Dear Sirs
I just wanted to thank you for the service I have received today.
I was sent by Dr. OB from Merton Engage to have a blood test.
Unfortunately, due to my poor life style choices, there are very few options left with regards to where you can take blood intravenously. The two large veins in the crook of my arms are certainly no longer viable options.
Therefore I always request that the vein on the back of my left arm is used.
Previously, including when I have visited St. George's, this request is met with much judgemental behaviour.
However today I was seen by Adrian (black gentleman with glasses), who passed no judgment on my request. I was not made to feel belittled, nor judged.
If all staff responded like Adrian did, it would remove much anxiety for people in my situation to have blood tests done.
Please pass my compliments to his manager.
Kind regards
Sent from Jay’s iPhone
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