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Sunday, 18 February 2018

❤️ Trying To Solve Your Addiction Problems

You have a drug problem and finally, after a five year addiction to crack, heroin and finally buprenorphine you try to withdraw from opiates. Prior to crack and heroin, you've had a 10 year addiction to cocaine, alcohol, cannabis and ecstasy. That's not for getting the LSD, magic mushrooms and speed you've also tried.

Your nervous as you phone the drug team and make an appointment whilst you're at work. Although you've been addicted to drugs for 13 years, you've always worked, paid your taxes, mortgage and bills. You don't want this on your medical record.

When your appointment arrives you are nervous. You're in smart business wear and all the other service users are wearing scruffy clothes and look dirty and disheveled. You don't belong here.

The scary drug psychiatrist tries to convince you, you don't need an opiate supplement. You've been clean for 6 weeks. But you're still suffering, not sleeping and slowly going crazy as you constantly neck cocodamol and proplus just to get through the working day.

At night time, the only time you manage to get 3 hours sleep is after consuming a lot of alcohol, cannabis, benzodiazepines and the odd zopiclone. The latter two aren't prescribed to you. The former you buy illegally and the latter you get given occasionally from your parents, who are totally oblivious to your 13 year addiction.

She then suggests methadone which you point out refuse. You're aware it's cheaper than buprenorphine. However methadone is a full acting opiate and you've heard horror stories of withdrawal, opposed to the withdrawal of a partial action opiate like buprenorphine.

You leave with a script for a tiny dose of 0.4mgs which leaves you gouching at first, but helps you stop abusing heroin. You cut down your use of crack and life seems good.

The scary drug psychiatrist, turns out to me really nice, recognises your ADHD and gets you referred to an ADHD psyche, and finally 5 years later, you see an incredibly famous Professor and get prescribed Ritalin. The type which is impossible to abuse. You still work out how to abuse it though.

Then stupidity you start experimenting with injecting and legal highs. You inject legal Ritalin! From that day onwards you inject this substance daily. You can buy 10-20 grams for £100 if you buy in bulk online. You use between 1-3 grams a day.
If you run out,there's always the legal high shop, but it's £20 for a gram there.

7 months later, you've dropped weight from 8.7lbs to 7stone. Your family now know. You agreed to go detox.

On the day you leave to go, you waste 20 mins in the morning trying to bang up a
Shot. You can't get out of bed without a shot. You also bang up in the toilets at the drug team before your taxi ride there. 

When you arrive, the door locks behind you and you realise you can't escape. You burst into tears realising you are trapped. Eventually you see a doctor for an examination. He seems concerned when the scales settle on 7.3lbs and your blood pressure is so low. 

Your taken to a room by two nurses who go through all of your items throughly. One is nice, the other not so. Eventually they leave you, you collapse on your bed and fall into a deep slumber. 

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