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Thursday, 7 June 2018

25th May 2018 – Records of Abuse & Crime

Abuse all day whilst out.

Emailed Julie from Longreach - previous concerns about me returning to my abusers.

Bloke at Feltham laughed in my face out loud and then said ‘I no I shouldn’t... but! Haha’ 5.35pm ish

Here them all night in neighbouring properties.

Seemed concerned when I stated as I could no longer sort my life out, I’m clearly not safe in this house, I must focus on escape and escape only.

11.05pm outside feeding pets / smoking, pets are distressed again 

Weird vibration feeling under sofa, which is the same as what I felt the night my phone was taken and hacked.

I have no doubt the plug sockets can be manipulated some how to gain access.  This would explain why my phone was taken whilst on charge.  And would explain why the lovely silver, screwless switches I purchased all vanished.

My rabbits dislike me more and more. And Orion has been spending less and less time here. I think this is a big sign they want me dead. They don’t want me to kill Orion, so they’ve probably got someone here to steal him. They scare my rabbits so they hate me.

It couldn’t be much clearer they want me dead. I’m heart broken. I always had a tiny glimmer of hope they’d let me have my fresh start with my pets. I’m broken. I cannot be sober anymore ever again.

And I have to make sure every single fucker who had abused me, gets my story the night before I do it. 

Oh mum and dad. I knew you hated me. I never thought you wanted me dead. My blog will exist.

And people will know. 

I will miss the people you used to be,

Thanks for destroying me in the most cruelly, degrading, evil, abusive manner possible.

There is no god.

But where ever I go, it’ll be good: and you’ll never be there.

The girl who was once your baby. Who died internally 4 years ago.


200mg morphine in opiate naive. 

26th May 2018 – Records of Abuse & Crime

Wake up to find my notes of my notes tarot reading ‘the Devil’ open, and my email app open. Haven’t touched phone all night. Closed all apps.
Phone still hacked. (Note, calls to mobile went to VM - time of hacking).
WiFi been down for days, yet my WiFi keeps appearing on my phone. Do several re-sets. Still unable to join my WiFi! This is an example of how I am isolated. I cannot download Facebook, and talk to my friends.
Notice they’ve delete the emails with evidence from twitter of the electricity in my windows. No surprise there then. The tweets about them have vanished too. Never mind. Nothing can be permanently deleted. And it will all be traceable back to them. Idiots. More and more evidence.

27th May 2018 – Records of Abuse & Crime

Ring worth £800 20 years ago with diamond is now diamond free and worth £375

27th May 2018 – Tarot Card For The Day

The Devil
Dark fears, secret desires, power, enslavement, freedom
Holds our fear, anger, guilt, lust and shame. Feelings we reject and repress or deem evil to separate ourselves
What enslaves you - My family, not being able to move and have my fresh start, where I’m happy, anonymous and have privacy.
What temps you - Anger to continue hurting them, like they continue to do for me.
What scares you - My family
What holds the deepest secrets you don’t want people to see - My family who have disclosed them to everyone and neglected to tell anything redeeming
Examination of
Obsessions - Obsessed with them, them hurting me, not having privacy etc.
Addictions - Drugs. One I will never overcome whilst I live here without anonymity, privacy and security in my home
Negative thoughts - ADHD + the above, is destroying me.
See clearly even though you’re in the dark.
See your self authentically - Don’t let their actions destroy you. You ARE a good person.
This card helps through difficult times
Face the dark, release guilt and negativity (the feelings you have because what your family have done), accept who you are (a good person and it’s not your fault you’ve been destroyed)
Move towards light - Keep fighting for what you want - and free yourself
Chains are self imposed - Your own negativity is preventing you from getting what you want
Embrace your shadow (you cannot undo anything they’ve done, only endeavour to make it better for you), liberate your life (fight for what you want Jay!!)

28th May 2018 – Email To Sky – Hacked WiFi

Dear Sirs

I am the victim of an incredibly malicious hacking / abuse / hate campaign

My abusers want me to be isolated and are preventing me from connecting to my WiFi.

They also stolen the phone, apple replaced, due to the hacking, and subsequent abuse which followed my phone hacking. However, within a couple of days they illegally entered my home, purely to re-hack the phone, so they could delete some evidence of their abuse off my device (they are intelligent people, so I cannot comprehend as to why they believe they are able to erase four years of abuse... when I have records with Amazon - stolen deliveries, Apple - hacking, IT at work - Hacking, plus even ludicrous items, like a 24 carrot gold, emerald and diamond ring, worth £800 20 years ago, coming back as worth £375, being 18 carrot, no diamonds nor emerald!!)

Please see attached for my screen record of trying to reset my WiFi, yet before the WiFi light was green, my Sky user name SKYCEB99 was still showing on my iPhone.

Please can you reset my default password. You can either call me on Tuesday on 0209 999 9999 or post it to my work address

I also need a record of my calls from my landline. Whilst my mobile was taken and being hacked, I endeavoured to call it twice and it went to voicemail. This will be crucial in identifying the correct time they had stolen my phone.

Any communication, to my work email (cc-d, but do NOT send a new password via email! They’ve hacked my work PC too!!)

If I am unable to connect, given the circumstances, perhaps you could ‘pause’ my WiFi, until I have moved somewhere safe.

Kind regards 


28th May 2018 – Records of Abuse & Crime

Deleted previous record of abuse

Turned off TV at / 10.50pm to see if i was sleeping

29th May 2018 – Email to Longreach

Dear Longreach,

Thank you for listening to me.  I appreciate any form of help you are able to give me.  I have tried to phone Sunflower, but I just got their answer phone.  The mobile number from the internet I have doesn’t work either.

Earlier on, when I was trying to call you off my landline at work it wouldn’t go through.

The levels they have gone to, to abuse me, is sickening.  You are probably the only people I can be 100% congruent with.

I am NOT safe in my home.  They took my mobile on the early hours of Friday last week.  I made two calls to my mobile from my landline, and it went to voicemail.  Then the mobile returned.  This was a brand new phone, and now it’s hacked.

They have deleted some of my Twitter posts with evidence of their abuse, and some emails with evidence of their abuse.  The fact they are going to these extremes to hide their actions, makes things even worse.  As they clearly know they are wrong.  My phone will have enough error reports to evident it’s been hacked again.

I do have quite a lot of evidence now.  At the moment, they won’t let me connect to my Facebook and contact people as they want me isolated.

When I look at domestic violence and the lists of what is abuse, bar being punched, I’ve suffered every form of abuse possible.  I’m scared as they hacked my phone before I came to Devon to see my estate agent.  They are probably well aware of where I will be living now.  I know abusers DON’T STOP, so I am petrified they will be endeavouring to do something to my new home, so they can continue.

The public hate campaign is sickening.  The abuse I receive….  I still see Rose.  She was with me yesterday and is witness to my phone switching itself on and people staring at me (beyond what is acceptable…  Like, I’m aware I am not anonymous here).

The last time I had privacy was at Longreach and I shared a room.

I also need to let you know I have pets, which are my reason for living.  1 cat and 3 rabbits.  I cannot abandon them.  As unlike my parents with me, I have promised my pets I’ll be there for them until they die.

Naturally, for me to reach out to you, should be evidence enough of the extreme levels the abuse has got to.  My mental health is declining.  I can’t sleep, I can’t eat and I’m a fucking mess.

I know they want me to give up, so they can get their dirty little hands on my phone, and endeavour to erase 4 years of abuse.  I shouldn’t have to die because I am being abused.  I should have privacy in my own home.  I should NOT have a hacked mobile tracking me.  I should feel safe in my own home.  Even if I was the terrible, terrible person they’ve portrayed, I should still be entitled to the above.

Sunflower – Please contact me!!

020 9999 9999

My mobile – 07999 999 999 IS NOT SAFE



29th May 2018 – Problems With iPhone

Can’t share blog posts

Can’t change passwords

Switches self on

Siri is constantly listening

Can’t change certain settings

My twitter password keeps being re-set

Takes photos itself

Certain apps won’t work

Constantly keeps record of when phone is active, inactive and what I’m doing and for how long

Can’t type, keeps putting wrong words in, changing correct word

Crashed Mac at iPhone store x 3 when trying to get serial number via cable (told

The bloke that meant this problem not fixed)

Look at number of error reports since DFU

When DFU time initially is always +6 hours

Simple things causing energy drain.

Constantly needs to be on charge

Springboard in Jetsam

Wouldn’t let me upload Vids to you tube

Restore - comes up as ‘false’ in error reports

Running apps I haven’t opened

Emails deleted from mail app


Won’t let me tweet

My tweets have been deleted

0xbaaaaaad - hacking extension


2017 – Lyrics

Welcome everyone

To a spit about me

I had bear fun

Still ends in tragedy

Started on drugs

Bear young to you see

So I hole I did

Starting with ecstasy

Moved on to coke

Don’t forget the weed

And soon I’d toke

On crack and b

My life became a fucking mess

I screwed it up

And tried my best 

2017 – Untitled Note

Had Shit like before

Did my angry letter and got sad

Wrote all about going Spain for legal highs

And committing suicide and self harm

P**** asked me why I was here

I replied I didn’t know

Now I have a positive letter to write