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Saturday, 24 February 2018

❤️ They Stole My Money

Well, as I’ve been told by Dr. P I cannot stop taking benzos, and if I run out I need to go straight to A&E as I’m a high risk for seizures and death.

Well I have enough for just tonight.

Finally got on Dream Market on my throw away phone and managed to order some.

The order went through and then some cancelled by customer message came up.

Then my bitcoins changed from £82 to £1. 

They’ve stolen my money.

They know I won’t be able to work unless I take benzos.

I wanted to buy benzos and Zopiclone. I’ve reduced down from 120mg of diazepam to 20-30mgs. I wanted the Zopiclone so I could reduce more.

I know one person who I may be able to get some temazepam off..... if I’m lucky.

However, if not, after tonight, I’m a high risk of seizures and death. 

They know that and stole my money and stoped my transaction.

I’m crying my eyes out. I will lose my job now. Why would they do that??

Tomorrow I’ll get £100 worth of brown and hit it up in one shot.

I’m done with this. 

As long as they carry on with this shit, I will NEVER stop taking drugs.

They know this, but their lie is more important than my life.

But I’m done with this. Why would they stop me taking a tablet which means I can go to work?

I’m not going through benzo Withdrawal. I experienced mild withdrawal when they forgot to script me for 5mg in detox.

Withdrawal from 30mg could equal death. 

If I can’t order tonight I’m buying £100 of b and sticking it in one pin.

Job done.

They want me to lose my job. They want me dead. I’m fed up with life.

N knows all my diaries need to be sent to the Daily Mail along with this blog.

If you don’t hear from me by the end of the week, it’s over. 

Look out for an article in the Daily Mail about the junkie who was abused by her sick family and committed suicide. That’ll be me.


Gonna update this as much as possible in next 24 hours.

Only their congruency can save me now.

Fuck you world.

Over and out 


 #itsnotaboutthedrugs @Gemma_Stalked


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