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Tuesday 28 November 2017

❤️ People Who Think It’s Beneficial To Stalk Someone With Mental Health Problems

NB - Look at how the quality of camera has increased over 3 years!

THOSE OF YOU WHO THINK YOU’RE DOING GOOD... WRONG! Your making my mental illness a million times worse. There are thousand and thousands of people who use drugs recreationally and go to work. Who function. Who contribute to society. As you’re not ‘staking’ everyone, you’re clearly discriminating against me.

Seeing as most of you are not English, you clearly face discrimination daily. Why repeat the behaviour you despise?


Yes, the people who orchestrated this actively hate you.

My father frequently sits watching the TV telling you fucking N****, P***** and immigrants (anyone else) to go the fuck home. Even if you’re British but don’t have white skin, he’ll tell you to go the fuck home too. Even when I explain you were born in this country.

Unless your English, white skinned and called ‘Dave’ you won’t escape his abuse.

Hence why I have a distance with my father. And my brother. Both of them took an active dislike to my boyfriends who did not have white skin.

My brother told me I was sleeping with fucking mongrels and should I have a mixed race baby, it would be a fucking mongrel and he would not love it (around about 2002, in my bed room, after we both had separate nights out, but he joined me,
So he could have some of my cocaine, ecstasy, alcohol and weed).

Yet again I am finding members of the public who think it’s of some benefit to increase my mental health problems by photographing me, or using some fucking pathetic app to track me.

You know NOTHING about me, the horrendous abuse my own family subject me to, the lack of suppprt they have provided me, how they have only made my problems worse when they could be supported not me, or how their actions do nothing but ensure my sobriety is never something i can obtain. So, watch out. If I catch you getting your phones out and I makingsomeone with mental health problems even more mentally ill, you will now appear on my blog.

Suicide is imminent. I have friends who will make sure the media gets my blog, and indeed your photos.

It’s not really Suicide though is it. It’s murder. You’ve all contrabuted to my death. 

If just one of you, instead of making my life a misery, actually came to speak to me, you woud discover the truth is vastly different than the bullshit you’ve been told by my family. 

I hope you appear below. And if you do appear below, you’ve been caught photographing me and / or adding to a social media app, which funnily enough I’m unable to join. You are all partly to blame for my death. 



2015 - Whilst going to see my Counsellor

10th April 2015 - Northern Line. 5pm

11/04/15 - Getting my control meds from Springfield when they changed my section so I wasn’t locked up any more

11th March 15. 9.25pm. I don’t have a clue where this is! Somewhere in Mitcham.

12th March. 2015. 1.15pm. 163 bus from Morden to Greenway.

14/04/15 - Streatham. 9.15pm

14/04/15 - On way to nut house 

15th May 2015, 6.30pm, Northern Line. There’s a whole post dedicated to this prick. Starring away at me, till I clocked him. Then prang, prang, prang. Like my boy was on crack. I had wicked track marks at the time. My stalkers had something to actually see.

15th May 15 again

2016?? Spring / summer?! I maybe 2015 once I stopped banging up daily. In Wetherspoons, Wimbledon anyway

15/11/17 - On the 80 bus going home from a hard day at work, where I help people on benefits find work, pay my taxes and NI contributions

16/11/17 - In central London near Old Street tube

17/11/17 - In Morden after work, both these guys followed me on the 118. Isn’t it lovely being a petite size 6 female having loads of young, men follow you around 

I’ve just removed someone! Gave them my blog details and they’ve contacted me!

18/11/17 - On my way to Asda

Popular In Asda

23/11/17 - On my way to work. Looks like she could do with a little less cake and a little more salad going by the size of her thighs. North bound northern line 

North bound northern line

118 Bus Route

13/12/17 - 12.38pm. So, I’m wearing work clothes. I go Argos during ‘lunch time’ and this prick felt the need to follow me around a shop, which has no fucking stock on the shop floor. Prick! I’m considerably richer than you mate! You earn half what I earn.

15/12/17 - at 8.50am

15/12/17 - 8.15am. Morden. Whilst on my way to work.

19/12/17 - 5.41pm. Northern Line. From Stockwell to Morden. Just what I need after a hard day at work, paying my taxes, contributing so society. This prick.

Wednesday 18/12/17. Morden tube 5.38pm. Couldn’t get his face. 

Thursday the 19/12/17. 5.31pm. Morden

Friday 20/12/17 - 8.52am. From Morden to Stockwell on the Northern Line

Same time and date, this woman too. 

27/12/17 - This dude who lives near me... around my age. Living in his mummy’s house. Prat. I’ve made more money on the house of horrors than what he’ll ever have (£100,000!). 2.39pm. Don’t worry I’ll get the fucker’s face next time! 

27/12/17 - 3.41pm. Sainsbury’s in Morden. I followed this one and he freaked!!

27/12/17 - it’s probably good this guy stalking me. The chubster will probably lose a bit of weight keeping up with me 😀 6.19pm, Bishopford’s Road, where I got off the 80 bus.

27/12/17 - Said very loudly ‘Yeah she’s sitting in the pub alone’ 7pm Wetherspoons Mitcham


29/12/17 - 4.18pm. Morden. Here we have fellow addicts... but these ones are addicted to cake and that’s socially acceptable... placing judgment on me 

27th Jan. Northern Line. 8.45am. Morden to Stockwell

15/02/18 - 5.17pm. Northern Line. Stockwell to Morden. This fat faced prick.

23rd Feb 2018. Northern Line. South Bound. Stockwell to Morden. 5.28pm. So after another hard day at work, I’m judged again. The boyfriend clearly speaks two languages. The girlfriend is clearly as thick as shit. So he points me out. I’m standing 6 inches from him. Being psychic means I’m more attuned to people anyway. Girlfriend clearly thinks I’m deaf. I can’t get over how imbecilic she sounded (highlight the word on your inferior iPhone sweetheart and push the look up button!!). I mean, she made those Born In Essex people sound like Einstein... Made in Essex... I don’t know.. you know I don’t watch that. Both could do with laying off the cake too. Not only did she make the mistake of letting me hear her talk negatively about someone she actually knows jack shit about, but the dumb bitch sat right in front of me!!

05th March 2018. Mitcham town centre. 3.15pm. So this prick approaches me at the Pound Shop and tries to get my attention. I ignore and walk away. He then approaches me asking if I’m local. I say no. He asks can he talk to me. I reply no and walk away. Wanting to have a cigarette I then walk all the way across the green. As far as possible from him. He then approaches me a THIRD time from behind and asks if he can talk to me a SECOND time. Clearly lacking in mental stability as he’s unable to process the word no and it’s implications. Now I’m pissed and I tell him to fuck off. I’m told, he just wanted to check if I was ok!!! What God damn reason do you have to give a shit about my wellbeing. When I’ve already told you NO. What is wrong with you. Do you have no boundaries. The only thing wrong with me is your sheer stupidity with your constant attempts to harass me.

I could write some proper nasty comments. But I won’t. Because I’m better than the scum who believe what they read in story tales like Cinderella and The Sun

05/04/18 - north bound Northern Line, between Morden and Stockwell at 9am

Again, I loved the surprise look on the judgemental bitches face when I pulled out my iPhone X.

25th April, 8.38am. North bound from Morden


#iwillbefamous #thetruth #Itsnotaboutthedrugs @Gemma_Stalked

❤️ 01st January 2010 - Journal

As I say goodbye to my two dearest friends, I also realise I have no real friends. Z**** blew me out fr her ex and sister.
Told me unless her other friends asked her to come out, she wasn’t coming. So, there was no parting last night. 

N**** took sympathy on me, so thankfully I wasn’t alone. 

Just me and my precious boys for 2010

(So around this time in my life, I began to realise I had been so deep with my crack and heroin addiction, my friends had moved on without me. Unfortunately, this was the gate way, for giving up on friends completely and just smoking drugs)

❤️ 29th June 2017 - Journal

Well I’ve found Orion yesterday which means I’m alive.

I was so ready to do it (kill myself) yesterday I went back to Westminster Road after another phone call. Got there around midnight.

Found him under a 4x4 starving.

Then when me and N got back the madness started. I ingore the whispering. N went mental. They were fucking under the floor from that J*******’s house (next door)

Queue N running around with a knife

I can see him stabbing me if they carry on.

N was up in the loft and everything, making bear noise.

He called the police at 6am and probably realised bout the ‘g’ half was through the call and ran off leaving me to deal with it.

If course, no man was found (They have messed with N’s head too, and he can believe I’m hiding a man in here when they do their shit), but I obviously let him out before the Feds came.

If I didn’t have Orion I’d be dead now. I was ready to do it last night.

Now I have to rethink everything.

I’m still going to try and find Orion a new home just in case they don’t leave me alone,

I’m up to 22/50 (I used to tally up the abuse with the aim of suicide when it reached 50/50)

I have a short term plan. Hopefully they won’t destroy me while I’m trying to implement it.

Orion - you’ve save my life again!

I still want to die. It’s just going to be a little harder now.

Maybe an inside BBQ for me and Orion?

Monday 27 November 2017

❤️ 27th June 2017 - Journal

I don’t know if I’ll get through tonight. They have stolen my post fraudulently. It was recorded delivery. Someone called Jason and a fcuked signature. They opened my post, read it, and stuck it through my letter box once I had gone out. My passport is missing, I bet they took it. I’m reporting it stolen.

If my package doesn’t come tomorrow I’ll re-order x 10 to another address. I need it to go out.

I bet they’ve stolen that too (orders from dream market). See no privacy.

If I had a normal family, I could pick myself up and carry on. Mine want me dead.

Thursday 23 November 2017

❤️ Office Pranks 101

Almost was the proud owner of a freshly printed P45 Tuesday. 

The story goes like this...

Firstly, I want to clearly state, my my job description is clearly listed in the Oxford Dictionary under the words ‘stressful’, ‘unmanageable’ and ‘exhausting’. 

Ok... not exactly, but those three adjectives are definitely a true reflection of my job. Therefore letting off steam, opposed to walking out the door and never returning, is needed!!

So.. Monday my manager states he’s not in tomorrow and who wants to be in charge (jokingly). Of course my hand stuck up quicker than what Usan Bolt can do with running stuff.

I asked could I bring my rabbit in.

I was told under no circumstance to bring my rabbit in.

So, Tuesday... emailed myself a picture of my rabbit, and on my lunch break I made it relatively big in Word and colour printed.

Then, I cut the rabbit shape out.

I then got my colleagues to react to the piece of paper whilst I took photos.

I cropped my hands out the photos and added a filter. This was to hide the fact it was clearly a cut out. This was the hardest part due to the uncontrollable laughter.

Then, new pictures emails to myself, before uploading them to the company social media app. I also emailed them to my manager A** and another fucking sounds manager called F****. I made sure I kept to the random section. I only ever post on random. 

It just so happened the manager’s meeting which was taking place at the time, was actually discussing the company social media app and how I was someone who actively used it.

F**** checked his work email during the meeting and showed my manager the email. My manager started shitting himself and asked F**** not to tell anyone. As he viewed these pics on a mobile phone they looked quite realistic.

Queue their break... the and the senior manager seeing my post.

I’m pretty sure there were swear words involved as they exclaimed ‘Jay’s brought her rabbit to work!!’

It didn’t take long for someone to look at the pictures properly and realise it was a cut out.