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Thursday, 7 June 2018

May 2018 – What I Have Been Doing To Try Prevent Entry When I Sleep

I have a feeling, my dodgy tiles which do not stay grouted down, are possibly a route of entry.  I am getting a lot of ant entering my house from the crack in the grout and my father looked very guilty when placing them down.  When he saw how I laid out my front room, he also remarked ‘This looks nice’ which I should have realised by now, when he says anything looks nice, it actually means, this is a good lay out as I can still enter and abuse you.  (18/05/18) I have now change my front room lay out and I hope this prevents this.

Anything valuable, has to be celotaped to me, or tucked away under my pillows or sandwiched in my duvet, to prevent it being stolen.  Here is my medication.  A lot of controlled drugs have vanished from my house.  I want to remind you that when my CD medication is not in my possession it is classed as CLASS B illegal substance
Here is my Ritalin, which is tucked into the corner of the sofa, and covered with a plastic bag, so the noise will hopefully wake me if it goes missing again.  I then place a pillow on top of it and tuck it in.  I then place pillows on top of this (I’m sleeping down stairs as the damp in the house ruined the mattress and I refuse to replace it)

I then place a ladder by my front door.  On numerous occasions, when NO ONE ELSE SHOULD HAVE HAD ACCESS TO MY PROPERTY, I have returned to an unlocked door.  I have OCD, so naturally, am incredibly OCD about locking my door.  In order to feel safe at night, I place a ladder by my door.
I had two videos where I could hear them stealing from this cupboard, from number 41’s house. However they hacked the account which was linked to my phone and have deleted any evidence of them entering my property or stealing from me.  I have now bolted this cupboard.

My father has also commented that the doors in this conservatory, cannot be locked / unlocked, from the other side, if there are keys in the door.  This leads me to believe they can be unlocked / locked, so I also tie the doors together.
Finally, I tie all three bedroom doors together, as naturally I am petrified about their ability to access my house.  Upstairs is incredibly damp and full of dust mites, which I have become allergic too.

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