The Famous Junkie’s Drug Cornucopia
Here’s a list of the ‘majority of the drugs I have experienced in my life. Unlike EVERY other article I’ve encountered on the internet. They will either portray as ALL drugs bad or ALL drugs good. Bar cannabis.
So here, the honest truth. If you wanna try drugs, read some honest information.
If you wanna check out more impartial information check out Forums like
Drug Type: Stimulant
Affects: Sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant
For: Treating anxiety, insomnia, agitation, seizures, muscle spasms, alcohol withdrawal and as a premedication for medical or dental procedures.
withdrawal and as a premedication for medical or dental procedures.
Addictive: Yes. 5 days to 14 days is enough to cause discomfort and rebound insomnia upon stopping.
Withdrawal: Life threatening if you are heavily addicted and stop suddenly. Other symptoms include depression, anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia
The Fun Stuff: They’re like smoking weed without the pesky munchies. Nor yellow teeth, wrinkles, rotten teeth, tar, cancers, etc.
Drug Type: Minor Tranquillisers
Affects: Sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant
For: Treating anxiety, insomnia, agitation, seizures, muscle spasms, alcohol withdrawal and as a premedication for medical or dental procedures.
Addictive: Yes. 5 days to 14 days is enough to cause discomfort and rebound insomnia upon stopping.
Withdrawal: Life threatening if you are heavily addicted and stop suddenly. Other symptoms include depression, anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia
The Fun Stuff: They’re like smoking weed without the pesky munchies. Nor yellow teeth, wrinkles, rotten teeth, tar, cancers, etc.
25C-NEOmB 🤔
25CI-NEOmB 🤔
2-Aminoindane - analogue of amphetamine ✅
2-CI 🤔
2-Fluroamphetamine (2-FA) ✅
2-Fluromethamphetamine (2-FMA) 🤔
2-MeO-Ketamine 🤔
2-NE1 ✅
3,4-CTMP - 3,4-Dichloromethylphenidate - analogy methylphenidate ✅
3F-Phenmetraztine - Stimulant ✅
3-MeO-PCP 🤔
4-Fluroamphetamine (4-FA) 🤔
4F-MPH - 4-Fluoromethylphenidate - See Review ✅
4-MEC 🤔
4-MeO-PBP 🤔
5-MAPB (5-2-methylaminopropyl benzofuran) 🤔
5F-AKB-48 ✅
5F-PB22 ✅
5-Meo-DALT ✅
5-MeO-DMT 🤔
6-APB (5-2-aminopropyl benzofuran) ✅
APICA 2-NE1 - canaboid ✅
APINACA AKB48 - canaboid ✅
BK-2C-B ✅
Name: Bromazolam ✅
Cocaine ✅
Clonazolam 🤔
Crystal Ethylphenidate - Similar to methylphenidate (AKA Ritalin) ✅
Deschlororetizolam 🤔
Diclazepam- benzodiazepine ✅
Ethylphenidate - Similar to methylphenidate (AKA Ritalin) ✅
Etizolam - benzodiazepine ✅
Fentanyl ✅
Flubromazelam - benzodiazepine 🤔
Flubromazepam - benzodiazepine ✅
Isopropylphenidate - Similar to methylphenidate (AKA Ritalin) ✅
MDAI (5,6-methylenedioxy-2-aminoindane) ✅
MDVP (methylenedioxypyrovalerone) ✅
Methoxypiperamide ✅
Metizolam 🤔
MMB-Chimnaca ✅
N-ethylhexedrone 🤔
Nifoxipam - benzodiazepine ✅
Nitrazolam ✅
Nitracaine ✅
Phenazepam ✅
Phenibut ✅
Propylphenidate - Similar to methylphenidate (AKA Ritalin) ✅
Pyrazolam - benzodiazepine ✅
Synthacaine ✅
Definitely used - ✅
Sounds familiar - 🤔
Sedative - a substance that induces sedation by reducing irritability or excitement.
Stimulant - a substance that increases the activity of the body. They are pleasurable and invigorating. Or drugs which have sympathomimetic effects
Sympathomimetics - Stimulants affecting serotonin and dopamine. These chemicals help calm you down, are anti anxiety, appetite regulants, help cognition, learning memory, mood, thermoregulation.
#Itsnotaboutthedrugs @Gemma_Stalked
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