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Sunday, 25 February 2018

❤️ 05th October 2017 - Dear R*** - Letter To My Counsellor

Ok I had a massive binge last night. My arms are black, blue and swollen. I've told J*** I do want Detox... not emergency but soon. I'll pretend at work I'm being taken on a surprise holiday.

Anyway R***, im sooooo excited. I'm viewing 6 brand new houses in Canvey Island, Essex this weekend. All have ensuites!

I'd prefer the cheaper one so I can reduce my mortgage. Well both will result in a reduction, but the former means I can take £10k for fees and also buying new stuff like bedding, towels, pots and pans.

Plus the first has not ONE but TWO walk in wardrobes, which means the spare room can be rented rather than being a dressing room.

I'm so excited about being anonymous. My whole neighbourhood won't judge me based on the lies my parents have spread.

Women will stop staring at me, it'll be back to just men... when I look nice!!

I reckon this is my last chance, so whilst I can't say with congruency I'll be sober, I'm certainly not risking anything for fucking, stupid, sole destroying drugs!!

You might not get rid of me that quickly though. I may stay registered with my doctor for a while as I'm concerned, like in Plymouth, I'll be put on genetic concerta. 

Not only is it weaker, but it's EASILY abused.

You almost need a chemistry degree to extract methylphenidate from concerta.

Tell Dr. P I'm sorry for messing her around. Honestly though I could do this on my own but I can't.

It was so hard admitting that to J***. I hate not being right, and it's only rare that I'm not!!

Love Jay x x 

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