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Sunday, 22 April 2018

❤️ Email To Documentary Producer

Hey, are you gonna send me some more information?

My ADHD causes anxiety, so I ALWAYS look for a negative. So right now I’m super freaking about what I disclosed earlier....

But, as you know (if you’re genuine... or can imagine if not...) there’s not many people you can talk about this stuff with, and humans need to talk. So when you do find someone, it just all comes out... 

Hopefully I’m just causing myself unnecessary anxiety over nothing... but I have wondered if you’re genuine or just trying to play games with me (this has happened before... playing games, not film offer). Or whether now I’ve told you a little bit, like my Psychiatrist, you think I’m nuts and are itching to section me.

I have to be my psyche’s worse patient. I frequently are what they call ‘RED ZONE’. 

I know I was in the Sun. When I pretended to talk about my adhd on the bus, this Asian guy started listening and talking to me. He disclosed I was in a red top newspaper.

Then I had two separate homeless people tell me I was the crack head from the Sun.

Then, walking home one night, this girl whispered (clearly she wasn’t very good at whispering) to her partner ‘that’s the girl from the Sun, with the cocaine’. 

AND.... my mother’s neighbour, when I was standing in the garden less than 15 feet from her, told her builder ‘that’s the girl from the Sun’.

This correlated with my friends and family dropping me off Facebook (with no explanation), yet my LinkedIn profile went mental. 

And this... it’s just the tip of the ice burg what happened in public... when I was ‘alone’... that’s the real money maker. You will be shocked and sickened at the abuse my ‘loving family’ put me through. And still do it, to today.

If I get a chance to tell the TRUTH, it’ll be big. 

I haven’t been able to imagine a future. Not in the past 2 years. You changed that. Today, I can see a future. Free from them

And their abuse.

I can’t imagine a future with my life as it is. I hurt so bad, and thanks to all the bullshit they’ve spread about me, have to work 10 times harder for people to see that I’m a nice person. Why would my mum and dad do that to me? They’re not violent, addicted to anything, no mental health... there’s no excuse for their behaviour. 

They are just sick, like Fred and Rose West sick. My brother and his girlfriend too. Not one person in my family supported me when I needed it and begged for their help. They simply carried on tormenting and abusing me, carried on making me famous for using drugs, and told me it was all in my fucking head.

Yet... I told... what we call ‘psychosis’ I was

Going detox again and wanted 200

Fags, sweets, new mobile... and these magically appeared the next day. 

This can be proven. I can work out the dates. It’ll correlate with their credit card statement.

I have the dates of when they have been abusing me, they won’t have been present at work on these dates. 

People have witnessed the above average attention I draw in public. Seen videos of ‘intruders’ coming in my house, which of course, disappeared off my phone and the computer version. I had a another video where you could hear them stealing stuff from my cupboard, clearly accessing it from next door’s house. They steal things, so I think I’m mad. And after I’ve said my whatever is missing, they put it back.

They unlock my door when I’m out.

They’ve watched me try suicide x 2. They’ve watched me have seizures many, many times and NEVER called an ambulance. 

Sorry, I’m spilling it all out again.

Basically, if this is real, it’s probably the only opportunity for me to escape them. And I want to. And this is worth sorting my life out for.

Anyway, please email me some more stuff about the project. I’m really interested. 

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