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Friday, 13 April 2018

❤️ Why?

Sometimes when I have a smoke I allow myself to feel.

I guess it proves I am still human and alive.

I doubt I will only get the full truth when I’m dead.

But why?

Why did they decide they would try to make me crazy?

Why didn’t they realise people with ADHD have higher levels of anxiety and perfectionism, so bringing my problems to the nation would only make me worse?

Why couldn’t they just be there for me... like I might not have disclosed. And I would not have stopped straight away. But rather than being cruel and abusing me... why not fight their anger and when I had broken myself (a prerequisite for abstinence), just be there to cuddle and protect me.

The thing is, the truth will come out. And they are the ones who made it so big. So the truth will be big. And they WILL be prosecuted.

In fact I read an old tarot reading which states so much that’s happened and also states that.

Why couldn’t they just be there for me.

Why did they have to make me feel worse and hate myself more.

It was clear from the beginning I have low self esteem. Why make that worse? Where’s the logic in doing that and it resulting in my sobriety?

Why abuse me horrifically for losing my job, then try and destroy my new one?

Why spread lies, meaning no matter how well I did, I knew I wouldn’t sustain my employment?

Why does the abuse continue when I stop?

Where is their compassion?

When did they stop loving me?

Why do this, the one only time I’ve caused them distress?

Why tell the whole nations, thus affecting my career?

Why didn’t they just support me?

Watching their child inject may hurt them, but who am I really hurting??

Why not make me feel better.. like they had before?

Why watch sooo many near overdoses and not call an ambulance?

I actually faked my death once and they just watched for ages and did nothing. When I got up fuming, they actually walked away, looking really sad I was alive.

Why do they clearly want me dead?

Why steal sleeping tablets, which I don’t inject, knowing I’ll end up buying brown and injecting?

Same with buprenorphine?

And missing Ritalin means banging up cocaine or speed.. why would they take my prescribed meds?

Why steal the few belongings I have?

Why enter my home as they please? 

Why do things that doesn’t bother me, but distresses my innocent pets?

How can they lose their parental instinct to love and protect? I may not be a parent, but I assume it’s a magnified version of what I feel for them. 

What’s wrong with me?

Why am I unloveable?

Why did they never just talk to me? Am I such a horrible, unapproachable person?

Why, when they saw what they were doing was a detriment to my sobriety did they continue?

Why did they have to make public (and exaggerated to the point of what’s been said is borderline fiction) my recent relapse?

Is their evidence that this treatment is successful in helping those with mental health and substance abuse issues? 

What is the benefit?

They’re not stupid, when they saw (if they couldn’t be bothered to do a tiny bit of research) that anxiety, self hatred and total destruction of my ability to be perceived as perfect by others, would some how lower my drug use?

Why do they not comprehend simple facts such as increasing the above feelings in ANYONE let alone those with 15-20 of substance abuse issues, mental health and a disability which increases anxiety, OCD, would make that person feel bad?

And when people feel bad, the lure of substances to remove this, is hard to resist?

Come on... how many people a scoff junk when dumped. Cry into a gin? Smoke weed to calm them down? Take coke to cheer themselves up? Just for a few brief moments of respite of those constant negative feelings?

Why did I have to hit THEIR rock bottom and not mine?

Why didn’t they stop?

Why did they do this when I was sick with opiate and olanzapine withdrawal?

When my Ritalin was increased and I couldn’t sleep?

When I took a Nytol?

Why not when I was tripping off my head on ketamine or wasted on booze and benzos?

Why did my mummy ignore me crying for her?

Why did my daddy go out of his way to make me feel unsafe in the home I bought?

Am I really human?

Am I a social experiment?

Do they want me to kill myself?

Why didn’t they just tell me I wasn’t wanted anymore and to move far away and never contact them again,?

Why can’t they leave me alone?

Serial killers’ parents show more love than mine.

But the more negative others reap the more positive I will sow.

I’m sorry I was clearly never good enough.

I’m sorry you had to go to these crazy, ludicrous extent to get rid of me? 

Unless I become famous in a good way, telling the truth and prosecuting them, I’ll never be happy. And never be sober. 

They’ve known this for a long time.

Why do they continue.

❤️ Judgemental CUNTS on the tube

Normally, there’s one or two. This morning their was 5-6. Asian guy across from me. Some ugly girl who kept smirking at her ugly boyfriend and a few more.

I love how these dicks believe what they read, they’re so dumb. People could do easily take biblical tales, jazz them up using a bit of slang, stick it on social media, and these pathetic cunts would believe it was true!!

So I changed my phone’s name to 

And put my personal hotspot on.

And oh my GOD the looks on their faces. Asian dude just hung his head in shame.

Ugly acne scarred face girl... her smug little face turned to misery. And kept looking down as well. Rather than her smug little smirk in my direction, suddenly didn’t met my gaze again. 

So fuck them.

Couldn’t photo coz I was doing makeup 

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

❤️ Psychotic Ramblings

1) S***** looking out for me
2) Main charger
3) Pens ??? Brush
4) Lemon
5) Not letting me send a reminder email to work 
6) Noise - alone, single, scared 

On separate ripped page
2) Work
3) My Drugs
4) Pins 

On separate page
Fucked up twice
No alarm
Stole my stuff
Mite infestation 
She was ???
Ignore her ???
Call me junkie

❤️ Psychotic Ramblings

Mum and dad
Please help me!
I will text you later
Honestly can’t take anymore
Please be my hero’s again

❤️ Psychotic Ramblings

From 2017

Know was gonna kill myself 
Begged for their help
Said I would stop drugs if my daddy came and rescued me from mold allergy
When sober I said I’d pay for myself to do 6 months in rehab if they stopped and got me
Broke lighter
Moved ??? Juice
Almost locked out of phone x 2
After I mentioned fucking with phone stole my charger 
Single petite female 
What father would do this to his daughter 

❤️ Once Upon A Time - 25th April 2015 - Trying To Escape My Stalkers

On Friday the 25th April I had all I could take with my parents’ sick psychosis game.

After hearing the Fat Cunt and Nice But Dim in L***’s bedroom after a game of ‘lets move my sisters floor boards’ I had become an oxymoron. Tired due to not sleeping for 3 days, yet wired from the copious amounts of speed I was now using. 

To top it off, my neighbour S***** (L***’s mum) and I had a conversation.

‘They’re sick, sick fucks. I hate them, they take me for a retarded imbecile’ I spat, intense anger racing through my veins, along with my latest hit of ethylphenidate.

Wearily... well I suspect FC and NBD kept her up all night, she replied ‘they never meant for it to go this far....’ 

She quickly realised her error, but tiredness causes people to make errors. Finally, I had confirmation my parents were sick. As even my counsellor hadn’t yet spoken these words. People would look at me, like I WAS NOT crazy, when I was telling them my tales of abuse. Yet not one person, including those who enabled, had dared yet to confirm what I was stating was fact and not fiction. 

Damn right.

Their game was getting ‘big’. No longer confined to a select few. It was now my whole community. As I walked down residential streets in an attempt to regain something that semi resembled privacy, it would appear many more houses had lights which were activated by sensors. And although I was a good 30-50 feet away from most, I would seem to activate them. Nearly every house in two. And, I never witnessed anyone else activating these sensors from so far away, 

The maddening of Jay, had moved up a level. And it was a big fucking jump from a few family members, friends and neighbours. 

Should I ever be successful in my attempts of suicide, it’s not suicide. It’s murder. And they all have blood on their hands.

When L*** left, my brain flashed back to him taking my photo. Anger again surged through me. No longer able to control myself I opened the window and shouted ‘YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED PLAYING THESE NASTY GAMES!’

L*** quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket and pretended to be engrossed. But his cheek flushed the colour of beetroot and his head was hung in shame. His pace quickened and soon was out of sight.

I put one of the few CDs I could find in my CD player. Eminem. I wasn’t sleeping, so neither were my abusers, who had relocated from S****’s house to the neighbours on the other side of mine. 

As the music blared, suddenly my mother’s colleague came out of the same house. Unable to remember her name, but her white blonde straight hair, fake tan and slim figure is unforgettable. Typically ADHD, it takes me 3 weeks to remember your name, but I only have to see your face once to recall it.

She turned and glanced up to my bedroom window, only to see my eyes lock with hers. Instinctively she turned on her heals and took a step back to the house she had just exited. 

Finally, common sense prevailed. It’s not like I would un-see her if she changed direction. This lady must own dogs... because that reminds me of when a dog / cat hides its head and thinks you cannot see it, because it cannot see you!! She turned back around and came to approach me.

‘Hi...’ she said in a meek demeanour. ‘Would you mind turning the music down, my other half works nights’

Other half... you mean my Fat Cunt brother and his other half, who had been up all night, ABUSING ME... wanted sleep.

‘What bedroom are you using, front or back?’ I replied. Fuck no was I being quiet for them.

‘Back’ she replied

‘I’ll move my set to the front then’

Weird they used the small back bedroom, when the front was the master??? Ehh?? More cracks in their game. They used the back bedroom, as my front master was split into two rooms. So I used the back and IT WAS the master in my house. And they used it, so they had easy access to my room and abusing me.

I moved it, but the volume didn’t lower. And being moved 6 foot wouldn’t have changed the level of noise FC had to endure whilst tired and wanting to sleep before his next shift abusing me.

When I caught them abusing me, under the floor boards, I had great pleasure squirting bleach (on a good day) or blood from my syringes on bad days. I would torment them saying, what will you catch? Hep B, Hep C or HIV? I knew I was clean. I just enjoyed tormenting them in return. ‘It’s like a Kinder Surprise... you’ll never know till the test results come back!’ 

I was happy to play the ‘dirty junky’ card when they played the sick abusers card.

‘Don’t kiss P****. One of the Hep’s can be passed through salvia!’ I knew Hep B was predominantly body fluid to body fluid, not blood to body fluid. And Hep C was blood to blood. Not blood to body fluid, but fuck was I letting them know. 

I mean, the ‘psychosis’ which relentlessly flipped my letter box, magically stopped when I placed a bloody tissue in it. Weird eh??

Talking to my sick abusers who watched me 24-7, yet seemly alone I stated ‘Mum swore on P****’s life you weren’t abusing me. She’ll get cancer or die now!’. I hate her for doing that. Karma will come back. I dread the day it taints precious P because of my mother swearing on her life. In fact, karma, full permission to give me another kick in the face and leave her alone. The rest, can rot for all I care. But she’s precious. 

(the last time I saw P she was only around 3, so no comprehension that I’m the dirty junky, so showed me real love... I will cherish the memory of her brushing my fringe out of my eyes and saying I had pretty eyes coz my eye shadow... and having to say Orion was out at work, or with his cat mates, when in reality he is terrified of little people and I’m impressed he tolerated her little stampede of affection bundling towards him with her rough baby love!)

Around 9am-10am I saw my fathers car, complete with the number plate illegal altered. What was the number ‘3’ has been crudely changed to the letter ‘B’ with black electrical tape. Exactly the behaviour you would expect for someone who worked for the Metropolitan Police Force. The tape was even wonky... which was as noticeable as if it was a fucking pink cat, to my sharp OCD head.

When I’ve escaped them, ensuring he is punished for the illegal activities undertook in order to abuse me, is a top priority.

Eventually, fed up of the whispers, the noises as if I wasn’t alone, the general annoyance conducted daily, I left for the park. 

My road, once a quiet back street, was suddenly filled with speed Mercedes, BMWs and Audi’s.

Oh, and Ford Focuses. Just like my fathers. Mainly dark grey, black or silver. With similar hubcaps and alloys. 

But... my road only sprung into action, when I could view it from my house or when I left my house.

At night, these ‘car stalkers’ would turn their full beams on, or flash them at me constantly. I have this recorded somewhere! 

This, combined with my amazing ability to set of light sensors from 100 feet... plus the constant flash from Mobile phones as people photographed me... and the incredibly high number of police, ambulance or fire engines, who would suddenly turn on the blues and whiz past me upon seeing me.. made me weary, drained and emotionally I began to numb. 

The latter, is something which progressed to the point I don’t honestly know if I’ll ever truly feel love, joy, happiness, sadness, hurt or pain ever again. Today, I am almost complete numb.

The mass stalking has already preempted a suicide attempt. Causing me to swallow pill after pill every time I spotted another ‘stalker’. Swallowing down an incredibly strong antipsychotic with a benzo equivalent to 10mg of diazepam, it look less than 5 mins for myself to have consumed a deadly amount. I was getting wozzy and drowsy... yet the antipsychotics can cause anxiety and taccardia upon taking too much, my heart was racing and I began to lose consciousness.

This subsequently resulted in a hospital admission and being Sectioned, but regardless of the severe decline in my mental stability, the horrendous abuse my family subjected me to, continued at full steam.

Reaching the park, I soon realised I was alone. Well almost, as a helicopter could be heard above.

During those precious 5 minutes I found myself welling up, before floods of tears folllwed. You truly don’t know what you have lost until it’s gone. And privacy is something every single of one you take for granted. Only those who have been mass stalked AND lost the privacy in their own homes could comprehend. And from my research I am yet to find a victim of mass stalking who cannot receive respite in their own house. Even celebrities have the sanctuary of their own homes being private. And they have the added bonus of financial remuneration for their misery. 

Soon I began to notice movement in the distance... they had caught up with me. A deserted woodland area, where one could normally be alone for days, began to fill with people. I returned to the main road, feeling defeated.

Full scale stalking resumed. So with a heavy heart, I went to collect my prescribed buprenorphine from the chemist. 

I normally went to Boots in Colliers Wood, but due to Sainbury’s having slightly longer opening hours and the erratic nature of my life at the present time.

Although I had visited them a few times, today there was an unfamiliar blonde pharmacist. Neither did I see her again after her visit. My speed fuelled paranoid brain was convinced she was an ‘extra’ or ‘actress’, but now, with a sober mind, it’s easily to establish she was obviously was a real employee as you cannot put someone  with no pharmacy training, on the pharmacy counter. 

She immediately recognised me as the terrible, terrible junkie, and sprung into action! She finally got to play a part in the maddening of Jay. Rather than serve me, the customer waiting for the ‘pharmacy’ she decided to leave the counter for a good 15 minuted to help an elderly customer chose a shampoo. He did even ask for her assistance. She almost speed from the counter to assist the customer he did not require her help. 

During this period, the amount of looks of disgust and the general disgusting behaviour I received from strangers, when combined with my ADHD prerequisite for perfectionism, which included being liked, make seen I waited patiently.

Once she had helped chose the perfect shampoo for a man, who didn’t have much hair to shampoo, her eyes scanned the pharmacy sector rather than return to the counter to serve me, she disappeared for 15 minitues before returning to a man browsing the none over the counter medication before telling him in detail about how to take Piroton. In an almost parrot like manner, she repeated the instructions that were clearly written on the box.

‘ take these three times a day before meals’. The
Man nodded, slightly confused with regards to the attention he was receiving. He returned item to the shelf and began to walk away. The the famous junkie
Caught his eye, and a slight smile Spread accross his face, his eyes briefly catching mine. Which coincided with his smile dropping, before his look quickly changed to sheer disgust, and he promptly walked away.

She spent another 10 minutes fussing over people on the shop floor before finally serving me at the counter.

Finally she disappeared into the back. Another 15 minutes passed before she returned with my controlled drug. Her behaviour was weird. Sainbury’s normally excels at customer service , but serving pharmacy customers at the till was clearly below her remit.

She begrudgingly took my payment and gave me my buprenorphine. As I was not a regular At Sainbury’s generally they watched me like a hawk put them all in my mouth, paid close attention to me whilst I waited for them to dissolve and inspected my mouth throughly upon me telling them they were gone.

Many addicts remove the subbie from their mouths. I have been notorious for doing this myself. Unlike methadone it’s harder to feel a heroin high when you take subutex. They can then sell them on. Anther downfall, from a medical opinion is their water solubility, which means they are suitable for injection. Thankfully my habit was purely a smoking addiction and this is when I was initially prescribed them.

Due to them being a partial not full opioid, they don’t bind to all your opiates receptors. So, for example, say you gave. 6 opiate receptors / plugs in your head. Methadone or heroin will plug into all 6. As you have no empty plugs left, your body realised there’s no point in making any natural orne. Which is why methadone and heroin withdrawal is far worse than buprenorphine. Buprenorphine is a partial opiate antagonist. So, regardless of whether you take 0.4mg or 36mg, it only uses 3 of those 6 plugs. This makes withdrawal easier as you will start making your own natural opiates to fill those plugs.

It is actually illegal for the pharmacist to let someone with a supervised prescription leave the chemist with not having consumed their medication.

However, this pharmacist, Jennifer, just handed me the medication and said ‘you can go now’ as I began to put them in my mouth.
‘You’re not suppsed to say that, you could get in trouble’ I replied. ‘This is a controlled drug. I could remove it’
‘Oh, it’s ok, I’ve seen you before’
My mind races as it tired to recall the pharmacists st Sainsbury’s. Maybe she seen me about 14 times since I was fresh out of Detox back in December. 

So that made a total l of 14/1096 times I had visited. We had hardly reached the stage of her trusting me. 

I was cautious at her behaviour and replied 
‘Then, what? I’ll get reported for removing my medication, when I haven’t, and the drug’s team will stop my script?’
I could sense the anger beginning to build
‘I TRUST YOU’ Jennifer snapped back at me. The frustration was apparent.

Then I had my cartoon lightbulb moment. She wast tying to get rid of me. Clearly my presence in Sainbury’s was having a negative effect on the reputation of the store. Yet, prior to becoming famous for taking drugs, Sainbury’s had been happy to take around £300 a month as I shopped regularly there.

I refused. I was naturally wary and cautious of people, especially those who partook in the evil maddening of Jay. I sat down on the chair, and unlike other times, where I would rub my tongue from left to right, quickening up the process, I purposively let them dislove as slowly as possible.

Whilst sitting there I removed my note pad and began
Writing large notes that my ‘stalkers’ could easily resd











By now the subutex has dissolved and I decided I was going to central London in a vain attempt to be stalker free. I was going to find somewhere I could have a drink, and when I was drunk enough, I would come home and overdose.

With my family and the public’s reaction to me, life was unbearable. I couldn’t take it anymore. The only positive in my head was the fact I weight bearly 8 stone (112lbs), thanks to the copious use of speed and its appetite suppressing qualities. This was the only happy, self esteem, voice in my head.

I got on the tube in Colliers Wood hoping for more respite the closer I got away from where I lived. 

I didn’t get the respite I had hoped for. Clearly this game was much bigger than what I had thought. It was not just my local community playing these horrible games. It was the whole of London. They would all have blood on their hands when I died. They were all playing the game of let’s push J to suicide.

When I exited the tube, at a station I can no longer remember, I headed towards the nearest drinking establishment. Outside was a large crowd of 20-30 people drinking outside, and like most people in this game, springing into action upon spotting me. I tried to find another pub. Yet again, a crowd of 20-30 people, who suspiciously looked similar to the previous crowd.

Still on my mission I continued to walk. Speeding Mercedes, BMWs and Audi’s drove pass me at dangerous speeds.

I decided to seek refuse in a decrepit old council block. Seeing the large metal refuse bins, I slid behind them and prepped a shot of speed. I didn’t need light to bang up, I knew exactly where to insert my needles by following the angry red raised tracks. All of a sudden, this area, which normally would be deserted became akin to Oxford Circus on a Saturday afternoon. Clearly my stalkers where able to track me to this area, but where unable to locate me, tucked behind the bins. There was enough light to see the spiral of dark red blood fusing with the blue transparent syringe of speed. I pushed down on the plunger as quickly as possible, pulled the needle out and quickly pushed my arm on my jeans to stop the flow of blood. A sense of calm washed through me.

As more and more people began to circle my hiding place, I could now hear a helicopter circling above. When the coast was as clear as it could be, I made my escape. The bins where next to the car park for the council estate, which was now filled with cars, racing at speed, their brakes screeching as they sharply turned.

I returned back to find a pub, and yet again the crowd, which by now, I could establish was made of the exact same people who were present at the other two establishments. Rather than stopping I walked past and head ‘RIGHT, WE’RE ON THE MOVE’. I may have been out of sight, but not out of ear shot. 

Even in central London I was hunted like a rabbit at Wimbledon’s greyhound racing stadium. This was far bigger than what I anticipated. No where was safe. 

I finally stumbled upon a small public garden. Filled with bushes and trees. There was police tape blocking the entrance. Something I had noticed a lot recently. In fact I had encountered numerous pointless police tapes during my recent journeys. There seemed to be correlation between the number of stalkers and amount of police tape. I knew this had been placed there for one reason only. To prevent me entering. 

When the last ‘stalker’ walked past me I quickly ducked under the tape and hid amongst the foliage. There was clearly no crime committed there. No evidence of a murder. This was clearly placed here to stop me coming in. Fuck it, I thought. 

I had also realised, due to the amount of stalkers I was encountering, having a peaceful drink was also off the menu too.

This caused my heart to shatter yet again as the enormity of what my family had done hit me yet again.  I felt the most awful ache in my heart, a pain so indescribable, there are no amount of written words which can accurately describe the pain. The pain radiated from my heart, throughout my body, with a pain, way more intense than any drug high I had encountered in my life.

The closest way to describe it, would be the complete opposite from a novice experiencing their first body orgasum from a shot of heroin. 

Realising peace was far from imient, I found another council estate and again wedges myself in the aloof where the bins where kept. In my hiding place I could just see some flats which where above shops. The metal steps, eerie where a sharp contrast to the lit windows where I could see the outline of the Fat Cunt and Sir Cunt A Lot. I could hear their loud voices within 15 minutes of being hidden away. 

Although I had not been spotted, the tracking device alerted my stalkers and they frequently walked pass, or raced if in vehicles.

Feeling defeated I gave up and headed back to the tube. Naturally, it was filled with stalkers. There was two hard faced Eastern European girls who upon seeing me, pulled their phones out in an attempt to photograph me. However I noticed before them before they had the chance to do so. 

Tears began filling my eyes, before streaming down my face. I pulled the ‘emergency’ lethal bag of antipsychotics and benzodiazepines put of my bag, making sure, all these nasty, judgmental people could see the copious amount of pills in my possession.

I wrote on my pad in large letters


As I transferred the antipsychotics to the same bag as the benzodiazepines, one fell onto the floor. I caught another ‘stalkers’ attention as I looked for it, our eyes meeting. 
‘Excuse me, sorry, you’ve dropped one’ he exclaimed. This left me thinking it was clear, there was so much hatred and disgust for me, that next time I had to make sure my dose was enough to do the job properly.

But this stalker was weird... he didn’t emit as much hatred as most did. He had kind eyes. Maybe he had suffered from addiction problems in the past. So when we next caught each other’s attention I summoned the courage to ask ‘why me?’

His eyes, which I will never forget, grey, blue coloured, filled with sympathy, felt sorry for me. He shrugged his shoulders and then placed both of his palms up, hands tilted down, in a ‘I don’t know’ gesture.

Maybe some people have no idea why they’re abusing me. Maybe I’m just an enemy. The scale of this operation was now making me petrified. If people knew about ‘the game’ all over central London, surely this meant the end of my career in a college in south west London. Surely my colleagues knew too.

Even when I was smoking £200 of crack cocaine and heroin, AT WORK, I had still managed to hide my drug addiction from my colleagues. In fact, as I was not medicated for my ADHD, the crack enabled me to work incredible hard, and I even won two awards in the height of my addiction.

Then my beloved Tsega and Orion enabled me to The get clean... well cleaner. Not using daily. 

I headed back to Tooting, where my regular cohort of stalkers took over. I kept the pills on show, but tightly gripped in my hand.

I knew, like Alice in Wonderland, eating them would help me escape.

Sunday, 8 April 2018

❤️ Dream Market - Vendor Review - British Beef

Ok, this is the guy I’ve started buying sleeping tablets from.

Mainly because he stocks them all!!

Diazepam / Valium
Alorazolam / Xanax
Nitrazepam new 25/04/18
Clonazepam new 25/04/18
Lorazepam new 25/04/18

He also stocks Tramadol and other painkillers, but primarily he’s a steroid seller.

I thought he was worth a mention due to his products being 100% legit. Complete in blister packs. This guy must work for Boot’s!!

The first time I placed all the orders with recorded delivery separately, but said feel free to bunk them all together. 

The second time I paid for recorded on one item and asked for all the others to be placed into the packet with the recorded item.

The only negative it the time it takes to arrive. When you pay for recorded, you expect 1-3 days max. My first order took 7 days and my second took 6.

But definitely worth a shout,

Here are British Beef’s products 

Here’s the T&C’s

And finally product ratings

Will return to this seller!! 

UPDATE 25/04/18 - British Beef has more stock!!

I will be trying his Nitrazepam, Clonazepam and Lorazepam!!

Friday, 6 April 2018

❤️ Psychotic Ramblings

Ok, as I am trying to make this an online account of all my scribbled notes, so I guess I need to remain congruent and add the fucked up shit too.

These are some very psychotic ramblings. I would write these when I knew my sick family were watching.

It was one of my means of true communication with them.

Due to their cruel, relentless behaviour, which had a strong focus on depriving me of any sleep, my writings became more and more bizarre. Certainly what one could describe as psychotic. 

However, unlike most people with psychosis, the traumatic events causing this, were far from a fictional creation of my drug addled mind.


* Dad - found little cameras please remove all! (these did and still do exist)

* Mum - Don’t tell human mum! Two become one (frequently my mother would slip up disclosing information I had only told ‘psychosis’. Such as my ADHD not being a disability, which is incredibly two faced, as I’m pretty sure, as a Nursery Worker, she will have children with the disability and will emphasis and sympathise with the parents whose children have this condition. She has also slipped up recently when texting me about my drug use when texting me - there’s a whole post dedicated to this)

* Alone time in park - helicopter and being followed (around this time, I began to notice, that I was NEVER alone. While helicopters seem far fetched, as my father undoubtedly abuses his position in the metropolitan police, I find it too coincidental that should I be walking in wooded areas, there would always be a helicopter presence. This included a time where one hovered outside my house in clear view of my bedroom window, where I was camping out and when I tried to hide in a Council Estate in central London, only to hear one which continued to hover above the estate until my departure)

* Large number of grey / black / silver cars similar to dad’s, with similar alloys. Stop. Stupid (during this point my father would change his alloys on his car and using black electrical tape, change his car registration illegally when he was driving where I could see him. Cars similar to my father’s would appear where ever I was! At my home, at N’s and the day I handed my gear and works to them, due to their constant indirect threats to have me sectioned again... also illegal as I was perfecting sane, just a druggie, these similar cars where parked in every single drive down their street)

* Stop helicopter vehicles (for a while I would be constantly hearing low flying helicopters... well what I believed to be low flying helicopters. My ADHD means I have a Tourette’s like uncontrollable reaction to distraction, so I would turn and look. I soon realised these noises came from large MPV vehicles, with good sounds systems)

* Pick those who can act (this was before I realised the scale of what they had done. I believed a large number of select people were chosen to do the street theatrical situations in my life. Little did I know it was the whole of the fucking UK thanks to their article in the Sun)

* 280 Bus Route?? I have very strong memories of getting a 280 Bus all the way to the legal high shop, which was inbetween Tooting and Wandsworth. At some point this bus route changed. Due to all the other extraordinary things happening to me, I wondered if this was changed to make things more difficult for me... probably not in hindsight, but I definitely believed this to be true at the time.

❤️ Dream Market - Vendor Review - NNDUK

Ok, so as I’m coming across more notable vendors on Dream Market. I thought I’d do a few more reviews.

So here’s NNDUK who mainly deals with speed. As his title suggests he’s UPS us next day delivery. The reason I purchased speed was to compensate for the missing Ritalin a few weekend back.

When I ordered I noticed he had the tracking option of UK first Class
UK Tracked 
UK 1st Class Decoy
UK 1st Class Tracked Decoy.

The latter two had no prices attached.

So I went for first class delivery and made a note I would like the decoy option. 

My order wasn’t accepted and he replied that a decoy package costed £10 first class and £15 with the tracked.

I knew these options hadn’t been priced up on his listing, so I purchased again, selecting the untracked decoy which was priced at £0.00 and wrote in my note that l expected the order to be cancelled as he hadn’t added the prices to the decoy options.

Well wasn’t I surprised the next day when a TRACKED DECOY arrived with no charge 

Well I’m certainly not a speed expert! Not amphetamine anyway. I can say this stuff isn’t really suitable of IV... it appeared a little waxy and I had to use citric  to get it to melt. Quite ashamed I stuck it in my veins to be honest.

It worked better rectally, and when inhalated has a proper tang 

Here’s NNDUK’s product listings 

Here’s his terms and conditions 

And his ratings

So if you’re into UK amphetamine, I’d definitely recommend this guy.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

❤️ Is Cannabis A Gateway Drug

There’s a saying that, smoking cannabis only leads to stronger drugs. Smoking cannabis continue into a drug addict. It’s generally rubbished among those who smoke weed.

There are those who dabble in weed, stereotypically young people in college or university, but they grow out of it. Maybe they’re tempted with the odd smoke later in their life, but that’s it.

There are those who dabble in weed and really enjoy it. They don’t go schizophrenic on it, and continue in later life. Maybe like myself, there’s underlying medical conditions. But, they never progress to harder drugs. Smoking doesn’t interfere with their lives. They are still worthwhile members of society.

There are those who dabble in weed. And maybe a few harder drugs. Party drugs. Ketamine, poppers, ecstasy and sniffing cocaine. But they grow out of it. Maybe they make a few silly mistakes, end up in A&E a few times. But that tingly feeling, you get, when you know you’re first trying a new drug for a time. And that craving to use again. Eventually fades away. And a craving for relationships, babies and other things take over.

And then there are those who dabble in weed. Progress to party drugs. And notice something different in their head. They probably don’t realise at the time. But something... something is different. They try to stop their weekend use of party drugs. But they get cravings that do not go away. They end up progressing to drugs like crack and heroin. Dark drugs. It takes over their lives. It slowly destroys their lives. They no longer have control over the drugs. The drugs control them.

Unfortunately I was the latter.

I never realised at the time, the urgent, craving, worsening every day I remained clean, was due to my ADHD. And I can bet your bottom dollar underneath every addict, is a mental health problem/disability.

I don’t look like your typical drug addict. I was 27, with a good job working as a manager in the public sector. 

I owned my own flat, which I bought without the need of a partner. I drove a nice, fairly new car. 

I was even a regular on TV, doing extra work for Eastenders, Holby City, Family Affairs, films, TV adverts and music videos. I was not only on their TV extra books, but their model books. Which lead to a £3,000 photo shoot and 800 photos for free, and being featured on TV, or speaking parts.

I didn’t look too skinny. In a world obsessed with being size 0 (UK 4), my size 8 frame, with a BMI which rarely reached 20 didn’t look out of place.
I was small boned, so my weight suited me. 

Drug addicts were thin and sickly looking.

My dark brown hair was naturally curly and long. My skin was clear and wrinkle free. I was a fake tan, painted nails, type girl, wearing nice clothes and accessories which matched.

Drug addicts had no personal pride. They had dirty nails, unwashed hair and clothes which were old and ragged.

They were pale, roaming only at night, like vampires. Their plaid skil never seeing the sun. 

Drug addicts didn’t have full time jobs. They didn’t get up and go to work Monday to Friday in a 9am to 5pm. They weren’t managers.

They were on benefits, living in council accommodation, they didn’t own their own properties. They lived in homeless shelters and hostels. Or, even worse, on the streets. Braving the harsh, cold UK winters.

They didn’t have nice clothes, large CD and DVD collections and new flat screen TVs. 

They sold anything like that to pay for their habits. And once they had sold all their own items, they’d rob yours.

They didn’t drive in London. An expensive luxury in London. The car had cost over £4,000. The insurance was £300 a year, and that was with a large amount of years stacked together in my no claims bonus. Tax was £120 a year. Petrol £8,500 a year. Plus parking, congestion charges, fines... No way! 

Driving was too expensive for a drug addict.

Drug addicts wouldn’t consider taking extra work and giving up their evenings, weekends, nights and bank holidays.

I wasn’t a drug addict.... or was I? I was in control of my drug use? Or was I?