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Thursday 23 November 2017

❤️ Office Pranks 101

Almost was the proud owner of a freshly printed P45 Tuesday. 

The story goes like this...

Firstly, I want to clearly state, my my job description is clearly listed in the Oxford Dictionary under the words ‘stressful’, ‘unmanageable’ and ‘exhausting’. 

Ok... not exactly, but those three adjectives are definitely a true reflection of my job. Therefore letting off steam, opposed to walking out the door and never returning, is needed!!

So.. Monday my manager states he’s not in tomorrow and who wants to be in charge (jokingly). Of course my hand stuck up quicker than what Usan Bolt can do with running stuff.

I asked could I bring my rabbit in.

I was told under no circumstance to bring my rabbit in.

So, Tuesday... emailed myself a picture of my rabbit, and on my lunch break I made it relatively big in Word and colour printed.

Then, I cut the rabbit shape out.

I then got my colleagues to react to the piece of paper whilst I took photos.

I cropped my hands out the photos and added a filter. This was to hide the fact it was clearly a cut out. This was the hardest part due to the uncontrollable laughter.

Then, new pictures emails to myself, before uploading them to the company social media app. I also emailed them to my manager A** and another fucking sounds manager called F****. I made sure I kept to the random section. I only ever post on random. 

It just so happened the manager’s meeting which was taking place at the time, was actually discussing the company social media app and how I was someone who actively used it.

F**** checked his work email during the meeting and showed my manager the email. My manager started shitting himself and asked F**** not to tell anyone. As he viewed these pics on a mobile phone they looked quite realistic.

Queue their break... the and the senior manager seeing my post.

I’m pretty sure there were swear words involved as they exclaimed ‘Jay’s brought her rabbit to work!!’

It didn’t take long for someone to look at the pictures properly and realise it was a cut out. 

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