘insurance reasons’.

My dad bought me one from Hong Kong when I was around 16. It’s beautiful. Apparently it had 4 diamonds and an emerald in it. It cost £500 and 20 years’ ago, it was valued at £800. My aunty J*** gave me another one, equally beautiful with an emerald. Apparently a family heirloom. Again, supposed to be expensive.

I cannot help but think they took so long to return my gold jewellery so they could get cheap copies made for me. I be C****** (fat cunt’s girlfriend) has my real ring.

I went to TK Max. It was closing time and a member of staff was sorting the wallets. My OCD side took over and I did the black ones for her.

I then saw a Roccawear watch with several bracelets. I went to see if it was one bracelet joined together or several different and the muslim security guard started talking into his walkie talkie about me.

The watch only cost £20. I said I earned £30k a year and would have £220k in my bank soon. I said I worked full time I was buying a house outright.

I went downstairs and was stalked by staff.

I tired to make conversation, but they were arseholes. Keeping my hands in the air I left the shop.

I said to the security guard why was he being judgmental.

He just kept screaming at me to leave. I was calm and asked if he wanted to search my bags.

He just kept screaming for me to get out of the shop.

I left and stood outside making a cigarette. The undercover security guard came out and I emptied my bags on the street.

What the fuck have they been telling people about me. I can’t even go shopping anymore.

And I can’t shop online as one of my neighbours stolen my amazon delivery.

I went straight to the police station and reported the abuse, harassment, stalking, theft and being raped.

Said I was scared coz my dad worked for the Met in IT and clearly was abusing his role.

I said I wasn’t a terrorist, a murderer, a paedophile. I said, yes I used drugs. But a small amount a week. I said I was a bad junkie before, banging up 3 grams of speed. But I go to work. I pay my mortgage and my bills. My job enables me to contribute to society. Because I have taken from society (rehab, detox etc.).

I said surely my father doing this was wrong and the tax payers money shouldn’t be spent on stalking a ‘normal’ person. I had adhd, so me smoking £20 of white, didn’t turn me into a crazy druggy. It calmed my head and stopped me having a panic attack, which I’m having daily.

I said due to my father’s role I was scared to report this, but I could no longer continue to be frightened in the house I have bought.

I work. Pay my bills. Pay to care for my pets. And the little money left I spend on drugs was a lot less than what most people pay to get intoxicated.

Said I almost lost my job coz of the phone hacking And my alarm not going off.

Told her I was that scared I might need to go into witness protection.

I said this had gone on since 2014, and nothing I do makes it stop.

Even after rehab I was abused.

She’s told me to gather information.

So I’ll get my managers to give me the emails about missing work / being late for work. I’ll get the iStore to give me all the appointments I’ve had for my hacked phone. The error reports in analytics. The IT department to say my work PC was hacked. All the fake Yahoo! Codes from O2 and EE numbers (yahoo sends from a 5 digit number you cannot call). I’ll get a statement from Julie when I was in rehab and I showed them the camera lightbulb pics and she let me stay another two weeks.

And the times and dates of every incident. Including my mum’s colleague shouting ‘boo hoo hoo’ when I said I had a cold last weekend but shut her mouth about me saying no one came when I had pneumonia... and the abuse only stopping when I had N here who raped me.

I’ll ask the electricity company why my bill is so high when I’m a single person out all day and find the photos of Joe when he took the heat photos of my windows which where in the. Cold all day yet came up super hot. How even when I switch the electricity off my windows frames still give off readings.

They’ve had chance and chance to stop. Even if they aren’t going to tell me the truth. They could have left me move and be away from this shit.

They’ve fucked up Devon too. My sober friend who wanted to live with meX doesn’t talk to me anymore... and I was stalked again:

I recon when people know the truth, it won’t be me they hate. I know my dad lied to get me sectioned, I saw it on my report.

He could have helped me. He could have paid for me to see an adhd psyche. Instead he tried to make me think I was mad.

If he stopped when I stopped banging up 3 grams of speed a day; maybe I’d believe it was psychosis.

When he still does it now, ruining my career.. and my ability to leave my house... it’s gone too far.

There’s no chance for redemption now. Told the police lady all of the above.

Told about never having an unhacked phone, privacy and the fact he was lying to make people hate me as much as posisble.

I don’t mind people knowing the truth.

They just want me dead.

And deleting things doesn’t matter. The police can still find out what had been deleted by who. VPNs can’t hide you. They’ll be able to find the links which have been deleted off my blog and who has deleted them off my blog and who has hacked my phone.

And.. they all need a DBS for their jobs. Karma... karma. You almost destroyed my careers. SAy goodbye to yours now.


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