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Friday, 31 July 2015


I'm obviously rather obsessed with drugs, if you can't tell from my posts!! However whilst my tales are no way near complete, there's many drugs I haven't tried.

Even the ones I have is no way near to the numerous negative outcomes legal or illegal drugs can have on you.

If you'd like to share your story, please leave a comment. I'll contact you upon doing so. You can be named or anonymous.

Mwah Jay x


  1. For years in my earlier youth when I smoked cannabis recreational with friends, I noticed it start to make me anxious all of a sudden after a few years smoking it. So obviously I quit, but I still tested it over and over again through the years, as all my buddies smoked it, still was there :-). In fact over the years it got worse because I was always repressing those feelings, and using alcohol, and drugs on weekends, partying, etc. Just a typical youth lifestyle where I grew up, and all over the the UK to be honest :-). So yeah, I realised when it started to get like this, and I knew I was using weekends (for some of those years) as an escape from those feelings. And every year it started to get worse and I needed to face it, find answers, and there the seek begun :-). The point I was trying to get to was, for years I blamed it on the cannabis, and drugs, upbringing, etc, etc, what had caused this, even though deep down I knew otherwise. You will see many mental illness associated with cannabis or different drugs, but.... The cannabis is the same for everybody its people's psyche that is different, people's mental predispositions, and that's the same for all the varying reactions. It's all fear manifesting in different ways/stored karmas within. The way too release these karmas is to awaken, to go within and investigate the mind. Observe the mind. Constantly. You need to master your mind. Be aware of your thoughts instead of being entangled within them. All suffering comes from thoughts. When we are free of thoughts our natural state is blissful. I've watched over these last 6 months or so of using cannabis in a lot of my meditations. I see the fear become weaker and weaker and now none at all. Just perfect peace. It only enhances the deeper the mind can go into yourself when the high starts to come on. And nice bliss. It's just magnifying the sub conscious, and the less impressions there is on the light body the more you fall into your bliss. Every time we wish harm on anyone with our thoughts, we are only harming ourselves. Don't seek outside yourself for salvation. Turn within. Drugs at best mask the problem, they don't heal it. Every questionable action you have ever done has been tape recorded and stored in the chakras/light body. Nothing gone unnoticed. Mind is not separate in this. So just be vigilant of the mind and it's concepts it creates for fear. Just look at it openly and honestly, contemplate it :-). Trust me. I'm speaking from direct experiences of highest truths. If you would like to email? Let me know. I just want to see you free from suffering that's all. I know what it's like to suffer, and I know the way out also.

  2. Thanks so much. Informative, relevant and highlighting the effects of what can be seen as a gateway drug to much more serious addictions.

    I started on weed. Thankfully it benefits me, and I don't have any negative side effects.

    It stops me abusing heroin and benzodiazepines.

    The only negative in my opinion is the munchies, which many other would disagree and say it's a side effect I need being reasonably slim.

    I've dedicated a whole post to your wonderful experience you so kindly have shared.

    God bless.
    Asking the universe to send you positive vibes.

    J x x

  3. Same to you Jay :-). Bless you so much. You'll get there. Purity of mind/heart is what's needed. There's many practices that you could be doing each day to progress. Honestly, if you gave up 1 month of your life to meditation, you will know a lot more. The mind must be turned inwards constantly. Pranayama helps also, prayer also. Prayer of the heart. You have to be sincere and earnest. Ask and thou shall receive. Have faith in what I'm telling you and you will see for yourself. Look into shaktipat transmission? Check it out :). Would you like to email? Make a fake email account if your doubtful about giving your official one out. I know I can show you the way out, that's all. And when you liberate yourself you too will just want to help others who are suffering. Big hugs to you Jay x

  4. I was addicted to meow meow. It started as a weekend treat, but the cum downs were real bad. Man!! I started taking the day after just to function. I loose weight, soon taking every day. Den it was banned. I wAs real sad, but secretly happy. The come Down was awful. But I did it. Like reading your blog. Nice as I'm not only one with addict to legal highs. Kat x

  5. Thanks Kat, Meow Meow was banned before I started to try legal highs. Could have possible fallen down the same route as you. Well done. Keep coming back x Jay x
