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Sunday, 25 February 2018

❤️ 22nd December 2017 - Journal

Today our Irish manager declared today Irish coffee day! I don’t like coffee. So it was a lot of Irish and not so much coffee.

Then their was that Prosecco! Which for the life of me I can’t say. Upon leaving work and hitting the fresh air, I was like WOE! Tipsy! Not drunk, tipsy. Sang my own version of jingle bells and whole way home making up my own rhymes.

Well, I’ve been doing that all day. Was running 10 minutes late, so I did a talking emoji message to my manager saying

‘Hello boss

I’m coming in

But I’m running late

It is Christmas, last day of work

So I beg you please don’t hate


You know your manager is BLAM when you can send him a singing unicorn saying you’re running late.

Haha! He even taught me some street hand shake thingy... and took me to the rest of the team upstairs saying ‘J’s on it man, look at this’ *queue* handshake.

Well, no further info from Mr X. Just mailed him to get the details of this apparent radio interview.

I feel a dick for disclosing, but I know I’ve got the upper hand finding that newspaper article. Can’t believe Mr X could be stupid enough to continue to use that name! I would change my name and never be associated with it again should I be plastered all over the news for breaking the law and getting a VIP trip to Her Majesty’s finest accommodation. 

I would have never have discovered this, or his long term media companies, with his work name. 

His work name brings up just the work website and some article about the IAG qualification he’s got.

Sooooo.... if my boy’s trying to play me, it ain’t gonna happen. He’s not smart enough for that. And, I’ve only told him things... there’s no hard evidence to back up what I’ve stated. Well I have hard evidence, but it ain’t all over the net. 

It’s sooo tempting to have a pretend telephone call in earshot and say ‘benefit fraud b! Can you believe? 30 k bruv! Yeah yeah. Hush hush ‘n all’. 

Anyway, it’s given me a little bit of power back. And as it clearly states on my blog 

‘This blog, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed are fictitious. Any similarity with factual events or characters was purely coincidental’

Because... I mean... look at the contents... clearly it’s made up. No one bar Cinderella and Snow White have family that are so cruel and callous. No ‘real’ family would execute such horrific behaviour ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

And, to be honest, unless it’s spoken communication, due to my phone being hacked, I cannot accept liability for anything that ‘supposedly’ is sent from my email.

Standard ๐Ÿ˜

On another note, I’m worried that the recent events and my notoriety, are causing my friends to take a step back. Well ‘friends’ is an overstatement. Friend. Singular not plural. I miss my R*** so much!! This time last year we were soooo close. I lost ALL numbers, and although I’ve emailed her, she’s claiming she doesn’t have a phone number.... I’ve got a horrible feeling she just doesn’t want to be associated with me and whatever reputation my family have decided to give me and spread around social media.

I miss her so much. No matter how down I am, I can’t stay down when she’s around. She’s a real ray of sunshine. And although I am far from a needy friend, I do miss being able to text her... and receiving her drunk texts!!

She’s the most amazing, beautiful person. Inside and out. Seriously she’s the most pretty girl I’ve met in my life. I don’t think I can name another person who actually makes me feel a little insecure over my own looks!!

Fantastic artist, lovely singer, expert fake tan applier! 

We are soooo similar, but also so different.

Both bleach our hair, like tan, petite/thin, have boobs (hers are better, but she did pay for hers!), psychic, like drawing, like singing and have the same bday.

But different coz I appear confident and chatty, she’s more quiet and reserved. Oh, we both had speech impediments as children! Her’s was worse. I used to stutter badly as my mouth couldn’t keep up with the speed of my brain. 

Anyway, if God exists, I’ll get to catch up / talk to her next week. Last year she told me I could spend Xmas with her and her family!! Ok, that would be a bit weird, I only really know R*** and have briefly met L*** her twin and her younger half sister.

Anyway R*** if you read this I love you!!! Please reply to my last email with congruency. I love and care for you! So if you are worried about me having a negative effect on your reputation please be honest and I’ll step back baby!!

Although I’ll miss you so badly, I care more about you than I do about me being lonely.

Finally.... planned a BLAM Xmas Dinner

4-5 bird roast (I’ve wanted duck or goose for years!)


Roast potatoes 

Yorkshire puddings 

Mashed sweet potatoes 

Honey roast carrots

Honey roast parsnips 



Sausage wrapped in bacon

And ... for the first time since I was tiny... Brussels sprouts! Yes! I’m gonna try them!

Right... over and out!

I’ve been procrastinating! 

#Itsnotaboutthedrugs @Gemma_Stalked

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