Being psychic is not only a blessing,
It’s a curse.
The i can feel the atmosphere change.
No words need to be spoken.
But, I would be borderline retardation if I was to miss the sly glances, whispers and sniggers yesterday, when certain anxiety triggering words were mentioned, and your subsequent reactions.
And not just here. Everyone.
But as you are colleagues, who work with me and I believed were nice, kind, people, this behaviour is only causing the decline of my mental well-being to excellerate much quicker than if you refrained from behaviour, which quite frankly, only makes me feel worse and contributes to the urge to ensure I am no longer abused.
So, I am aware what you have been told, is far from congruent. I can admit I’ve had problems. And I’m happy to be congruent about them, as no one is perfect. But as your actions only make me feel much worse, I think its time for you to know what really happened.
My ADHD was undiagnosed for 30 years.
Treatment for ADHD is stimulant medications
Therefore prior to being medicated, it was easy to fall into the trap of self medicating.
Unfortunately after 15 years of doing so, I reached a point where I needed help.
I turned to my family. The people who had promised to always help me, take away my pain and never give up on me.
I was mislead.
I was stupid