Atomoextine is the non-stimulant ADHD medication I was forced to go on before they put me back on Concerta. I was forced to use it for 3 months. It gave me such bad anxiety I had to start taking a beta blocker called Propranolol. I knew there was no way I’d be prescribed the other medication for anxiety which is benzodiazepines.
I also got one of the really rare side effects from it, which is menstrual bleeding. So basically I was on a 3 month period.
Buprenorphine is subutex or subbies. I’m prescribed that.
Benzos - as you know I’m addicted to these. Started using thanks to these wankers and the anxiety they cause me constantly... I mean, they would and still do, abuse me whether I’m clean or sober. Their abuse did and still does, cause me huge amounts of anxiety.
Adderall was purchased from Dream Market. Although I abused this (used intravenously), and this medication was not legit, it felt AMAZING!!! I did NOT get high. Far from it. It was like when I first took Concerta. On the 1-2 days I used this, I did not have the crippling anxiety I was plagued with. I used this not long after losing my job. It breaks my heart that bad in June, just pre ‘The Most Stupid Mistake I’ve Made In My Career’ my ADHD psyche refused to let me try the last ADHD med in the UK which is amphetamine based (Ritalin is methylphenidate, not amphetamine), as she was still judging me on my past. This was another huge influence in the big fuck up I made.
Methadone - actually about 16 months ago. Pre-rehab.
Methylphenidate - Ritalin / Concerta. Prescribed.
Modafinil - for narcolepsy... also supposed to work for ADHD... this was February this year. As my Concerta was failing me, I was desperately looking for anything that helped my meds work better and keep me from illegal drug use / self medication.
Opiate pain killers - only prescription codeine, 15-30mgs
Tramodol - prescribed when I was in hospital.
Zopiclone - purchased and given by my family (LOL... that makes them enablers!! 😁)
#Itsnotaboutthedrugs @Gemma_Stalked
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