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Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Random Note - April 2018

Where have my feelings gone?

Why am I so numb?

Whilst I enjoy no negative, I miss the positive

I do miss the people who 'were' my family, but not the people who they are now.  The people I miss are long gone (dead) and I'll never get them back.

So telling the truth and prosecution are my only option.

They'll NEVER stop



You haven't seen any of these drugs I'm supposed to be taking, coz I haven't.

Which naturally leads to anger, as I'm under no disillusion the reason I evoke so much negativity from the public is due to you believing wild, fabricated tales of my uncontrollable drug use.

Well one would have anticipated you may have not been so gullible and believed everything you read! 

Surely suspicions should have arose when instructed not to communicate with me and ask me what's happened.

Anyway, if you find any, they answer to the names of dark, light, smack, brown, green, chro, food, powder, let me know, as I could fucking do with some!!!!

Message To Enablers

They are abusing me chronically.  I can only assume they want me to kill myself.  Why are you enabling them?  All they do is destroy my mental health.  They're aware this leads to substance abuse, due to my ADHD.  I don't use that often.  I have been sexually assaulted due to the abuse from them and the public.  I work, pay taxes, mortgage, bills.  Why help them destroy me.

26th May 2018 - Tarot

8 Branches - ESCAPE

Use personal power efficiently.  Plans unfold effortlessly.  Everything falls into place.  No fear /judgement.  Share truth

Crocodile - HOME
Renewal, transformation, forgiveness (yeah fuck that one), freedom, job, true identity (I haven't been myself since rehab).  Embrace dark secrets, soar into new.  Transformation.  Accept and forgive.  Liberated from constraints.  Feel deep, set free, lighten up and fly.

01st June 2018 - Tarot

King of Swords
Brilliant, truthful, just transformation (getting to tell the truth to the public and me finally having my victory lap!)
Strength and wisdom
Small minded view points (in relation to what people believe thanks to my family?)
Widen perspectives (tell my story and subsequent change?)
Detail, finer points, what I need to know (I'll find out what happened?)
Reveals hidden truth (what my family have lied about?)
and glimpse into the unknown (all the lies?)
Fair, honest, sees clearly (my family have NOT been fair, with telling all the lies to evoke as much public hatred as possible for me)

11th June 2018 - Record of Harassment

Well I went to Victim Support today which was utterly amazing.

The lady there looked at me like I was a little mad at first.  Then I showed her the evidence I have of cameras in light bulbs, and said I had no doubt, as this behaviour continued, that my father had put a permanent structure in place when 'doing up' my house.  I said my electrical bills would confirm this.

She was amazing and said they could support me with a stalking and harassment order, which is enough for me, at the moment.

Once I've got this done, I'll be straight to Closer Magazine (or similar) and sell my story about having to get an injunction against my crazy family due to their behaviour.

Hopefully the money will cover me having to buy a new phone.

Anyway, when I left, I went to the Civic Centre in Morden.  I sat on a bench.  There were loads of free benches, but up comes Mr ESOL, talking (probably about me) loudly on his mobile.  And instead of going to an empty bench, he crossed the norms of society and sat next to me.

I got up and moved straight away.  And then he did too.

I cannot wait to sell my story and let everyone know the people they have been supporting are the real evil people who will stop at nothing to make me miserable.

04th June 2018 - Record of Harrassment

Well today I had to go MDART or whatever the fuck it's called now.  I'm still getting a LOT of attention.  Because these psychopaths have hacked my phone and WiFi, I went to Wetherspoons and just sat outside with my headphones on reading the news.

Queue some chav of a bloke outside the pub, who clearly made a phone call about me.  I wasn't too interested, but as he finished his call I packed up to leave.

And here came the guilt, oozing out of every pore in his body!!

He got all flustered.  It was very amusing.  He tried to offer me 2/3rds of a pint in order for me to stay!!  He was clearly feeling uncomfortable at whatever he said in his conversation and my departure.

Answer to this people?  If you haven't got anything God Damn nice to say, don't say nothing at all.  Don't believe the bullshit you read, especially if the make believe story tell you NOT to speak to the person who stars in this story and find out their side.

Mitcham.....  Putting the mental into judgement since 2014.

Monday, 18 June 2018

No Privacy Windows & Lights - June 2018

Hi All

This is a continuation of Camera Lightbulbs which you can find if you use the search engine on my blog.  As you know, prior to my father doing work on my house, I found surveillance equipment in every single room in my home.

My father then had the house re-wired and new windows put in.  However, this wasn't done out of kindness, this was to ensure they could continue to abuse me with a more permanent structure.

I will be getting a statement of my electricity costs, as these have been incredibly high whilst living in the house of horrors.  I dread to think the expense of what ever they have done, to make my life a misery.

Here is a heat sensitive photo my double glazer mate took of different parts of my house.

The first one, is a light in one of the bedrooms.  It was late afternoon last summer, so would not have been used for ages.  As you can see it's rather warm for a device which was in the shade and switched off.  This was the light in the main bedroom I was going to have as my room.

Photo 15-08-2017, 12 23 00 am.jpg 

Now this light, was on the cold side of the house, so should have been even cooler.  Again you can see it's imitting heat.

Photo 15-08-2017, 12 23 03 am.jpg

Finally I have the window frame.  I am well aware they use the windows for abuse, as I've seen pre-recorded images being shown on them, which included my cat, who was also sat next to me (and therefore should not be seen in the reflection at the same time

Photo 15-08-2017, 12 23 07 am.jpg 

My double glazing friend also noticed the weird temperatures coming from these items.

Saturday, 16 June 2018

16th June 2018 - Journal

Hi All

Haven't logged on in ages.  Mainly due to my iPhone still being hacked, and not having access to my own WiFi.

I did have a video on my phone showing my WiFi name coming up in my phone's search, and yet my WiFi box being off.

I'll get another one.  They won't stop abusing me, so it's not that hard.

I've resigned the fact I will need to fork out another £2,000 on a new phone and laptop.  Obviously it's not worth investing in anything until I move.

On a positive note... House sale has gone through.  Just waiting on the funds.  Hopefully my favourite candidate from my last job will come and help me do a few repairs.

Another great piece of news.....  Saw Victim Support and I asked for help.  Showed them pics of the surveillance in the lights and I suspected this would still be present in my home, as nothing has changed and my father did all the work...  They're gonna help me get injunctions against them!!!!

Once I've done that I can go to the media, and ensure no one plays their fucking nasty stalking game!

Anyway, I'm trying to restore all the evidence they have deleted off my Twitter and shit.

But the cameras in the light bulbs, my high leccy bill, numerous trips to Apple and times I've missed work are enough to ensure stalking and harassment charges.

Plus I have the evidence of the damaged needles, and the subsequent scars on my legs.

I am going all the way with this one.  They have given me NO break.  Sober or not.

Right, over and out for now.

17th May 2018 - Being Psychic

Being psychic is not only a blessing,
It’s a curse. 

The i can feel the atmosphere change.

  No words need to be spoken.

 But, I would be borderline retardation if I was to miss the sly glances, whispers and sniggers yesterday, when certain anxiety triggering words were mentioned, and your subsequent reactions.

And not just here. Everyone.

But as you are colleagues, who work with me and I believed were nice, kind, people, this behaviour is only causing the decline of my mental well-being to excellerate much quicker than if you refrained from behaviour, which quite frankly, only makes me feel worse and contributes to the urge to ensure I am no longer abused.

So, I am aware what you have been told, is far from congruent. I can admit I’ve had problems. And I’m happy to be congruent about them, as no one is perfect. But as your actions only make me feel much worse, I think its time for you to know what really happened.

My ADHD was undiagnosed for 30 years.

Treatment for ADHD is stimulant medications

Therefore prior to being medicated, it was easy to fall into the trap of self medicating.

Unfortunately after 15 years of doing so, I reached a point where I needed help.

I turned to my family. The people who had promised to always help me, take away my pain and never give up on me.

I was mislead.

I was stupid