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Thursday, 7 June 2018

15th May 2018 – Records of Abuse & Crime

Targeted coz disability and subsequent substance abuse
Need protection from harassment, discrimination, stalking, not safe in house
Compensation - deformation, loss of career, items stolen.
£700 iPhone 7, £1,250 iPhone X, security camera, £500 hot tub. Damage to property.
An enhanced service if you are a victim of serious crime, a persistently targeted victim or a vulnerable or intimidated victim
Sky alarm
Phone alarm
Broke computer x 2 (coz I could fix phone)
Denied damp, coz it was clearly caused by their illegal entry points.
Got pneumonia
Got raped
TK Maxx
Phone hacked since 19th
Bathroom window z- warped reflection
Noises like someone in house downstairs / noise upstairs and vice versa
Next doors stairs sounds like it’s mine
Speakers hidden for remote abuse (including using phone to do this)
Presents / bags / purses / always have weird bit of stitching that’s clearly been undone and re-done Always something catching my eye
Both houses next door, Asian house on corner, mum’s friend further down, both houses across (one with brick garage)
Open window (almost lost cat)
Error reports Stolen paint delivery
Fake delivery notes (should be yodel) in brothers hand writing
Stolen Ritalin
iPhone hacked since Oct / Nov 2017
Stolen buorenorphine
Stolen post
Door unlocked
Mail deleted
Pics from drop box deleted
Blog post deleted Link to news from blog deleted
Stalking Holes in needles (ABH)
Mum, dad and brother. Before penny’s birth, Charlotte too
Abuse in street
Scare pets frequently
Called crack head in street
Stolen camera
Phone doesn’t ring loud
Steal from tool cupboard
Music deleted off amazon music
Locked out of both iCloud accounts
First one credit card details changed
Hot tub puncture
Hot tube wire cut
New solar lights broken in two days
 Camera hacked
WiFi hacked
Fake yahoo account keys
Work computer hacked
Money gone from credit card / bank / online accounts Locked out of cubits
Drugged so they could steal iPhone 7
Almost lost job coz late, missed days
And lied they told
Abuse opiate WD, Olanzapine WD, Ritalin increase, taking nytol
Illegally entering home
Camp in next doors garden
When I sleep always here no: 40’s door go
Rehab kept me longer to keep me away from them

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