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Saturday, 3 March 2018

❤️ And While I’m Sat Here Feeling Miserable

Ok, I’m on a bit of a low at the moment. Nothing to cause concern. I’m not stashing my pills, although starting propranolol again, triggers thoughts of suicide.

I know this is just expected, when one suffers with ADHD.

The propranolol actually helps with the stomach churning anxiety. But the lows still are present. And, bar work, I struggle to undertake the simplest of life’s prerequisite, such as feeding myself, cleaning my home and bathing.

I sit, fretting about, what will never be. What if this happens, what if that? It rarely does. Still, if one anticipates an alternative ending, more positive, and the negative is the actual outcome, I will be crushed to a greater extent than if one spends an unreasonable amount of time, raising my levels of cortisol right now (stressing now basically).

And then I watched a CBeebies documentary. Yes, that’s kids BBC, I love documentaries though. One can never have too much information.

It was on a young man called Johnathon Bryan, and he aged 10.

Johnathan has incredibly complex disabilities. He needs oxygen 24-7. He can’t eat food. He can’t walk. He can’t talk. 

For many years, he attended a special education school. Sadly, these schools, whilst excellent and the staff dedicate a lot into stimulating the children, the children are not given the opportunity to learn to read or write.

Johnathon’s mother, a real life saint, never tiring of having the struggles of having to provide the same attention required to care for a baby, under 1 year, never gave up.

She created a ‘speach’ board and Johnathon took to it.

Oh boy, did he take to it!

Johnathon’s level of communication, surpasses his class mates. He’s articulate and eloquent, far beyond his years.

What I’ve just watched, written by Johnathon, even makes my own communication seem juvenile.

Breath taking. How much frustration the years where he could not communicate must have been.

I wonder if God, when giving Johnathon such devastating disabilities, also gave him intelligence far beyond what would be expected.

How many other non verbal children, have been blessed in other areas. When God takes away with one hand, he gives with the other. 

Hopefully Johnathon’s campaign for every non-verbal child to be taught to communicate will be achieved.

Please follow your ambition to be a writer Johnathon! I would love to read an autobiography of your life when you’re older 

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