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Thursday, 7 June 2018

16th May 2018 – Email to Film Producer Guy

Ok, again, whether he’s congruent or not, I don’t know.  But he’s been trying to get in contact with me.  This is the email I have just sent him on my work email, which I now hope is secure.

He asked whether my phone number was working


We really need to go for a drink.

I can’t take the abuse anymore.

I’m literally having panic attacks every time I leave the house on my own.

I was abused on Sunday by a security guard just because I was looking at a £20 watch in TK Maxx.

Fcuking Monday night, I received a text at 12pm, saying I’m outside.  I freaked.  I hadn’t asked anyone to come over.  I said I would ring the police via text, and I could still hear them  outside rustling plastic bags.

Called the police.

Unfortunately, there’s a certain group of people who seem to think I’m a terrorist or paedophile or something, as they are treating me really badly, judging me and making me feel like sh*t.

Anyway, one of the police men, was from this group.  And whilst the other one was sympathetic when I mentioned the rape, being stalked, abused and not feeling safe in my home for 4 years (I said I worked and this has almost cost me my job), the other one was a complete arsehole towards me, just snapped at me and was nasty, whilst I was sat there petrified in floods of tears.

(and the security guard was also from this group of people)

I don’t think my house buyer is congruent.  (again, same group of people)

That house makes me ill.  I swear it’s the reason my last cat died and my other cat is getting very skinny and sick too.  I’m always getting ill in that house.  I don’t think I’ve spent more than 4 weeks feeling healthy before I’m sick again.  This is due to the damp, mould etc.  Which is due to whatever the fcuk my family have done, which I am almost certain, is to ensure they can gain access to my home.

Mr X – I need to get my story told.  I don’t mind people knowing the fcuked up shit.  As they already do.  Well, they don’t.  What people have been told is clearly much, much worse than what I have actually done.  How the fcuk would I go to work every day, pay my mortgage and care for 4 pets if I actually fitted the description they’ve been telling people about  me?????

I have to work 10 times harder to prove to everyone I am a nice person.  As unlike normal people, I am immediately disliked and have to prove I am nice.  Whereas every other single human being is approached neutrally upon first meeting them.

The funny thing is, yesterday I saw easily 3-4 people, with problems that are similar, but MUCH severe than mine.  And are they targeted, treated like a monster and abused?  Nope, they were left in peace.

I don’t know how much longer I can fight this Mr X.  I need to get the truth told before I give up.


Only my work email now IT have re-set the password.

Please make sure this email is deleted once read babes.


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