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Friday, 28 August 2015

❤️ 29th August 2015 - Journal

My bestie girl is always loved up when we have a sesh.

She's my sister. We met in detox. K*** hadn't had good friends really before detox. We were mates almost immediately. One my first day she was in her pyjamas, withdrawing from methadone, trying to escape.

Bar her moment of madness, we clicked. Upon arrival search, my synthetic cannabis had not been discovered. We soon fell into a routine of smoking it nightly. K*** was so miserable during the day, then a fit of giggles each evening.

I was disliked for having ADHD when another resident, female, who too had it. She clearly didn't like me. I was more attractive, more hyper and more likeable.

Stoned with the munchies and being accused of eating all the missing food, I texted K*** could I eat her cake. Meaning cake two. Just to piss the bullies off.
Assuming I meant cake one she said yes. 

I know I was in the receipt of harsh words for this (although till this day she denies this to me).

K*** broke the bullies DVD player and threw their coca cola away. I was blamed.

K*** didn't initially tell the truth.

I was closed to being kicked out and all the residents bullied me badly and where nasty to me.

She was honest in the end. I was already heartbroken. She was 'My Gal' from day one. K*** hadn't experienced a true friend like me. Only those who used her. No wonder she stuck up for herself. No one else did.

I'm glad we became friends after.

She is now the bestest friend I ever have. 

She's not perfect. I'm sure she has a good bitch bout me too. 

We hope, when high, to live together.
K*** and S**** in my spare room, me and Nigel in mine.

S**** and Nigel could build either a proper loft extension I could move up to with an ensuite. They'd move into mine with the wetroom.

Or just stay within the eaves, have a balcony and make it a nursery. We could both have babies together.

We want to spend Christmas together. I definitely want that. K***'s bedroom furniture would fill the spare room. Her glass table my conservatory. Her kitchen stuff in mine.

I hope so. I've always preferred friends to family.

Both Nigel and S**** are in construction.


Tuesday, 25 August 2015

❤️ 25th August 2015 - Journal

Hello all!! I'm pleased this week. I've lost weight going from 9.10lbs (136lbs) to 9.3lbs (129lbs). I'm almost back in my comfort zone of 8.4lbs to 8.13lbs (116lbs - 125lbs).

I'm a little disordered with my eating. I'm similar to anorexia, but I don't go to dangerously low weights. I've been trying to walk more, 10,000 steps and have started doing some weights using some small dumbbells my mum has.

To lose weight I need to eat less than 1,300 calories a day, that's not including any exercise, just a sedentary day.

Also, I've seen a lovely sofa in Marks and Spencer I think my mother may purchase for me. It's a corner sofa, in grey. Much smaller than my old one. She bought me four green cushions and a green throw. As it's smaller I will also buy a small table and two chairs, the metal folding kind usually for the garden.

My uncle is making a glass door for my kitchen. I'll block the original door and open up between the kitchen and conservatory.

Also, in Mark's, they had a gorgeous polar bear teddy, reduced from £25 to £12. Another present for precious P. They had panda bears, but I thought polar bear was more Christmassy. I've already got her pyjamas and a xylophone for the bath. Everything in the sale. So I spend £70 but without the sale price it's £150 worth of presents.

I may be in rehab for Xmas which takes away the uncomfortable Xmas dinner with my brother and his girlfriend who very much dislike me. They are the perfect couple. The only thing which could pathetically be a black mark is they have a kid and are not married.

Everything about them is perfect. At least my mum has a daughter in law she can boast about. Even before my big drugs discovery, I was always second best. It really bothered me at first. Especially when my boyfriend's where treated like crap and she was worshiped immediately. 

Now, I don't care. I enjoy being the black sheep. I'm good at it. Even as a child I always excelled over my brother at activities, but was never number one in my mother's eyes.

I tend to get compensated financially. This shows in my adult life as I spend on people to show my appreciation for them. 

It killed when my brother's girlfriend got pregnant. I always wanted to give my mum her first grandkid. This was made worse knowing I could have. But I was temping at work, so no maternity pay and my partner wasn't supportive.

I'm glad now. Due to the nationwide knowledge of my drug use, social services will be crawling all over me, should I dare get knocked up. It's made me decide I don't want kids. 

I'll spend my life enjoying holidays, plastic surgery, lie ins and indulgence. Oh, and many, many pets. When in the depths of being a nationwide hate figure, animals loved me. They didn't see a dirty junkie, they saw a kind person with a lot of love to give, who was looking for a little back.

So not only did my family decide to terminate my career, but also any future possibility of having a family. Whilst I appreciate the financial assistance they are showering me with now, this will always leave a bitter taste in my mouth.

Maybe, maybe, if I can tell the nation the truth, my opinion will change. But realistically I doubt my parents will have the guts to admit what they did to me. It'll be brushed under the carpet and I'll be expected just to forget about it.

It's so sad. Why couldn't they do what other parents of drug addicts do. Why did they destroy me. They decided to make me hit their version of rock bottom. But it wasn't my rock bottom and didn't work.

Oh well, Battersea here I come, I'll have 52 cats please, never marry, have kids and when I die, I'll be found, with my face eaten away by hungry kitties!!

Yay!! Can't wait!!

Seriously I don't mind. I do love cats.

Love a realistic Jay x

Saturday, 15 August 2015


This was a comment from one of my readers! A fantastic post. Cannabis was my gateway drug. I hope you don't mind me making this a whole post J, well written, informative and perfect drugs nightmare

For years in my earlier youth when I smoked cannabis recreational with friends, I noticed it start to make me anxious all of a sudden after a few years smoking it. 

So obviously I quit, but I still tested it over and over again through the years, as all my buddies smoked it, still was there :-). 

In fact over the years it got worse because I was always repressing those feelings, and using alcohol, and drugs on weekends, partying, etc. Just a typical youth lifestyle where I grew up, and all over the the UK to be honest :-). 

So yeah, I realised when it started to get like this, and I knew I was using weekends (for some of those years) as an escape from those feelings. And every year it started to get worse and I needed to face it, find answers, and there the seek begun :-). 

The point I was trying to get to was, for years I blamed it on the cannabis, and drugs, upbringing, etc, etc, what had caused this, even though deep down I knew otherwise. 

You will see many mental illness associated with cannabis or different drugs, but.... The cannabis is the same for everybody its people's psyche that is different, people's mental predispositions, and that's the same for all the varying reactions. 

It's all fear manifesting in different ways/stored karmas within. The way too release these karmas is to awaken, to go within and investigate the mind. Observe the mind. Constantly. You need to master your mind. Be aware of your thoughts instead of being entangled within them. 

All suffering comes from thoughts. When we are free of thoughts our natural state is blissful. I've watched over these last 6 months or so of using cannabis in a lot of my meditations. I see the fear become weaker and weaker and now none at all. 

Just perfect peace. It only enhances the deeper the mind can go into yourself when the high starts to come on. And nice bliss. It's just magnifying the sub conscious, and the less impressions there is on the light body the more you fall into your bliss. 

Every time we wish harm on anyone with our thoughts, we are only harming ourselves. Don't seek outside yourself for salvation. Turn within. 

Drugs at best mask the problem, they don't heal it. Every questionable action you have ever done has been tape recorded and stored in the chakras/light body. Nothing gone unnoticed. Mind is not separate in this. So just be vigilant of the mind and it's concepts it creates for fear. 

Just look at it openly and honestly, contemplate it :-). Trust me. I'm speaking from direct experiences of highest truths. If you would like to email? Let me know. I just want to see you free from suffering that's all. I know what it's like to suffer, and I know the way out also

Thursday, 13 August 2015

❤️ 13th August 2015 - Journal

I can't wait for my pets to die sometimes. Because then I can die. I am worthless. I must be. Otherwise my family would have kept my problems discreet and helped me. Not given up after the first couple of failed attempts. They took my career. I had many exciting offers of self employment in the pipe line before they did what they did.

Then, the emails stopped getting replies. I fling myself further into drug addiction. Self employment would have given me a reason to stay sober. Meetings, events, writing proposals... All gone. Drugs filled that void, although the reason was unbeknown to me at the time.

I doubt I'll ever work in my chosen industry again.

They could have done what ever they wanted to me, as long as they kept my problem private.

They destroyed me. Even if this had all been psychosis, it would have been private. But their get the whole of the UK to make our daughter think she's mad, means the whole of the UK knows I've stumbled upon challenging times.

Before I had a chance to meet people before they judged me. Now people already have a warped view of me. Even the truth would be better. I self medicate my ADHD. Least some would have empathy. 

They just believe I'm so mad raving junkie with no reason for my affliction. No one wants to grow up and be a drug addict. At least regular drug addicts get a second chance. They can still be known as a person, not a junkie, by people in the new part of their life.

This blog is my pathetic attempt at righting their wrongs. I'm never gonna do it am I? I have to fight for everything from now on. And I don't think I have enough fight in me to do this for another 40 years.

If anyone even attempted to breed with me, social services would jump on my back. Watching me like a hawk. Not that I have any intentions of ever having children now.

Undoubtedly I'll have to rent out my spare bedroom. No more private living. Sharing will be a necessity.

Orion was born in 2008, so is seven. Fyver is 2-3, Fluffy 7-8. Orion is my Bengal so ten more years for him. Same with Fyver, my rabbit. Fluffy is his bonded lady friend. Originally advertised as 5 years old, but her old owner mentioned possibly being seven. Advertising a second hand rabbit at 7-8 is much more challenging to re home, than a five year old. People don't realise rabbits can live for 10-15 years.

So, I have 15 years tops I recon. 

Life's not worth living without a family or / and career. And although my job wasn't pleasurable, my career was!

I'd love to retrain as a counsellor and work with other drug addicts. But that's 3-4 years away. And it's funding a mortgage, household, pets and the courses.

That's why, like a naive optimistic puppy, I pray I can tell the truth. I'm sure it would be financially lucrative. Enough to pay for £5,000 - £10,000 of education. Maybe a new car. Money towards my ensuite. This Morning Interview, Closer Magazine, The Daily Mail or The Mirror. Public speaking, events, charity work.

My front garden is large and not able to house vehicles. I'd like to build a cataory for people in drugs detox or rehab to use. Non profit making. They'd pay only for food, litter and electricity. They could pay me or buy their own. Two pens for up to four cats.

I also want to adopt rescue hens. Ex-battery ones. Grow vegetables. Have tunnels underground for my bunnies. Love a real hot tub. Will have my bar, circle patio, circle seat, fire pit and a shed to put the bar in at winter. With electricity. A fridge, and neon bar sign saying Jay's Bar. A big parasol over the seats. Metal flamingos, parrots. 

A white wall around the whole garden. With sparkling gem stones stuck on. Think Spain, Greece, Turkey. Tropical plants. A cherry tree to add to the apple one I have. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, carrots, lettuce, potatoes, cabbage.

The loft in my house can be extended into. I've made it from a two bed, to a three bed. The box room will be a walk in wardrobe. With plastic, glass style bricks at the top of the new wall separating the two rooms in a deep ruby red. My room, the balcony over the stairs, will be extended 10 inches or so.  Wall built, half normal materials half glass style bricks again. This time Fushia pink and deep sea aqua. Hopefully it'll be a wet room. Maybe just a WC. The bathroom is downstairs. 

I'll hopefully be able to rent part or the whole house, to holiday makers and save some money. Maybe I can house swap so I can have a holiday at a bargain price of transport only.

If I am blessed enough to study, maybe I'll have a career again. Maybe my opinion on living will change. If I'm able to tell my story, maybe I won't be seen as a monster and have a family. But I am not hopeful. That would require my family to admit I am right about my accusations. They were sick and evil at times. They didn't go about it the right way. Although I was deteriorating and it clearly wasn't working, they did continue.

I only failed at two detoxes. Some junkies fail at 10, 20. I was punished more than what could be imagined. And couldn't you all see, I was already punishing myself adequately. Seriously. Tremendously.

God bless those who made it apparent I was right. God bless those who heard me speaking the truth about having ADHD and giving me a chance. God bless those who told me I was in the Sun.

And thanks for the moments which only prove I am same and the madness was artificial. Seeing the faces in the window and then seeing the people whom they belonged to, two gardens away. The two Scream like figures who turned and ran when I chased them. Bunny Nice But Dim. My neighbours admittance. Seeing the white speaker. The poles used to move my floorboards. The noise of a dying animal, that when I pointed out it only bothered my pets not me (and that was damn wrong), stopped. The people who said 'it's that man's daughter', 'she's the one with the coke' and so on.

My life is uncertain. But here's my wishes. This is worth staying clean for. This is worth living for. 

If not, Precious P**, you'll have your own crib by 20!

Jay x

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

❤️ My Spits - Bad Girl

This is a way for me to express my feelings and emotions. As my house is rigged with CCTV and I’m stalked everywhere I go (more to follow about that), this is a way of getting my feelings out.

Eminem - Love The Way You Lie 
Lil Wayne - No Flex Zone

Never thought I'd fall so bad
But I can admit
I needed you, 
My very own mum and dad
You Cudda fixed it

Stop shit, stop hits, an epileptic fit
But you switched, I tripped, 
My Life was almost an exit  
Instead my destruction

For the nation
No hesitation 
I Rose to fame 
Smoking crack cocaine

No shine, no sheen, she's a crack fiend 
This dove,no longer up above
Fucking lean, 
Smoking green and satan's reconvened

She's gone, but she never belonged
She was wrong
Not that strong

Now you have a perfect painted picture 
She's no longer whic' ya
A million miles, you smile, 
It's been a while

Still, there's no way you can reach her
Instead you're forced to remember
Because she's no where
Free from the stares, the despair, 

But who cares, 
No one, no more, 
Say goodbye 
She's no where

Song about needed my mum and dad when they deserted me. Two near fatal drug overdoses. How they were sell outs to the national press. And life without me.




JayElle Famosjunkey

#iwillbefamous #thetruth #Itsnotaboutthedrugs

❤️ 05th August 2015 - Journal

Today I am grateful for my readers. Thanks for giving me the time of day. Hearing my side, and then judging me. Understanding I have ADHD and like 80% of unmedicated adult sufferers, I self medicate. For trying to walk in my shoes and see I'm only human. Realise I'm not a bad person. In fact I'm very kind, non judgmental, congruent and caring. 

Dear Universe,
For everyone who hasn't formed a negative opinion of me from a one sided story please ensure they get kindness, love and caring back to them.

God, Allah, Budda and all Bless you 

Friday, 31 July 2015


I'm obviously rather obsessed with drugs, if you can't tell from my posts!! However whilst my tales are no way near complete, there's many drugs I haven't tried.

Even the ones I have is no way near to the numerous negative outcomes legal or illegal drugs can have on you.

If you'd like to share your story, please leave a comment. I'll contact you upon doing so. You can be named or anonymous.

Mwah Jay x

Tuesday, 28 July 2015


Whether legal or illegal, drugs and alcohol can have a devastating effect on not only users but those around them.

In the UK all local councils will have a drug and alcohol team who can also help those effected by loved ones using.

I myself go to MDART which is Merton's drug and alcohol recovery team and see a Psychiatric Nurse. Have a social worker  who too is qualified in nursing at SDART (Sutton drug and alcohol). I visit MACs for counselling.

There's also NA and AA. Whilst I don't utilise many do. I find it triggering.

The following numbers can provide help in the UK. For help in your own country please leave message should you require help or assistance.

Finally I am qualified in counselling so can provide any help, advice or just a non judgemental ear to anyone who feels helpless.


Jay x


Thursday, 23 July 2015

❤️ June 2015 - Once Upon a Time - The Binge Part 4

Caught out!' I sang to J**** as he came back into the room in the style of Usher. 
'You're a Junkette, actor, set up to be friend me'
'You're not the first'

I explained that I had come across 'Junkettes' before, how they had a natural immunity to intravenous drug use, unlike most strange junkies, I sensed no danger in their aura.

I promptly left and within 5 minutes bumped into N****. He never came to Upper Tulse Hill, so I knew this was set up for me.

'Hi' I said
'Hi, what you doing here'
'Just smoking some crack'
He changed direction and, with me, walked back to his house. Clearly only there to meet me otherwise he would have carried on.

We headed back to his flat and began out mantra-esq routine of banging up speed and doing tweaking actions.

Me writing my blog, making up spits, which is rap tunes and playing with my tarot cards. N**** playing on his phone, play station and house work (well not really house work, but things that needed to be done in the house).

It wasn't long until I was again accused of having a mystery man and kicked out again. N**** had given me an old Apple Mac for my birthday and had already taken it back the previous night I was kicked out, yet again he took it from me. 
'I've got no phone, no iPad, nothing. Least let me take it to communicate with'
N**** ignored my pleas but didn't prevent me taking it. 

I bought two cans of spirit and mixer from the offie and headed back to Brockwell Park.

'Hey!! Come and drink with us!!'
A gorgeous mixed race guy called out to me.
'Ummm, maybe in a bit. I just wanna have a drink first' I replied.
'Come on, we're getting a smoke and some pills'
'Serious, I ain't feeling it babes. Just let me have a drink first'
The georgous guy kept begging but I kept walking.

I headed to a shaded spot near a fenced off over grown section and sat down. I opened one of the drinks and began to sort through the Apple Mac laptop.

It wasn't long till Mr Georgous came over.
'Why won't you join us for a drink'
'I will in a bit. I'm just a bit stressed. Wanted to have a drink or two. Not feeling sociable'
'Come on babes. T***'s gone to get a smoke and some pills'
'Now a pill!! That is tempting. Can I buy one? Haven't had a decent pill in ages'
'Sure' then he called 'T***!' to a park bench looking guy passing complete with a can of Special Brew. The guy stopped and sauntered over.
'Hey can you get a pill for..' he looked at me 'I didn't get your name?'
'J****' I replied 
'Urrrr I don't know about that mate'
'I'll pay' I added
'Come on mate' Mr Georgous chipped in.
'Yeah yeah, ok then' he then turned to me 'pass me that can, I've got some gear to smoke'
He pulled out a brown herb type plant. Similar to weed. Mr Georgous squashed the can and made some holes in it. In turn we all had a toke. 
'Shit, that stinks!' I exclaimed
'Dead man's leg, it's known as' and it really did stink of dead rotting flesh. In the busy park I took a toke and suddenly my head was spinning. 

It was a hallucinogenic and suddenlya face appeared on the tree in the distance. I felt dizzy and a little sick. I was  glad I only had one small toke.
'Come over and chill with us' Mr G asked again.
'I have to go Boots but I'll be back in an hour. Will you still be here'
'Yeah, we'll come Boots with you'
'I have to go Colliers Wood. I'll meet you back here. I want a pill. Ain't had a decent one in years. You're definitely getting some right?'
'Sure' and upon saying that N**** suddenly appeared walking through the gate. I quickly hit up in my hand, keeping it in my bag. I struggled to get a clean hit and was annoyed. I no longer cared about hiding my habit. Injecting myself in a packed park mid afternoon in Mr G's presence. Again he was not phased, shame, another Junkette. Only wanting my attention as he'd been instructed to get it. Not because he found me attractive or anything.

N**** was still furious and he marched over at light speed upon seeing my male company. The argument followed, N**** shouting and snatching the laptop. Mr G. intervened and calmed him down.
'I've got light at mine and I'm getting some dark' and being the typical junkie I  am it wasn't long until I left the park and went back to N****’s for a blaze.
'I'll see you later' I called to Mr G. who was reluctant to let me go.

We decided to walk to Tulse Hill and get some brown. This would remove the need for me to make the journey to Colliers Wood. 


Tuesday, 14 July 2015

❤️ 28th January 2015 - Dear R*** - Email To My Counsellor

It's at times like these when I actually feel any kind of negativity towards my saviour, methylphenidate.

It's a well known fact, methylphenidate or as you may be more familiar, Ritalin, calms the brain of an ADHD sufferer. It's also used as a sedative. I myself, enjoy my last dose of legal cocaine around 9pm,,and regularly drift into a deep slumber before 11.

Whilst the actions of Doctor B*****, halving my daily dose, have been negative as I now use half the time and take my meds half the time, I am grateful for my prescription.

It offers a break from the chaos not only present in my head due to ADHD, but it means my parent created psychosis, calms down a bit.

Small pleasures