This is why I'm going to kill myself 👍🏽 you're sick. You have NO reason to do this. I cannot believe you want me to believe this was a figment of my imagination, yet you're doing this now.
Having your daughter (I was once loved by you. You would do anything to protect me. Now you've killed me and dug my grave already) not just believe she had drug induced psychosis, you want me to think I'm proper crazy! Mentally insane. Coz this happens
an awful lot of the time when I'm fucking sober these days.
I told you, you were pushing me over the edge when I was kept awake when I had my Ritalin a few weeks ago.
As it goes, I had a 1.5'day break from my Ritalin over this weekend so I'm not especially tired.
Even if you do decide you want your daughter to live and do tell the truth, I doubt that I have a life in the UK. And I don't think I'll ever have kids. What if I turn on them when they've fucked up in life. What if I
Publicly ruin their lives/careers and do nasty evil things to them. What if I turn out as nasty as you? Makes sense to stop the genes spreading doesn't it.
And I thought I was a daddy's girl. 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
I thought my daddy would always go out of his way to love and protect me. But instead he's turned out to be the nastiest, vile, evil sicko father who's tormenting and abuse (coz let's be honest... What you did far surpassed 'psychosis'. You pushed it way too far. This isn't tough love. This just shows what a nasty, horrible, person you truly are).
I can only conclude you want me dead. You're fully aware when I did this last week you were pushing me to suicide.
You still do damn nasty things like trying to get my spliff wet, and when I realised you were snooping on my calls and messages on my iPad and changed my password to say you were cunts, you have the cheek to get pissed off and change it again so I lose everything on my iPad.
How would you feel if you wrote a diary on your laptop and I logged on every time you were out and read your diary and read your private emails and messages.
The only way I'm going to live is if I get to tell the truth. And that requires you being honest. That way I can earn money and then retain to be a drugs counsellor. I would like to have not just a job, but a career. I don't think education is a likely option anymore thanks to you.
You could at least let me have a chance to tell the truth and rebuild my career.
But you won't. Coz you want to take your dirty little secret to your graves.
But don't worry. Before I die i will send my autobiography to every media outlet I can find. Plus along with copies of my suicide notes. In will make sure your reputations get fucked. Just like you did to me. And because I'm dead, I know it'll get published!!
- contrary to The Sun article she was not addicted to crack and heroin, this was a lie, she was abusing the legal high ethylphenidate, which is legal Ritalin
- she was single female living alone, yet her family, including father who works for the metropolitan police regularly would break and enter to her home and steal items
- Her father also drove with a fake number plate in an attempt to hide his vehicle
- Whole family ganged up on her when she needed help, including her brothers girlfriend
- The results of their evil behaviour resulted in Jemma (I'm changing my name) having chronic anxiety, paranoia, and concerns about the security of her home
EVERYTHING, EVERY SINGLE THING. You'll go down as the worst parents in history especially as will include me practically begging with you to be honest or else there was no way out but my suicide. Everyone will know should you have been honest my death could have been prevented.
And I'll give them mdart's contact details to prove I wasn't on crack and heroin when you told your bullshit story which ultimately ensured I would commit suicide.
I can't wait to die, and get the truth out!!! It's the only way I'm going to clear my name.
Killing myself. (Plus I can't retire as
I've been written out of your will, do Daniel get a million pounds that's in this property, plus all your stuff, even the stuff I bought for you, which he'll only chuck, but rather then let me have keep sakes it's better to go to Daniels bin, but as its from me it's worth shit. Anyway, I have no partner to help me and I have no plans to be working until I die)
But oh don't you worry, I'll make sure EVERYONE knows every little nasty thing you did to your daughter, your sister.
3.30am dad goes downstairs with someone or to speak to. Someone. I go but stupidly don't check toilet
Leave door open
4am I'm standing by door. Someone in conservatory is making lights flash my eyes. Put sunglasses on and they make it flash darker. Can still hear commentary
5.25am dad comes down and shuts my door and goes downstairs. I can hear talking. Could be nice but dim
6.15am after coming up and telling mum 'she's awake!!' Dad leaves to Work super early with who ever he had in his room to torment me.
Why are they doing this to me? - they clearly want you dead. That old man was warned this would be the outcome but he
Torments you when your Ritalin keeps you awake. When you took nytol.
why are they so nasty. Not long and I'll be free (and dead but being free from this nasty privacy denying life is better than living with them tormenting me for the rest of my life) role on 2017.
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