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Thursday, 7 June 2018

You Think You Know The Truth?

Don’t find it suspicious that no one is allowed to ask me about the allegations I supposedly live up to?

Don’t find it weird that the press never covered the story fairly, when that original bullshit article in the Sun was published and the subsequent article which was linked to my blog, which has now vanished?

I have NO problem in people knowing the truth about me. People knowing the truth will only improve my life.

You’ve been lied to. Unfortunately they started digging their grave for me. And when I didn’t die, rather than stop, and change, they carried on digging and digging, until I give up.

Do you not find it weird I travel in public transport during commuting hours, dressed in work clothes... coz I’m a terrible terrible junkie right?

What about the £1,200 phone I own. Or the £1,500 jewellery I wear. Why haven’t they been taken to Crack Convertors opposed to the iStore to see yet another Genius.

Seeing as many of you stalk me right to my home, a simple check on right move would show you, I have made £100,000 on 39 Pershore Grove in as little as 4 years.

I’m trying to move so I can escape them, their lies and the sickening abuse I have been subjected to.

They don’t want me to move and be happy. They want to torment me until I die. That way they can attempt to destroy any evidence of their sickening abuse and carry on the facade of how much they are loving parents.

They’re not.

They’ve created a monster. And now they’re doing everything and anything to try to make me be this monster.

I just want to live. Be happy. And care for my pets. Because I promised them I would be there until the end. I’m sure my parents did that to me once upon a time.

This isn’t tough love. This is sickening abuse. And now you’re gonna have the chance to read my side.

Yes, I’ve had substance abuse problems. I’ve also had 4 psychiatrists tell me, if my ADHD was medicated when I was young, I would not have these problems.

My mother clearly told me, she carried on smoking whilst pregnant with me. There’s a huge link between ADHD and smoking whilst pregnant.

She’s also screamed my ADHD isn’t a disability. Something I have only said ‘privately’. Well clearly it is, or else I wouldn’t have got into a mess in the first place.

I had actually just been medicated, when out of sheer stupidity I was curious about trying ethylphendiate intravenously. Ritalin, my meds are methylphenidate.

And whilst I had beaten crack and heroin addiction (up to £200 a day for a year), many years previously, the lure for the high you get when you do use intravenously is like nothing I have ever succumbed to. Within a couple of months, a friend disclosed to them... and the abuse started.

Focused on my friend. As they assumed he was the ‘bad guy’ when in reality it was me who taught him.

7 months later, on deaths door, another friend disclosed to my family and my father arrived.

I felt a mixture of disappointment for letting them down, shame, embarrassment and I was petrified.

I was forced into emergency detox. I wasn’t ready to stop. I had been addicted to something or other for well over 15 years.

And because my 15 year problem wasn’t fixed in 15 days, my family decided, as I hadn’t done it their way. They would make me.

You cannot make an addict give up. Everyone with an addict in their family knows that. But rather than search addiction, or ADHD and the subsequent mental health problems I suffer from, they decided to violent my human right of privacy and began filming me constantly. (TBC)

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