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Sunday, 25 February 2018

❤️ I’m Under Investigation For Hate Crime Against Kate

I’ve had a message from ‘Detective Sergeant P*****from S***** Police CID, the message said we’ve ‘reported’ meaning someone had gone into the police, this suddenly changed to ‘ummm our cyber security team have intercepted hate crime against Kate B.

Clearly they haven’t actually found this themselves, someone who shall remain nameless has gone to the police station and screen shotted the nasty bits I’ve said, missing out all the reasons why I said the nasty bits.

So, I’ve now reported her theft from me, informed the police I had blocked her from my mobile, WhatsApp, Facebook and finally managed to block her from my blog. Then the comments came anonymously.

So, all of a sudden, when someone who can remain nameless  can’t abuse me anymore, she’s gone running to the police.

Well, two of your officers, Detective Sergeant P**** will be here tomorrow, ref CAD 0000 - 00.

I hope you are now watching my blog.

On the post on the 9th November - They’ve Stolen My Medication I leave a note at the bottom saying ignore comments from this person. Stupidly I didn’t screen shot her initial abuse. 

I then wrote a post saying someone - The Girl Who Keeps Commenting and explained that she stole from me, so I blocked her from contacting me. I later added she has the cheek to call me a Junkie, yet steals from the pound shop and lost her kids to drugs. This isn’t a hate crime. This isn’t discrimination. This is not deformation. This isn’t fabricated. This is the truth. How can writing the truth be a hate crime?

The definition of hate crime is

hate crime


noun: hate crime; plural noun: hate crimes

  1. a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence."legislation to stiffen penalties for persons convicted of hate crimes"

I fail to see how I meet any of that criteria. We are both white. I know she’s jealous I got it on with R*** and wouldn’t touch her with a barge pole, but my post certainly isn’t sexist. I’m not showing prejudice, yes I call her a junkie, I met her in fucking detox, but what’s the web address of this flipping blog!!!

However, unlike someone who shall remain nameless , I work, I own my house, I can get a contract phone, I don’t steal, my home isn’t used as a crack den, I didn’t lose my kids coz my drugs test, showed positive for opiates. 

And although she still has a large addiction to opiates  and crack she’s trying to have another baby, which will only be taken into care.

I would not even contemplate the idea of reproducing, until I had several years sobriety under my belt.

But regardless, I love sticking needles in my arms, in MY spare time, with the money I have WORKED HARD for. So yeah, I’m a junkie too. Just a completely different level than what nameless person is.

I have not threatened nameless person with violence. She’s threatened me violence, saying she’s gonna turn up here at my house with her partner.

Naturally I wanted to write the first post to explain to my readers why I was getting abuse from her. I added things like stealing from the Pound Shop and her kids being taken (all true) as the abuse kept coming.

Thankfully, I marked ‘most’ of her comments as spam, meaning I still have them. So far, between me a N, we have over 40 screen shots of abuse. I replied to not one message. They were either deleted or marked as spam. 

The second post - Nameless Person & Her Crack Head Friend was a plea for her to leave me alone. I bet she didn’t show the police that. It contained all the abuse she had sent me.

I’ve been told not to post her abuse, but it’s likely to be game over for me tomorrow, so I might just do that.

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